{"tweet_id":"718152140305248257_2018-06-05T01:09:25.000Z","text":"Just in time for #PrideMonth #Pride2018 #SCOTUS rules in favor of baker, make no mistake, I support folks being gay and all, what I don’t support are those individuals using that as a means to claim some sort of fake rage and false victim hood just because","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"380268462_2018-06-05T04:54:00.000Z","text":"The silliness of the day-long kerfuffle over whether or not Justice Kennedy’s majority opinion in Masterpiece Cakeshop could fairly be described as “narrow” has me _really_ excited for Twitter’s reaction to #SCOTUS’s upcoming rulings on partisan gerrymandering & the travel ban...","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"2732194677_2018-06-05T06:29:38.000Z","text":"The @Scotus ruling was a 🥧 pie-in-the-face to liberal lunacy. \r\n\r\n@charliekirk11 @Richzeoli @DennisDMZ \r\n\r\n🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂\r\n\r\n#CakeEquality #SCOTUS #liberaltears","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"231938447_2018-06-04T14:52:44.000Z","text":"Let’s be real, lame anti-gay cake probably sucks anyway. \r\n\r\nAlso, I love you Sonia Sotomayor and RBG ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜\r\n\r\n#masterpiececakeshop #scotus","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"713426483566522370_2018-06-04T17:27:56.000Z","text":"#ReligiousFreedom #SCOTUS \r\nWould a Muslim baker make a gay wedding cake?","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"798379705804038144_2018-06-04T22:13:44.000Z","text":"I’m happy SCOTUS ruled in favor of the baker. Religious liberty should always be honored. Marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Why are we allowing the abomination that is the LGBTQ community corrupt our country? Gay marriage should be illegal.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1161006620_2020-07-09T14:38:47.000Z","text":"Breaking: Supreme Court rules New York prosecutors can see Trump’s tax returns. Now we know why the US attorney for the Southern District was fired.","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"1232080243457961984_2020-07-09T15:32:39.000Z","text":"SUPREME COURT: \r\n\r\nTRUMP IS NOT ABOVE THE LAW!","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"75445217_2020-07-09T14:19:17.000Z","text":"Not gonna lie....shocked Kavanaugh rules against Trump. I totally thought he was bought and paid for! #SCOTUS #TrumpIsLosing #TrumpIsNotWell","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"33100567_2020-07-09T15:16:34.000Z","text":"Gonna have a drink at “the low bar” to celebrate SCOTUS ruling that laws sometimes apply to the president.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"18517221_2018-06-08T06:04:22.000Z","text":"Any store has the right to hang any sign in their window they wish. Patrons also have the right to spend their money elsewhere. It’s an easy free market solution. Just put them out of business. #SCOTUS #ruling #Resistance #resist #resistbot","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"2240189610_2020-07-09T19:44:01.000Z","text":"What's in your tax records Donnie? More corruption, lies Barr can't stop us from setting the record straight. Thank you Supreme Court Justices, at least 7 of you understand the President is NOT above the law.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"1252748378892632064_2020-07-09T16:27:43.000Z","text":"Donald Trumps Temper tantrum over Supreme Court ruling gives me lifeee!!! Keep it going bunker bitch #TrumpTaxes #SCOTUS #TrumpMeltdown #TrumpTaxReturns","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"894703634658635777_2018-06-04T16:50:44.000Z","text":"1 or 2 more appointments and the Supreme Court will be once again be upholding the Constitution instead of interpreting it.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"1252784556_2018-06-04T20:04:04.000Z","text":"Bravo to the Supreme Court for not allowing crazy leftists to force feed their agenda onto free americans just trying to live guided by their principles. Hopefully this sends a message. #getyourcakesomewhereelse #crybabies","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"878704818323247109_2020-07-09T16:40:39.000Z","text":"Jay Sekulow Trump's lawyer who argued his case before the Supreme Court is drinking big time right now. And he's about to be fired and probably not being paid. Good morning!!!","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"306112609_2018-06-05T09:29:41.000Z","text":"As a Christian, I’m not rejoicing over #SCOTUS decision, that the Baker didn’t have to make the cake. We aren’t called to agree with our neighbor, we are called to love them! #LoveYourNeighbor #BeLikeJesus #LoveWins","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"15281435_2020-07-14T21:49:54.000Z","text":"2020... how can I make this year more chaotic for the election?\r\n\r\nHow about adding the drama of #RBG stepping down from the Supreme Court!! #SCOTUS #Trump2020Landslide","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"774310883359006720_2020-07-09T15:47:59.000Z","text":"2nd part Supreme Ct Rulings: TODAY Trump got his ass kicked 2-X resoundingly 7-2 by the high court. Regardless of his own denials he now knows he will face NY DA’s criminal charges Feb’21 Vote to send him packing! Your life your family your nation deserves an honest president","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"14609252_2020-07-09T16:21:15.000Z","text":"Maybe just maybe the lower courts are getting stacked with incompetent wingnut judges and the Supreme Court is getting a lot of things right.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"965411291081904128_2020-07-09T14:41:52.000Z","text":"At the same moment #BLM is painted in front of Trump Tower, SCOTUS rules against him regarding his taxes. I’m grinning imagining the temper tantrum Baby Trump is throwing right now. #Biden2020","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"758143000715329536_2020-07-09T14:28:51.000Z","text":"“No president is above the law.” - The supreme court July 9, 2020 #LawAndOrder #lockhimup","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"910124566231621632_2020-07-09T15:46:50.000Z","text":"Lmao at least I got a laugh even tho scotus pussied out today. They have started painting BLACK LIVES MATTER directly in front of trump tower on 5th avenue hahahahays","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"59324804_2020-07-09T14:19:20.000Z","text":"Supreme Court rules against @POTUS and now we get to see tax returns!! Someone in the Oval Office is going to be an angry orange guy today!","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"14119938_2018-06-04T16:02:38.000Z","text":"It’s time to form a gay religion. #Pride #SCOTUS #cupcakewars","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"33791935_2020-07-09T14:25:25.000Z","text":"Justice #ClarenceThomas is waste of space on the #scotus","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"939998124856303619_2018-06-05T16:00:25.000Z","text":"I thank God for the ruling that came down from SCOTUS on the baker who didn't want to bake the cake. Fellow Americans we should not have to go against our Christian faith. We Christians have bent over backwards for other faith. We have been trampled","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"159729004_2018-06-04T18:39:55.000Z","text":"Going to need @maddow to explain why our Supreme Court could approve discrimination based on Religious Practice.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"15085237_2018-06-04T14:50:14.000Z","text":"The @AP worded their headline/tweet about this morning's SCOTUS ruling in a way that could imply either a narrow/close vote, or a narrow/focused legal application. The vote was 7-2. You can decide if you believe it was a purposeful or biased wording choice.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"1496118650_2018-06-04T14:54:22.000Z","text":"SCOTUS is trash.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"26350255_2018-06-04T18:28:26.000Z","text":"My concern w #SCOTUS ruling is who will we be able to deny services to next? #Muslims #Jews #africanamericans #women #elderly #handicapped ? #aclu","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"993217899354644481_2020-07-14T21:40:55.000Z","text":"BREAKING: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been hospitalized for a possible infection, per a SCOTUS spokesperson. @Scotus @ruthbadergins","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"26730338_2018-06-04T16:12:13.000Z","text":"Thank you Supreme Court I take pride in your decision!!!!✝️ #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"2672494308_2020-07-09T05:14:01.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court is going to disappoint us tomorrow. And trump will feel even more untouchable. He’ll brag about it at his Klan rallies. Sweaty orange spray tan pooling above his lip, smug faced as he gloats and brags. It makes me sick.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1289157457_2020-07-09T16:39:24.000Z","text":"Oooooh @Scotus has really upset Spanky now! #TrumpIsATraitor #TrumpIsACriminal #LockHimUp","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"794919487_2020-07-10T12:41:30.000Z","text":"I call BS on @MSNBC narrative on Supreme Court decision. Evaluation should be a mgianst criteria if Rule of Law. @WillieGeist @chucktodd ask poltical questions. Trump’s cases so outrageous no other answers were possible. Cases say nothing about SCOTUS partisanship.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"755584963467018240_2020-07-09T14:32:34.000Z","text":"The president wins again. @realdonaldtrump scotus rules the Democrats can't have President Trump's Financial records. #coronavirus #scotus #Trump","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"821901681231298560_2020-07-09T22:12:51.000Z","text":"I’m telling you now. Vance knows Trump is Fucked. Deutsche Bank knows Trump is fucked. The Supreme Court knows Trump is fucked. Federal court of Appeals knows Trump is fucked. Trump knows Trump is fucked.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"147659600_2018-06-04T16:13:10.000Z","text":"The US Supreme Court decides the Wedding cake case today; finding that the commission violated the rights of the baker of the cake by taking a hostile view of his religious beliefs, dodging the central issue in the case. \r\n\r\n#MasterpieceCakeshop","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"897591821148319744_2020-07-15T22:38:32.000Z","text":"Donald Trump has lost in the Supreme Court but for some reason he’s still fighting the Manhattan DA. It seems Trump doesn’t want anyone to have access to his financial records related to hush money payments to two women, one of whom is the porn actress Stormy Daniels.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"317892834_2018-06-04T16:21:59.000Z","text":"When people say my vote doesn’t matter, just remember the #POTUS selects #SCOTUS members....just saying","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"24294066_2020-07-09T15:30:37.000Z","text":"This Supreme Court ruling highlights why there needs to be term limits for scotus, healthcare needs to uncoupled from employment, Christianity brings nothing but evil but, most importantly it shows you why voting at every level matters","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"2163559891_2020-07-09T17:33:26.000Z","text":"Like first round draft picks #SCOTUS justices aren’t perfectly predictable, hurrah\r\n#gorsuch #Kavanaugh #roberts","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"42984653_2020-07-09T20:54:34.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court of Illinois has ordered the Illinois Board of Admissions to the Bar to respond to our petition by July 13th.","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"236655360_2018-06-04T14:24:46.000Z","text":"Supreme Court rules in favor of Colorado baker! This day is getting better by the minute!","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"1704646470_2020-07-09T14:18:19.000Z","text":"Both of the people who Trump put on the Supreme Court said that New York could seek his financial records. 😂","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"935184019712626690_2018-06-05T03:48:36.000Z","text":"So totally pro LGBT and all but that dude who wouldn't make that cake for the same-sex wedding totally holds that right as a business owner to refuse service at his discretion in my opinion, but what do you think?\r\n\r\n#SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"1265710676317818881_2020-07-09T22:41:08.000Z","text":"to the judges of the United States supreme Court if you still want to be the top judges in the world then you might want to speak in English badkreczmerrj68@gmail.com we and my fellow Americans would love for you to email me back.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"532667596_2018-06-04T18:16:34.000Z","text":"Why is everyone saying the SCOTUS decision was narrow? It was 7-2 ruling in favor of discrimination.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1077017899_2018-06-04T15:12:14.000Z","text":"DOES SCOTUS HAVE NO RESPECT FOR WEST COAST NEWS REPORTERS WHO ARE JUST GETTING TO WORK","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"597065946_2020-07-17T07:04:26.000Z","text":"It’s November. Ohio is blue. Dems flip Chabot’s seat. They make obvious gains in the State House. They flip the Supreme Court seat. It’s beautiful.","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"76573338_2020-07-09T03:42:40.000Z","text":"With today’s #SCOTUS opinion, we have yet another reminder of our country’s dire need for #UniversalHealthcare","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"19055032_2020-07-09T14:30:31.000Z","text":"“@realDonaldTrump is not above the law” Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"2408430052_2020-07-09T17:26:20.000Z","text":"My analysis of today’s SCOTUS decisions: Trump loses (NY subpoenas); Rule of Law wins (Congressional subpoenas).","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"3310874352_2018-06-04T18:51:18.000Z","text":"Conserative Supreme Court Ruling How Political View Feflex in Vote. NOT CONSTITUTIONAL LAWS. They Rule Favor of Protecting Tran genter > MarrageCostitutional Rights .At the same time Ended African Amer Civil RIGHTS VOTE Laws Congress Passed . Now Supreme Court Ruling WATER DOWN<","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"80668450_2020-07-17T02:07:29.000Z","text":"Also a reminder, Biden doesn’t make me excited either, but you’re voting for 2 Supreme Court justices too....","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"605141844_2020-07-09T14:19:59.000Z","text":"Uh oh #SCOTUS just said trumps gotta turn over those taxes. You know he’s been “under audit” for years.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"10619812_2020-07-09T23:45:51.000Z","text":"Ever get the feeling that the only adult in the room is the Supreme Court ... #SCOTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"1478101897_2018-06-04T18:09:51.000Z","text":"Can’t escape the awful irony of someone allowed to use religion to discriminate against people in love. \r\nNot my Jesus. \r\n#opentoall #SCOTUS #Hypocrisy #MasterpieceCakeshop","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"43052619_2020-07-17T16:15:22.000Z","text":"I hate to see anyone sick and suffering but I have great mixed emotions about supreme court justice Ginsburg!","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"21792408_2018-06-04T15:46:03.000Z","text":"I can’t believe this cake case went all the way to #SCOTUS . Can someone let me know what cake was ultimately served at the wedding? Are they married and living happily ever after?","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"2758342215_2018-06-04T17:52:37.000Z","text":"In light of the recent Supreme Court decision, I’d like to remind everyone that who you vote for can directly influence supreme court decisions. Pick elected officials who will choose the right judges. #VOTE","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"1547018905_2020-07-09T14:32:46.000Z","text":"Alright, Supreme Court handed down their ruling. Time to make #TrumpTaxes public information","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"316449565_2018-06-05T00:16:52.000Z","text":"SCOTUS opinion on CO wedding cake case NOT disaster. Pro LGBT Justice Kennedy wrote opinion, joined by libs Breyer & Kagan & 4 conservatives. Case sent back to lower court to determine whether religious rghts had been considered. Many other opinions filed. No precedent/consensus.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"256647906_2020-07-09T11:20:12.000Z","text":"Remember when u knew the NEWS came to you with objectivity? We are now religated to which \"bias\" we want to hear. Last night 95 min of COVID on CNN. At least on FOX I got to hear about the Coronavirus, the SCOTUS decisions, & Ghislaine Noelle Maxwell.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"240253673_2020-07-10T13:42:08.000Z","text":"DICK OF THE DAY: CLARENCE THOMAS OF SCOTUS.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"874839936_2018-06-04T14:21:08.000Z","text":"US Supreme court voted in favor of the baker ..👍","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"23954676_2020-07-10T04:24:29.000Z","text":"Jul 9, 2020, 6:28 PM\r\nDuring a roundtable with Hispanic leaders, President Trump said that the Supreme Court rulings on his financial records were a \"political witch hunt\" and a \"hoax.\"\r\nI don't know how to even comment on that characterization of THE SCOTUS.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"54211009_2020-07-17T18:30:08.000Z","text":"I’m definitely not a fan of RBG but I pray for her health. Just because I disagree with her doesn’t mean I can’t care for her #RBG #SCOTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"2180624725_2020-07-09T17:30:42.000Z","text":"The best thing about today’s subpoena opinions: rejection of the Trump-Barr theory of a president accountable to no one but voters. \r\n\r\nThe worst thing: judicial manipulation of federal court practice to ensure that SCOTUS looks good while others deal with the fallout.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"995321585618833409_2018-06-04T18:44:12.000Z","text":"#SupremeCourt Remember Seinfeld's \"Soup Nazi\"...he didn't need a SCOTUS ruling, to deny serving customers, for whatever reason. Times have certainly changed.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"2192819926_2018-06-04T16:02:45.000Z","text":"Okay, @ann_w_duncan what's up with this #SCOTUS decision?!?","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"269992801_2018-06-04T21:07:19.000Z","text":"Today’s Supreme Court ruling in MasterPiece Cakeshop v Colorado Civil Rights Commission found that the Commission showed an impermissible hostility toward religion. Religious freedom matters; I was proud to sign the Religious Freedom Restoration Act here in Arkansas. #arleg #arpx","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"24408575_2018-06-04T11:06:40.000Z","text":"This is fascinating. Apparently POTUS can kill someone in the middle of Mardi Gras and there's not a damn thing anyone can do about it. BUT POTUS cannot ...\r\n* Name a Supreme Court justice in his last year in office ...\r\n• Protect trans federal employees from discrimination....","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"324519139_2018-06-04T14:37:44.000Z","text":"Supreme Court ruling 7- 2 for the Baker, and religious freedom\r\nThank u God #MAGA","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"62826316_2020-07-11T01:30:45.000Z","text":"Micheal Cohen was release from prison over COVID concerns, until the #SCOTUS decisions “went against” Trump. The same day he was sent back. Roger Stone had his sentences commuted today. I sure hope Donald doesn’t have him killed.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"484202820_2020-07-09T03:58:11.000Z","text":"Good night fellow resistors! Can’t wait to hear SCOTUS rulings in the morning.","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"285471356_2020-07-09T01:03:22.000Z","text":"The SCOTUS ruling on birth control is the least surprising thing to ever happen bc WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK WHEN WILL THIS FUCKERY END IM SO SICK OF EVERYTHING BEING THE WORST!!!!!! 😤😤😤 @2020","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"147634420_2018-06-04T19:03:29.000Z","text":"#SCOTUS with it's most recent ruling has actually created an opportunity for the creation of a nationwide bakery chain that caters to every one no matter who you are, race, religion, sexual orientation, life style choice, career and whatever pet! Everyone's Bakery!","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"1592418702_2018-06-04T14:49:43.000Z","text":"In light of the Supreme Court siding with the baker who refused to bake a gay couple‘s wedding cake, I wanted to make a quick post about how thankful and PROUD I am to be a part of the LGBT community. It's pride month, and no court decision can take away our pride! #GayAndProud","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"1046361864_2020-07-09T14:56:28.000Z","text":"Teaching Separation of Powers (Con Law I) this fall is going to be 🔥. #Mazars #Vance #SCOTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"3343758045_2020-07-15T02:20:06.000Z","text":"Voting for the lesser of two evils & organizing local grassroots movements arent mutually exclusive; it feels like a bunch of edgy marxists are trying to find a million reasons not to vote for Biden when there’s a Supreme Court seat in jeopardy & there’s kids in detention centers","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"271270865_2018-06-04T19:15:58.000Z","text":"How astonishing: the same people who don't know what a whitepaper is yet declare that bitcoin is a \"scam\" are the same people who think a #SCOTUS decision, easily found online, says about 80 things it specifically makes pains to not say!","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"80941634_2018-06-07T16:44:00.000Z","text":"\"...No gays allowed...\"\r\nApparently after the recent supreme court 'baker' decision this was a sign posted on a business. Wondering how long before the rebirth of no blacks, muslim, immigrants signs.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"558645948_2020-07-15T00:07:57.000Z","text":"Lots of talk of cancel culture these days, but the kind that I'm most concerned with right now is when SCOTUS literally decides to cancel a life in the middle of the night. Abolish the death penalty.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"4881381633_2018-06-04T22:36:35.000Z","text":"Two female homos on the Supreme Court voted against the baker who refused to bake a cake for two homos. Fortunately seven court members upheld the baker.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"215340947_2018-06-06T14:20:21.000Z","text":"The FBI sll under cover use metro Dade transit and manipulated it so I want the supreme Court Justice to have both parties involved explain it","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"279819556_2018-06-04T19:13:42.000Z","text":"Whenever I see a headline that contains the phrase “SCOTUS’s Masterpiece Ruling” my first thought is that the ruling landed a triple axel or something.\r\n\r\nAnyway who’s up to make wedding pie a thing","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"961305445_2020-07-09T14:33:42.000Z","text":"#BREAKING: Manhattan DA reax to SCOTUS ruling on Trump taxes “This is a tremendous victory for our nation’s system of justice and its founding principle that no one – not even a president – is above the law.” ½ #trump #trumptaxes #Mazars #cyvance","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"21025910_2020-07-17T17:34:54.000Z","text":"All of the middle aged white men calling on Ruth Bader Ginsburg to retire would resign immediately to convalesce after burning their mouth on a slice of pizza in the Supreme Court cafeteria.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"4686170306_2018-06-04T18:22:16.000Z","text":"\"Narrowly\" vs \"Narrow.\" Similar, but different. #SCOTUS @AP","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"718777097565704192_2018-06-04T17:21:05.000Z","text":"Very happy with the #SCOTUS decision to preserve religious freedom and speech today. This was a huge decision. 7-2\r\n\r\n#MasterpieceCakeshop #JackPhillips #FirstAmendment #Masterpiece \r\n@AllianceDefends","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"17700704_2020-07-10T03:38:32.000Z","text":"The big question is how does this SCOTUS ruling affect the musical Oklahoma! ?","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"772279633060491264_2018-06-04T14:47:05.000Z","text":"Supreme Court rules in favor of baker who would not make wedding cake for gay couple","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"345794468_2018-06-04T16:35:51.000Z","text":"#SorryNotSorry to all the people still living in the Jim Crow era. SCOTUS did NOT give a right to discriminate.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"18967418_2020-07-09T21:01:49.000Z","text":"About to go live on @CTVNews to talk about SCOTUS and the president's tax returns","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"37348417_2018-06-04T15:27:16.000Z","text":"Hey, \"journalist\" you know why we think your #FakeNews ? Because your reporting to victory in the #scotus for 1st amendment rights as a \"narrow victory\".\r\n\r\n 7 to 2 is not narrow. That is a VICTORY. ✊🇺🇸","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"524940885_2020-07-10T04:06:37.000Z","text":"Clarence Thomas has got to be the worst Supreme Court Justice ever.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1032367701946249218_2020-07-17T01:13:04.000Z","text":"Trump is literally not going by the ruling of the supreme court and is denying any new DACA recipients \r\n\r\ni hate it here","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"712798026_2020-07-09T14:20:32.000Z","text":"Supreme Court says Manhattan prosecutor may see Trump’s personal financial records...\r\nWashington Post","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"159130325_2018-06-05T02:24:52.000Z","text":"Also, real nice timing, @FreeformTV @netflix. In the middle of that ridiculous SCOTUS ruling and Pride month. Unbelievable. #SAVESHADOWHUNTERS #savequeercharacters","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"382775759_2018-06-04T14:30:25.000Z","text":"Okay, so who's ready for #Masterpiece Pt. II? Coming to a #SupremeCourt some upcoming term near you.\r\n\r\n#SCOTUS #MasterpieceCakeshop","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"202677695_2018-06-04T15:42:06.000Z","text":"I have to chuckle at all the people saying \" this is a huge win for Religious Freedom,\" in response to the SCOTUS ruling. Clearly they just saw the vote of 7-2 and didn't actually read the ruling.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"735550504420450304_2018-06-04T15:42:40.000Z","text":"Supreme court rules in favor of Colorado Baker who refused to make a wedding cake for a gay couple. Social media prepares to release the hounds of outrage. #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1579248493_2020-07-09T15:19:30.000Z","text":"So is Alito & Thomas concerned someone might want or need to check their tax returns? Why is this even a debate esp with a president who has conducted business in numerous foreign countries?! #SCOTUS #TrumpTaxReturns #TrumpvVance","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"15030165_2020-07-09T20:34:46.000Z","text":"My favorite thing on Twitter continues to be when @SCOTUSblog responds to people who think that they’re the actual Supreme Court.","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"1430336916_2018-06-04T16:14:14.000Z","text":"When us media types call a 7-2 U.S. Supreme Court ruling a narrow victory, we give credence to President Trump’s claims of fake news.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"3296039808_2020-07-09T14:44:07.000Z","text":"So was this Supreme Court ruling a win or not?","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"742060047375572992_2018-06-04T14:29:51.000Z","text":"I am very pleased the U.S. Supreme Court sides with the baker in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"16408135_2020-07-09T14:19:44.000Z","text":"#BREAKING Supreme Court rules Manhattan DA can get @POTUS tax returns. We’re #LIVE NOW #GoodDayDC @fox5dc","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"745741896895471616_2018-06-04T16:18:10.000Z","text":"Apparently you “Can’t Have Your Cake OR eat it too” if you’re LGBQT. Thanks for emphasizing inequality SCOTUS. #cake #LGBTQ #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1390812288_2018-06-04T19:03:37.000Z","text":"I’m in a near media blackout but it doesn’t matter because my students will tell me ghe important news and explain SCOTUS rulings to me. #govnerds #bobcatproud","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"18614130_2018-06-04T15:40:54.000Z","text":"I notice those pesky bigoted radical right wing #SCOTUS members Stephen Breyer and Elena Kagan voted with the majority in #MasterpieceCakeshop case.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"97263020_2018-06-04T22:23:02.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court just set precedent for discrimination throughout our nation\r\n\r\nIf Jack Phillips never sells another cake or baked good, it still wouldn’t do this set back any justice\r\n\r\nSo much for Pride Month\r\n\r\nReligion that encourages hate, isn’t a religion, it’s a hate group.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"371501028_2018-06-04T15:14:07.000Z","text":"If a baker ... decides not to make a cake for a same sex marriage because of religious belief .. and this is the country of religious freedom .. and there is an endless supply of bakers they could go to.. then what’s it goin to Supreme Court for ? Like just don’t give him your $","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1146601379131117568_2020-07-09T18:06:24.000Z","text":"Trump may not be a dictator as far as the Supreme Court is concerned but he still is to Barr ,Cohen rearrested Flynn and Stone free and Reality Winner in a top security corona virus infested prison , Bureau of prisons has been thoroughly corrupted by Trump.#DisbarBarr","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1412744293_2018-06-07T06:22:31.000Z","text":"Brilliant well done Supreme Court #NominationPapers","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"258329912_2020-07-09T14:26:13.000Z","text":"Second SCOTUS decision: Mad King Trump has to argue his case like any other citizen. Has no special powers.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"288057725_2018-06-04T14:36:23.000Z","text":"SCOTUS ruling requires consumers to utilize the power of choice, spend your money wisely. Economically eradicate hate.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"910124566231621632_2020-07-09T15:00:51.000Z","text":"Why have a supreme court if they have option of sending hard decisions back to lower courts? Do away with scotus","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"792504612766912512_2020-07-10T03:04:48.000Z","text":"What happened to SCOTUS making a decision about Obama Care?@cnn","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"15985292_2018-06-04T15:27:09.000Z","text":"Elections matter.\r\nBoth parties are not the same.\r\n#SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"66171696_2020-07-09T22:57:02.000Z","text":"I wonder if the SCOTUS decision will embolden some in the administration to stand up to trump?","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"23118829_2020-07-09T14:18:05.000Z","text":"SCOTUS just ruled Manhattan DA CAN get trumps financials and tax returns. This is a great day for the ruke of law and America.","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"2367271_2020-07-09T21:12:51.000Z","text":"Congratulations to @SCOTUSblog on being actual SCOTUS I guess. Literally the best account to follow today for all the best @‘s.","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"3321922645_2020-07-09T14:33:13.000Z","text":"Today the Supreme Court let @realDonaldTrump know that he is not above the law!","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"510766220_2018-06-04T18:17:53.000Z","text":"SCOTUS narrowly sided with the Colorado baker. Religious freedom wins. No one should be forced to go against their religious beliefs.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"951918524494041088_2020-07-09T15:31:41.000Z","text":"I'm disappointed that it was not a 9 to 0 decision against Trump. The two Supreme Court justices who voted in the Trump's favor are ignoring the constitutional requirement that no one is above the law... not even the president.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"63194232_2018-06-04T18:38:41.000Z","text":"\"Eyes on the Prize\" is pretty much locked down online, but I remember one segment where a Southern mayor on the 50's used the \"Curse of Ham\" to justify segregation in schools. It will start popping up online soon. Calling it now. #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"831959594_2018-06-04T14:37:50.000Z","text":"it’s fucking JUNE @Scotus \r\n\r\nyou should have stayed in your FUCKING lane","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"2817352541_2018-06-04T15:37:50.000Z","text":"Don't worry anti-gay bigots. You can still visit the fabulousness of NYC, Chicago, LA, San Francisco and more and still receive top notch service because we DON'T DO WHAT YOU DO. #MasterpieceCakeshop #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1957837244_2020-07-10T13:53:53.000Z","text":"Think about this: 2 Supreme Court Justices ruled tRump is above the law.\r\nTell me why you don’t think the system is broken.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1251763045_2018-06-04T17:54:56.000Z","text":"#SCOTUS: Gorsuch + Ginsburg still \"don't play well together.\" Gorsuch on RBG dissent in Masterpiece Cakeshop: \"after-the-fact maneuvering\" to defend Colo comm'n's handling lf case. ...","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"57402193_2018-06-04T17:04:12.000Z","text":"Hey #SCOTUS America is so NOT Post Racial. Restore the #VRA #VotingRightsAct","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"16188864_2020-07-09T14:28:30.000Z","text":"#SCOTUS decisions are a total, hypocritical copout. The conservative justices avoid accusations of hypocrisy and protecting Trump while making sure no records get released before November. No one is above the law becomes a technicality and not reality. #justice #injustice","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"999063571257614336_2020-07-11T00:09:25.000Z","text":"The president of the divided states of America is in his own words are “smarter” than the entire Republican Party including the Supreme Court conservative arm and he said it to their face.!!","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"166405002_2018-06-05T12:28:07.000Z","text":"Thanks Supreme Court! No more cakes for FSU fans.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"22153810_2018-06-05T00:52:21.000Z","text":"SCOTUS has repeatedly upheld right to not pledge allegiance in public schools. So, why is it ok to require NFL players to either pledge to anthem or stay in locker room? Pls tell me someone is pursuing this legally #TakeAKnee (1/2)","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"93204707_2018-06-04T14:30:08.000Z","text":"Breaking: #SCOTUS rules in favor of baker who denied request to make wedding cake for same sex couple","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"412326074_2020-07-09T14:33:45.000Z","text":"My early take: SCOTUS having a better day than commentators. Basic principles that Pres is not above the law and that Cong has broad subpoena powers reaffirmed; Trump will eventually face justice in NY; Court avoids impression of meddling in election w/ little electoral cost.","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"308851637_2020-07-09T15:15:43.000Z","text":"Come on @craigmelvin interrupting @SpeakerPelosi She’s addressing our current needs but you need to rehash the SCOTUS decision. I don’t get it!","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"823292597137379328_2018-06-04T14:19:24.000Z","text":"US Supreme Court rules in favor of the bigoted baker. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MY COUNTRY?????","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"966679536711675904_2018-06-04T14:19:40.000Z","text":"These Supreme court's decisions today show the consequences of McConnell refusing to hold any hearings on Obama's pick.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"2759356162_2020-07-17T17:57:31.000Z","text":"#RBG #SCOTUS PRAYING HARD for Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to heal and be well🙏💙","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"28869632_2020-07-09T14:30:39.000Z","text":"Both SCOTUS rulings in Trump financial records sent back to lower courts. Practically speaking that means no turnover of records immediately in either case. #7News","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"322279925_2020-07-09T14:57:08.000Z","text":"Aides report Trump just took a galkandic in his pants when the Supreme Court ruling came down.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"1104668994781487106_2020-07-09T14:59:09.000Z","text":"This is a good time to remind you all that the police in this country are not bound to “protect and serve” us. In fact, the Supreme Court ruled that police can’t be held liable for what happens when they decide not to protect or serve someone.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"288619534_2020-07-09T14:26:01.000Z","text":"Honestly, SCOTUS should just saddle up and give all of Oklahoma back to the Tribes. I can promise you that other than one anonymous state, the rest of us will all be able to sleep a little better.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"929760212843671552_2018-06-04T16:10:43.000Z","text":"Best way to stop SCOTUS votes that take this country:\r\n1. Read history of judges who destroyed Germany under Hitler (actions are similar)\r\n2. Don't buy a cake and put baker out of business.\r\nThis ruling is an embarrassment!\r\n#RoadtoChange\r\n#SCOTUS \r\n#Remember in November.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"215340947_2018-06-05T07:46:42.000Z","text":"Dear supreme Court Justice not only i want FBI on trial also NASA too on trial as well","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"322331798_2018-06-04T14:40:38.000Z","text":"Deeply saddened by the Supreme Court decision today.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1071491996035018752_2020-07-11T04:17:03.000Z","text":"While ppl out here painting BLM on side walks an 💩 The Supreme Court handing Native Americans half of Oklahoma #ADOS we're still on our square tho That symbolic 💩 aint gon get it #Reperations","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"184476769_2020-07-09T13:02:38.000Z","text":"Justices #RBG & #Sotomayor were the only two to vote correctly yesterday. #SCOTUS’s decision has made it even easier for people to deny or over charge women for the healthcare they need. Why is my body/health constantly under attack? #ACA","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"4856532991_2020-07-17T16:11:17.000Z","text":"The liberal deification of RBG is weird and gross given how problematic she often has been as a justice, but her death would be catastrophic for everyone left of far-right. \r\n\r\nSCOTUS would be transformed into a right-wing, theocratic court for the rest of our lives.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"986407365711974400_2018-06-04T17:45:41.000Z","text":"Let’s support businesses that are #OpenToAll #SCOTUS #PrideMonth2018 #pride #BlueWave2018","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"21155169_2020-07-09T23:17:57.000Z","text":"note to the uninformed: the position of DA *is* a political position. quit embarrassing yourselves, y’all. #SCOTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"832354359803527168_2020-07-09T14:03:55.000Z","text":"Love hearing my boss agree with SCOTUS decision the other day and that you can just get contraceptives free in the community! Not infuriating at all!!!!!!!!","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"822548349387767808_2020-07-09T20:19:19.000Z","text":"Also, only one out of nine justices on SCOTUS is a rapist. So we do have that.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"879058950695636992_2018-06-05T13:43:59.000Z","text":"The baker may have won the right to deny service to a gay couple, but let’s not forget the Supreme Court also once ruled a black man can not sue because he was a slave not a citizen. Just because the courts declare it doesn’t mean it’s right. #LetThemEatCake","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"101923363_2018-06-04T22:03:28.000Z","text":"Today is one of those not great internet days where the world is divided into the people who understood the context of “narrow” w/regard to the Supreme Court ruling & those who did not.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"15481999_2018-06-04T21:23:54.000Z","text":"I don't get why so many people don't understand the meaning of narrow ruling. Even if it was referring to the vote count, wouldn't a narrow ruling be 5-4? #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"1354274557_2018-06-04T19:34:43.000Z","text":"Hey straights remember the next time you want flowers and a gay refuses to sell you them.. remember this moment you celebrated.. or a gay refuses to do your hair, sell you clothes, wait on you in a restaurant, etc.. we’re everywhere.. and now free to return the favor #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"250764252_2018-06-04T14:40:29.000Z","text":"Make #Pride a Protest Again 2018 #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"2757538940_2018-06-04T14:25:04.000Z","text":"A major loss today for the #LGBTQ community today. While it is #PrideMonth, this is a reminder that we have so much work to do. #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1576739257_2018-06-04T16:44:01.000Z","text":"When you want to take away citizens right to peaceful protest for social & civil justice issues but also want a baker to have the right to protest & refuse service out of prejudice against citizens sexuality. 🤔 You may be a #hatemonger \r\n\r\n#SCOTUS #CivilRights #Bigotry #TakeAKnee","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"21149324_2020-07-09T11:54:54.000Z","text":"It won’t happen but if SCOTUS let’s us see Donald’s financials, it would be a great day for America.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"32117789_2018-06-05T02:04:20.000Z","text":"#SCOTUS set a dangerous precedent today. Although the Court limited the scope to which a business owner could deny services to patrons, the legal argument has been legitimized that one's subjective religious convictions trump (no pun intended) #humanrights. #LGBTQRights","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"31071538_2018-06-04T16:45:00.000Z","text":"Happy Pride to everyone but the Supreme Court.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1921895252_2018-06-04T14:32:55.000Z","text":"It’s not even 11am & President Trump says he has the right to PARDON HIMSELF, SCOTUS delivers bombshell ruling in favor of anti-gay marriage bakery & President Clinton says he doesn’t owe Monica Lewinsky an apology. \r\n\r\nI quit y’all.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"158988614_2020-07-12T04:56:39.000Z","text":"Y'all love to live in a \"this OR that\" world. There's no reason why you can't listen to both Muscogee AND non-Muscogee reactions & thoughts about the SCOTUS case. I get that it directly affected Muscogee ppl but that doesn't mean we other N8vs didn't experience anything either 😒","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"278123550_2020-07-09T12:21:55.000Z","text":"Today would be a good day for the @Scotus to rule against @realDonaldTrump on his tax returns. \r\n\r\nBut don’t hold your breath. \r\n\r\n#ReleaseTheTaxes\r\n\r\n#SCOTUSBoughtAndPaidFor","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1612067526_2020-07-10T02:27:46.000Z","text":"Let me put today’s SCOTUS ruling in the Manhattan case in strictly legal terms. \r\n\r\nTrump is so fucked.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1042173536746389504_2020-07-14T23:43:59.000Z","text":"What life is this for Ruth Bader Ginsburg? #NineLives #SCOTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"1251763045_2018-06-04T15:21:59.000Z","text":"#SCOTUS: Query: Does the Masterpiece Cakeshop constitutional rule against \"impermissible hostility toward sincere religious beliefs\" apply to POTUS--e.g, as in #TravelBan case? Asking for a friend.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"1704646470_2020-07-09T15:29:59.000Z","text":"Nothing in today’s Supreme Court rulings prevents President Trump from releasing his tax returns. \r\n\r\nYou know, like he said he would.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"22194909_2020-07-09T23:01:44.000Z","text":"Why didn't Supreme court rule on law that states, Tax returns, \"shall\", be turned over on demand from Congress?","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"896691265_2020-07-09T14:14:09.000Z","text":"The tweet storm that is sure to come will be so freakin 🔥 #SCOTUS #TaxReturns","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"62632267_2018-06-04T18:59:46.000Z","text":"Folks may wanna read the fine print on today's Supreme Court decision. The sweeping constitutional question remains.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"720301514_2018-06-04T14:14:02.000Z","text":"The Difference Between Special Counsel Mueller & Trump Is Mueller Is Focused On The Investigation Only! Trump Is Hopelessly Scattered. If Trump Refuses To Meet With Mueller Then Mueller Will Subpoena Him And Take It To The Supreme Court Where It Will Be Approved!","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"42763353_2018-06-04T22:27:47.000Z","text":"People applauding the #SCOTUS #GayWeddingCake are the same ppl who want to use #AssaultWeapons to force ppl into saying \"Merry Christmas\".","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"25785311_2018-06-04T17:43:40.000Z","text":"My religion says Trump supporters shouldn't be alive. I'm taking this to the Supreme Court #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"16544096_2020-07-17T18:20:31.000Z","text":"Can we all agree that we will riot the streets if something happens to RBG AND McConnell processes another SCOTUS pick?","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"799348782093701120_2018-06-04T16:51:11.000Z","text":"To my #LGBTQ friends, colleagues, & constituents, I stand with you in the wake of #SCOTUS’s #Masterpiece decision. I call on the #PAHouse GOP leadership to stop blocking passage of the #PAFairnessAct & get it to the floor for a vote! #DecisionDay #PrideIntoAction @EqualityPA","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"54673874_2018-06-05T01:07:34.000Z","text":"It is clear that @Scotus understood gay rights groups are targeting individual business and judge shopping to force their issues into public view.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1158974457936875520_2020-07-18T23:56:27.000Z","text":"Democrats want you to believe that their Supreme Court is better for black ppl. But who remembers the Dred Scott decision was decided by democrats","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"26819734_2020-07-09T16:12:15.000Z","text":"States now need to handicap the odds of a 5-4 loss to tribal governments before SCOTUS. Twenty years after Nevada v. Hicks, the tables have seemingly turned.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"881510345910755328_2020-07-11T12:54:22.000Z","text":"I am enraged this morning.I see a Russian asset destroying the country I love and defended.I see the rule of law decimated by a complicit Senate and an undermined supreme court.I see a democratic controlled Congress that is stifled not only by the Senate.But,by it's own","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1251950776047599617_2020-07-17T16:37:46.000Z","text":"Breaking: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg announced Friday that she is in the midst of treating a recurrence of liver cancer, but said she remains \"fully able\" to fulfill her duties on the court.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"39314716_2020-07-17T18:21:58.000Z","text":"Holy moly y’all. If #RBG can go through chemo again and still serve as a Supreme Court Justice at her age I feel like there’s nothing women can’t do. Mad respect! #RBGForever #RBGstrong","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"1265316730064244738_2020-07-11T11:52:59.000Z","text":"And now it’s Lindsey Graham’s turn in the trump garbage barrel “Trump took a swing at Sen. Lindsey Graham on Thursday in the aftermath of two Supreme Court decisions lamenting that the Senate Judiciary chairman and close Trump ally not doing enough to target trump political foes.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1864191740_2018-06-06T13:41:26.000Z","text":"I really need to give a happy dance for this pioneer social experience. Watching the Queens Supreme Court","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"17353335_2018-06-04T17:23:57.000Z","text":"Imagine wanting to discriminate against somebody SO BAD you take it to the Supreme Court? \r\n\r\nEven worse... imagine the Supreme Court lets them. \r\n\r\nNow... open your eyes. Welcome to 2018.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"14651343_2018-06-04T15:11:39.000Z","text":"Breaking: US Supreme Court reminds us all that they ruled that black slaves can never become citizens, and we should be tolerant of all points of view.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"32617425_2020-07-19T12:33:43.000Z","text":".@RepDwightEvans The U.S. Supreme Court has affirmed that #LGBTQ Americans are protected from employment discrimination! Now, it's time for Congress to finish the job and fully protect LGBTQ people from discrimination in every area of life. @freedom4allusa","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"2990964220_2020-07-09T14:10:12.000Z","text":"If SCOTUS rules against Trump, I will eat my Hat.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"122825865_2020-07-11T01:03:28.000Z","text":"The @realDonaldTrump just gave the finger to the @Scotus for not siding with him on his taxes. @SenateGOP @HouseGOP \r\n@WhiteHouse @VP @TheJusticeDept","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"20323347_2020-07-09T15:32:36.000Z","text":"Trump throwing a tantrum over SCOTUS ruling on taxes and financial disclosure. @realDonaldTrump said he would release taxes. #TrumpTaxLies #WhatIsTrumpHiding #NotAboveTheLaw","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"2964744772_2018-06-04T21:33:10.000Z","text":"Great streak of wins for @realDonaldTrump and the people who support MAGA. Today was the Supreme Court victory for the Cake Baker. Let’s keep it going!!! One day at a time","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"40810128_2018-06-04T20:59:58.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court decision in favor of the baker today is exactly why we have gay pride and not straight pride.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"16047907_2018-06-08T10:08:01.000Z","text":"Am I willing to acknowledge a narrative where Max Linn wins the Republican primary, has his nomination quickly upheld by the Supreme Court, and thrusts Angus King into the political fight of his life? Stranger things are happening every single day, people. #mepolitics","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"27377699_2018-06-08T02:13:19.000Z","text":"It’s June 7th, SCOTUS saves the best for last. Their definition of “best” is questionable. Not happy with the gay cake decision. What’s up on deck #SCOTUS?","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"305620929_2020-07-09T23:22:21.000Z","text":"Today's #SCOTUS ruling on @realDonaldTrump’s tax returns is a win for Team Accountability. Elected officials are not above the law and should be held to the same standards as every other American.","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"21866784_2020-07-09T13:26:54.000Z","text":"Trump is rage tweeting. Kavanaugh gave him heads up on #SCOTUS tax decision?","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"43185924_2018-06-04T15:19:13.000Z","text":"To all the new #SCOTUS intellectuals crowing about the baker's victory: narrow does not mean the vote was close. It means Kennedy's ruling does not give blanket license to bigots. Just this one. Bc Colorado was too blatant in its dismissal of his bigotry.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"2961947202_2018-06-04T15:06:18.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court voted 7-2 to say a #Colorado cake baker did not violate state law when he refused to make a wedding #cake for a #gay couple on the grounds of religious beliefs. This could be a victory for private enterprise. #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"769258350835929088_2020-07-09T15:55:02.000Z","text":"SCOTUS rules Trump can’t hide his tax returns from the NYC district attorney. Between COVID, the economy, his racism, and his tax returns - Trump is in bad shape for Nov. #SCOTUS #TrumpTaxReturns","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"4880918696_2018-06-04T14:25:43.000Z","text":"#ColoradoBaker wins #SCOTUS #ReligiousFreedom case re gay wedding cake issue.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"34029837_2020-07-09T11:16:37.000Z","text":"Supreme Court Decision Day: Expected to rule on President Trump’s taxes release.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"799349660267769856_2020-07-17T15:15:40.000Z","text":"Good morning I’m still enraged at the fact that the Supreme Court validated Florida’s poll tax law. \r\n\r\nY’all aren’t upset about it enough for me.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"967312268_2020-07-19T04:13:13.000Z","text":"There is one black supreme court judge on the panel and you mean to tell me that he dont know hes property in the constitution& doesnt wanna change that ? Hes brainwashed. Almost made to be a model idea that america is not racist .. But you content w being property ? Wake up ppl","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"45212295_2020-07-09T00:23:22.000Z","text":"Don’t worry. Religion has been on my short list of subjects that get my goat for a while. Especially with today’s SCOTUS ruling. I’m going to do some more data mining and find a few other institutions to which PPP money went that is of questionable value or ethics.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"111397475_2018-06-04T15:19:22.000Z","text":"I generally agree with today’s Supreme Court 1st Amendment ruling but the right to do a thing does not mean it is right to do that thing. The baker engaged in exlusionary and hateful behavior which ought to be condemned even if his right to do so has been upheld.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"24273406_2020-07-09T14:41:55.000Z","text":"Today's a good day to \"inspect the bunker\" #bunkerboy #SCOTUS #taxes #EveryonesLaughingAtYouDonald","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"859134194_2020-07-09T14:33:01.000Z","text":"We do not need to see the #TrumpTaxReturns immediately to know that the revelations will be detrimental to @realDonaldTrump.\r\nIf you have nothing to hide, release them, 45.\r\nWe the people deserve to know what you are hiding. And we will.👊🇺🇸\r\n#NoOneIsAboveTheLaw \r\n#SCOTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"399115483_2018-06-05T00:49:25.000Z","text":"If POTUS could pardon his/her self, both Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton wouldn’t have been impeached.\r\n\r\nThe President is not the final arbiter of the Constitution. That’s SCOTUS.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"386215505_2018-06-04T14:41:58.000Z","text":"It’s open season for discrimination according to SCOTUS.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"22706582_2018-06-05T00:59:58.000Z","text":"TONIGHT: @JujuChangABC visits Colorado, where she visits the baker at the center of today’s #SCOTUS wedding cake case, and speaks to the gay couple who were discriminated against. What the ruling could mean for others, on @Nightline","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"16038029_2018-06-04T18:00:22.000Z","text":"Masterpiece Cakeshop seems like a blow to LGBT rights, but in fact the Supreme Court has lost any semblance of popular legitimacy and the country is barely operating under rule of law anymore anyway, so nothing this court decides will have any long-term impact on anything.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"745741896895471616_2018-06-04T16:13:36.000Z","text":"While I do understand a businesses right to decline opportunities for work, Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Colorado is using religious/hateful stand against people who are gay. The Supreme Court has upheld their choice to do so. #Boycott #Hate #LGBTQ #SupremeCourt RT please","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1057492430_2020-07-09T18:53:45.000Z","text":"When will trump realize he is not a king? Maybe today! #SCOTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"997099479236071424_2020-07-09T15:52:19.000Z","text":"Kavanaugh better be careful; pretty soon Trump's gonna be asking who paid off his credit card debt.\r\n\r\n#SCOTUS #TaxReturns @realDonaldTrump","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"17056448_2020-07-10T02:01:02.000Z","text":"“In our judicial system, “the public has a right to every man’s evidence.”1 Since the earliest days of the Republic, “every man” has included the President of the United States” -Chief Justice John Roberts of the United States Supreme Court","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"25000779_2020-07-09T14:16:47.000Z","text":"No one takes their case to the Supreme Court to avoid their taxes being released if they have nothing to hide.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"821167213658836992_2020-07-09T03:10:20.000Z","text":"The SCOTUS is going to influence the election either way they rule so damn if I hear when they most likely vote in Trump’s favor in the opinion brief that “releasing the returns would unfairly influence the upcoming election”. Similar to when in 2000 they ruled for GWB","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"303357413_2018-06-04T17:30:12.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court’s ruling on Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Communion (7-2) was very surprising to me. Neglecting to speak on the “bigger issue” is a decision in and of itself.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"2849464520_2020-07-17T16:36:56.000Z","text":"Everybody pull, pry for Justice Guinsburg, hang in there Justice, do whatever it takes just don’t let the Rightwing wackos appoint another Supreme Court justices.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"226249905_2020-07-09T14:56:36.000Z","text":"How The Universe Works:\r\n\r\nWhen the abomination in our White House has a very bad day, our capacity for having a very good day, is in direct proportion. This is a good day to have a good day because he is big mad. \r\n#SCOTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"910124566231621632_2020-07-10T04:12:10.000Z","text":"I now blame magas as much as gop sen and scotus. As long as they adore this false idol, no official wants to enrage the gop electorate. And I told u guys they feel homicidal toward.anyone who criticizes a hair on his fake orange head","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1251950776047599617_2020-07-09T14:23:52.000Z","text":"Breaking: Supreme Court rules that Manhattan DA can obtain Trump’s tax returns.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"877362138603372544_2020-07-09T01:56:55.000Z","text":"Maybe Trump will get the Coronavirus and SCOTUS will release his taxes at the same time. He can show us how to LIVE WITH the virus and NY state can have him arrested in January. \r\n\r\n@realDonaldTrump @POTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"4137664637_2020-07-09T14:22:41.000Z","text":"Supreme Court rules against Trump again. Rules that Trump is NOT immune from state prosecution and must comply with state subpoena. BIG DEFEAT.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"228889829_2020-07-18T22:35:57.000Z","text":"Supreme Court just allowed Florida to suppress over 1 million voters despite it being a clear violation of the 14th Amendment based on wealth discrimination and I can't stop thinking about it","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"564783805_2018-06-05T14:30:34.000Z","text":"What’s the difference between a Christian Baker and a Halal meat market??? Nothing!!! They have the right to run their business as they see fit. Great decision by SCOTUS!!!! #scotus #ReligiousFreedom #weddingcakes","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"29619901_2020-07-09T19:39:37.000Z","text":"Obvious observation: The SCOTUS has been delivering very interesting rulings as of late 🤔","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"897908353_2018-06-04T14:43:29.000Z","text":"Not surprised by the Supreme Court ruling given the specific circumstances surrounding Masterpiece Cakeshop. This is why we need Congress to codify equality for all LGBTQ Americans.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"63542972_2020-07-09T20:07:29.000Z","text":"Hey #SCOTUS y’all know birth control prevents abortion right? \r\n\r\nwtf cc @PPTXVotes @PPFA","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"18322285_2020-07-15T14:55:59.000Z","text":"The common lawyer habit of having a heading immediately followed by a subheading drives me crazy. Even the Supreme Court does it","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"431938119_2020-07-09T15:58:03.000Z","text":"Someone is having a meltdown over Supreme Court ruling.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"48116270_2018-06-04T14:48:47.000Z","text":"Check out the new #SCOTUS rulings","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"447334955_2020-07-10T12:05:49.000Z","text":"Simplified explanation of Supreme Court rulings on Trump taxes:\r\n-Voters don’t get to see them before the election\r\n-future GOP Congress can still harass democratic presidents.\r\nPerfect result for GOP controlled court. #ItsPolitics","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"23808281_2018-06-04T14:21:33.000Z","text":"Supreme Court rules FOR Colorado baker who wouldn't make same-sex wedding cake.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"44408295_2018-06-04T23:06:24.000Z","text":"Today, lots of people are learning exactly what a narrow #SCOTUS ruling is ... and what it means! Still many will take the opportunity to take a victory lap without understanding the nuances of the ruling.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"272803927_2018-06-05T22:30:37.000Z","text":"Unbelievable that in the US, the most advance and progressive country in the world the Supreme Court rules in favor of “religious beliefs ”. Let’s keep waiting for magic. Maybe magic will saves us all. #Coloradobaker","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1145774750897266689_2020-07-16T07:35:56.000Z","text":"BREAKING: The US Supreme Court has cleared the way for the 2nd federal execution this week. (Per @AP)","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"62826316_2020-07-10T00:17:22.000Z","text":"A Supreme Court ruling by definition is not a hoax. Poor Donny can’t claim “absolute immunity” and his taxes have to be released. Poor lil’ dictator.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"137753512_2018-06-04T14:59:10.000Z","text":"Ugh fuck scotus on many levels today","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"546444079_2018-06-05T20:59:58.000Z","text":"Why would you want to give your money to someone who doesn’t like who you are anyway? I’m giving my cake money to @Entenmanns❤️❤️\r\n\r\n#scotus","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"19954886_2020-07-10T05:19:02.000Z","text":"Omg he’s bragging about some mystical made up cognitive-test he “says” he took but we all know that only a #SupremeLoser would lie about something like this. Truly a pathetic @POTUS we have to endure for 6 more months. #VoteBlue2020 #Biden2020 #SCOTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"927680123024891904_2020-07-09T16:49:53.000Z","text":"Haaaaaa! The Supreme Court ordered Trump to provide his tax returns. He's not going to take this one gently. Twittertantrum coming in 3....2....1\r\n\r\n#SupremeCourt\r\n#TrumpIsANationalDisgrace\r\n#TrumpsTaxReturns","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"15565732_2020-07-09T23:42:55.000Z","text":"#TrumpMeltdown is trending. Why? Because IMPOTUS is rattled. Really rattled. SCOTUS made it clear today that he is fair game for any court in the land—criminal or civil. He’s not handling it well. At all.\r\n\r\nAs potus, it’s time for him to go. But as a human being, it’s pitiful.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"926630645165682689_2020-07-09T16:50:19.000Z","text":"President Trumps TAXES?\r\nSO NOW we get to see all Judges, Prosecutors, CONGRESS and all ELECTED & APPOINTED Government Officials, Federal, State & Local and OBAMA, BIDEN.\r\nTHANK YOU SUPREME COURT. (I am sure you have yours ready.)","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"979792028_2018-06-04T15:19:29.000Z","text":"HEY #SCOTUS , \r\nWhat ever happened to the seperation of the church and state?\r\nWhat about the Free Exercise Claise?\r\nAre we going to support discrimination just because it is in our “deeply rooted belief” to do so?\r\nWhat if my “deeply rooted belief” allowed me to rob? Is it then ok?","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"19122528_2020-07-14T22:20:14.000Z","text":"The @IHSA_IL fought all the way to the Illinois Supreme Court to say FOIA rules did not apply to it because it was a private biz. Now, it wants to cede control during a pandemic to the government. GTFOH, and open up those books. #IHSA","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"4840061986_2018-06-07T11:23:49.000Z","text":"6/7/1965- SCOTUS issued its Griswold v. Connecticut decision, addressing contraceptives.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"54399879_2018-06-04T14:39:39.000Z","text":"“Narrow”? @CNN 7-2 is narrow? #fakenews #scotus The Supreme Court issues a 7-2 decision and CNN calls it narrow.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"96589027_2020-07-09T15:20:04.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court came out swinging today.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"27861379_2018-06-04T14:25:44.000Z","text":"So, since #SCOTUS has allowed discrimination against same sex couples, I guess we're also allowed to discriminate against Christians now, right? #Resist #EvangelicalLaw","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"95775684_2020-07-10T00:09:51.000Z","text":"Today's huge step by @Scotus toward upholding indigenous sovereignty, combined with @JoyAnnReid announcing her move to MSNBC primetime makes 2020 suck a little less.","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"2875749191_2018-06-04T14:43:25.000Z","text":"Congrats #MasterpieceCakeshop on the Supreme Court ruling. \r\n\r\nDecorating cakes 🎂 is an art. No one should be forced to make art they don’t agree with!\r\n\r\n#SCOTUS #MondayMotivation","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"1146601379131117568_2020-07-09T22:43:14.000Z","text":"It seems we have 2 monarchists on the Supreme Court who believe trump should be untouchable I believe they are so biased they are unable to fulfill their constitutional duties and should be impeached .America deserves better .#ImpeachAlieto.#impeachthomas","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"160251355_2020-07-09T17:36:43.000Z","text":"There shouldn’t be another white appointée to the Supreme Court for like 59 years lol","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"444265079_2020-07-09T14:56:51.000Z","text":"SCOTUS did exactly what AG Barr is too chicken shit to do. Work for America!!!👍👍👍👍","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"215340947_2018-06-06T21:32:33.000Z","text":"Dear supreme Court Justice ask the FBI why they r still electronic interesting with this phone","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1093612574_2018-06-04T15:37:30.000Z","text":"In light of today’s #SCOTUS ruling I’d like to state for the record that as a wedding celebrant/officiant it is my pleasure and sincere honor to work with ALL people. Read through my reviews on @theknot to see how I never embarrass my customers in front of their mother.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"2873569272_2018-06-04T15:04:08.000Z","text":"What a way to start off #PRIDE month @Scotus 😡","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"1465982610_2020-07-09T14:27:37.000Z","text":"Now that #SCOTUS has said the President’s tax returns can be reviewed, does that mean the tax returns of every other elected official can be reviewed? #ThursdayThoughts","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"511949828_2020-07-09T17:25:04.000Z","text":"So @TheRickWilson , @RadioFreeTom , @ProjectLincoln - how much of a stretch is it to believe that someone from a conservative SCOTUS justice leaked today’s ruling to the WH weeks ago which set Barr in motion to remove Berman and tamp down the investigation? Seem’s legit to me.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"14678264_2018-06-04T14:55:41.000Z","text":"For those trying to read the extremely complicated cake decision from SCOTUS, don’t expect clear guidance for either side. The decision appears to have been made on procedural merits of fairness or lack thereof. #utpol","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"63610101_2018-06-04T14:27:43.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court strikes against extreme Lib intervention again! Hallelujah 🙌. 7-2 vote. #winning","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"2943179414_2018-06-05T07:10:20.000Z","text":"i really don’t know how to feel about the supreme court decision about gay cake","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"629034869_2018-06-05T21:55:00.000Z","text":"A great two part series in the NY Times magazine section on a wrongly convicted man solely on fake blood spatter testimony by \"experts\" with 40 hrs. of \"training\". CSI is #1 worldwide How many lives destroyed? The Supreme Court of MN affirmed blood splatter testimony.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"784583306528579589_2018-06-04T22:54:13.000Z","text":"Big win for religious liberty in our country today! I'm proud of our Supreme Court for following the Constitution instead of following a liberal party line. You should never be able to impede someone's rights under the Constitution to satisfy someone else's constitutional rights.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"41383445_2018-06-04T17:09:15.000Z","text":"Supreme Court sided with Christian baker!! 7-2","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"116082126_2018-06-04T14:55:10.000Z","text":"a 7-2 Supreme Court decision is not a \"narrow margin\", idiot.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1154841289_2020-07-09T16:35:01.000Z","text":"So I am betting rumproast never read the memo about how he CANNOT fire @scotus judges, even if he appointed them 😂😂😂\r\n#WearADamnMask","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"367526812_2018-06-04T14:46:47.000Z","text":"Happy Monday to everyone except the Supreme Court! Gay people deserve cakes to be made for them too!!!!!!","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"217242074_2020-07-09T14:18:35.000Z","text":"SCOTUS says POTUS not immune to NY subpoena for his tax returns. End of beginning or beginning of end?","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"3391473939_2020-07-09T15:16:08.000Z","text":"SCOTUS. What did I miss? T\r\nThe Grand Jury Process will likely drag on past the election.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"348631558_2020-07-09T15:10:36.000Z","text":"So now that SCOTUS has kicked the Trump tax issue down the road til after the Nov 3rd election, when will they rule on the corruptness of the previous administrations? Just asking for a friend...","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"91305944_2020-07-10T20:42:48.000Z","text":"On the last day of session of The Supreme Court, takeaways, Chief Justice Roberts’ agreed with the majority 97% of the time, Roberts’ Court also chose who writes the majority opinion, impt. bc it can either be narrow or written broadly. #SupremeCourt #SupremeCourtrecess #SCOTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"304719521_2018-06-04T21:51:43.000Z","text":"Supreme court did not put up with liberal narrative bull shit innuendoes. Go supreme court!. #thefive","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"38343869_2018-06-04T15:17:49.000Z","text":"This #SCOTUS ruling has me in a really dark place where I’m wishing death on random people who are happy about it, which obviously isn’t healthy. I think I need to unplug today.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"747586640852455424_2020-07-11T02:26:58.000Z","text":"Drumpf's way of saying to the SCOTUS, you can't rule against presidential power of commuting my partner in crime sentence, NOW WHAT, JOHN ROBERTS","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"2595751645_2020-07-09T13:57:39.000Z","text":"SCOTUS PLEASE VOTE IN FAVOR OF RELEASING TRUMP’S TAXES","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"1472799806_2020-07-11T14:53:51.000Z","text":"Indigenous people should be protected because they don’t look like what indigenous people are supposed to look like he admits to forcing himself on women he tried to get a child molesters in Congress did get a rapist on the Supreme Court these are fact as well as trump admit to","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"231908962_2020-07-09T23:52:09.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court’s rulings will force President Trump to continue his legal battle in hopes of keeping his tax returns private. Trump called the decisions “a pure witch hunt” and “a hoax.” per NBCNews. A witch hunt by your appointees. 😅\r\n\r\nI wish you were a hoax.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"910124566231621632_2020-07-10T01:55:23.000Z","text":"To try to paint these scotus rulings today as being a bad day for trump is tantamount to putting lipstick on a pig. I am sick of hearing this spin today, even by the liberal media.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"211336585_2018-06-04T17:07:40.000Z","text":"I’m hearing from a lot of people that a lot of people have no idea what a “narrow” opinion from the Supreme Court means.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"72687434_2020-07-09T14:13:25.000Z","text":"Inject Donald Trump’s tax returns directly into my veins. #SCOTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"16507988_2020-07-09T14:19:43.000Z","text":"My only concern is that if his own Supreme Court said ok to seeing the tax records maybe there is anything to see ?","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1096509110_2018-06-04T14:21:50.000Z","text":"#BreakingNews. The SCOTUS upheld the right of the baker to discriminate gay couple by refusing to make their wedding cake citing the religious rights.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"3047505972_2018-06-04T20:05:53.000Z","text":"So a baker didn't bake a particular cake and it went to the scotus. Well McDonald's won't make me a whopper!!!! Lmao #MAGA #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"912979125651959808_2018-06-04T14:28:50.000Z","text":"Breaking Good News: Supreme Court rules in favor of Colorado baker that he cannot be forced to sell wedding cakes to same sex couples! Religious freedom!","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"17839813_2018-06-04T14:44:46.000Z","text":"God bless our freedoms! Thank you SCOTUS 🙏","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"133088131_2020-07-09T15:18:27.000Z","text":"DAPL, Mascots, SCOTUS win in one week..... PINCH ME!","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"942241440855343104_2020-07-09T08:46:36.000Z","text":"The SCOTUS is expected to rule on Trump's financial disclosures today. \r\n\r\nQuestion: How will he distract us today? \r\n\r\nExpectation: A tweetstorm.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"2405076308_2018-06-05T13:34:17.000Z","text":"In a 7-2 decision in favor of Masterpiece Cakeshop #SCOTUS cautions state government against bullying business owners into the equality movement #TuesdayThoughts #ToleranceMatters","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"2418277200_2018-06-04T15:09:12.000Z","text":"#LGBT did not lose in the supreme court cake case, we must try to keep balance, yes even under confusion","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"19680831_2020-07-10T02:54:05.000Z","text":"I feel about the today concluded term of our Supreme Court of the United States, and I feel as the late George H W Bush was said to feel about his memoir upon completion: “Good....but not great.” But boy oh boy will I take it!","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"1278734179384152064_2020-07-09T22:20:40.000Z","text":"Mark Levin says we have two justices, Thomas and Alito and seven politicians on the Supreme Court. The President's private financial records are immune from scrutiny via the Constitution. Continued and ongoing harassment even by his two new justices. No one can be trusted. BAD","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"294868862_2020-07-09T03:53:33.000Z","text":"No person should ever have to justify to anyone, much less their employer or the SCOTUS why they need a medication. \r\n\r\nMy birth control damn near saved my life, but I should never have to say that to anyone but my doctor. \r\n\r\nKeep your religious arguments out of my medicine cabinet.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1921467014_2018-06-05T00:18:03.000Z","text":"What a sad day for America & #SCOTUS. Homophobia, hatred and bigotry won disguised as Religious Freedom. If I wrote what I really what to happen to these conservatives & Republicans, I’d have FBI & secret service knocking on my door.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"70555033_2020-07-09T02:59:40.000Z","text":"If the supreme Court sides with Trump on his taxes we know it's all @senatemajldr doing for STACKING the court with bought and paid for judges like KAVANAUGH. We will have to increase pressure on @GOP up for re-election on their votes and hold them ACCOUNTABLE vote them all OUT","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"227825383_2018-06-04T15:29:04.000Z","text":"I would love to see the outrage from the right if the supreme Court ruled it was legal to discriminate against Republicans. \r\n\r\nYes, private businesses can reserve the right to not serve anyone. But to single out a group of people, not one individual, is blatant discrimination.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"704581567_2018-06-05T01:35:06.000Z","text":"Accurate headline: SCOTUS Finds CO Civil Rights Commission Unfairly Applied Law Against Bigoted Jerk of a Baker","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"4766642130_2020-07-09T19:42:41.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court has decided. @realDonaldTrump is #NotAboveLaw. The American people deserve to see Trump's tax returns and we demand their release now! Anyone in office should show their taxes 👍","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"1031576656203341824_2020-07-09T17:27:07.000Z","text":"I guess you should have put Jeanine Pirro on the Supreme Court. She wouldn’t have betrayed you donnie darko. #ResignNowTrump #WorstPresidentEver","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"328083283_2020-07-13T16:35:46.000Z","text":"The first 2 chaps of my diss are being published together, in one of the oldest constitutional law journals; regularly cited by SCOTUS. Don’t ever let folks tell you centering BlaQueer life & analytic frames are incompatible w/legal un/thought. So much @hystericalblkns in there","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"195061778_2018-06-04T20:38:01.000Z","text":"Does this #SCOTUS decision mean that now any health practitioner can refuse treatment to any race, religion or creed? @pattonoswalt @BBCocoBear @duffgoldman","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"245555954_2020-07-09T15:48:54.000Z","text":"I think the most important SCOTUS decision today is that half of Oklahoma belongs to native Americans. Trump tax case will continue to be kicked around. Not a dispositive ruling.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"827919653032882178_2020-07-09T21:01:33.000Z","text":"No day in the middle of a pandemic is good but SCOTUS and BLM did much to make today better 😷","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"32885835_2020-07-09T15:14:38.000Z","text":"Supreme Court rules \r\nTrump IS NOT IMMUNE (above the Law) from any NY Grand Jury actions in the Lower Courts. The NY\r\nProsecutor can now seek Trumps taxes.","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"21149324_2020-07-09T14:00:42.000Z","text":"If SCOTUS rules against Trump, I think he will resign before we ever see those docs.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"63363412_2020-07-09T12:48:32.000Z","text":"SCOTUS should opened up Trump’s taxes to see the evidence of being a CON for his entire life. This will bring out the shadowy accountants doing his dirty taxes.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"920036844888195072_2018-06-04T20:08:38.000Z","text":"SCOTUS just set back gay rights, on bakery decision. If the couple were non-white , it would be considered discrimination. @Scotus @realDonaldTrump #gayrepublican #Bill of Rights #jimcrowelaws","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"227723328_2020-07-09T14:50:04.000Z","text":"As important as the Supreme Court decisions are, let’s not lose sight of the one pertinent fact we already know for sure about Trump’s financial records: He is going to tremendous lengths to make sure we can’t see them. Why?","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"363400810_2018-06-05T02:11:36.000Z","text":"SCOTUS wedding cake decision is the religious right’s first big victory in limiting gay rights. The model is the long term effort limiting abortion rights that now barely exist.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1135602372191952896_2020-07-09T14:41:18.000Z","text":"when SCOTUS is in session my anxiety goes on a rollercoaster","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"154977758_2018-06-05T05:19:17.000Z","text":"re: #GayWeddingCake \r\nInasmuch as I support 🏳️‍🌈 rights I think #SCOTUS made the right decision today. Had they sided with the couple would that have opened the door to, for instance, a black-owned bakery being obligated to bake a cake for the #kkk?","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"707302472_2020-07-09T19:36:21.000Z","text":"Wondering how the same R’s pissing and moaning about the #cancelculture feel ‘bout the current #SCOTUS ruling.😂😂\r\n\r\n#TrumpTaxReturns","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"18468061_2018-06-04T18:20:22.000Z","text":"It’s wild that a religious baker got a supreme court decision in his favor bc the people fighting him hated religion more than he hated gays","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"14596185_2020-07-11T22:44:09.000Z","text":"“[A federal pardon] extends to every [federal] offense known to the law, and may be exercised at any time after its commission, either before legal proceedings are taken or during their pendency, or after conviction and judgment.”\r\n\r\n☯ SCOTUS Ex parte Garland, 71 U.S. 333","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"3054376353_2020-07-14T21:28:45.000Z","text":"Some people are very cynical, but what point this year do we honestly objectively think we pass the point where a SCOTUS vacancy cannot be filled before the next term?","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"126326889_2018-06-04T14:31:14.000Z","text":"If your religious beliefs stop you from serving all the people in the business you have chosen, you shouldn’t be doing that business. #scotus @SCOTUSblog #MasterpieceCakeshop #lgbt #PrideMonth2018","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"84101158_2018-06-06T11:41:42.000Z","text":"A gay couple made it's way to the Supreme Court over a cake What's Great about that Americans?","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"32885835_2020-07-09T13:43:10.000Z","text":"If every Presidential Candidate, and past POTUS, showed their taxes, why should Trump be given a \"pass by the SCOTUS\" Todays decision must go in the favor of the Congress, The Investigators and We The People. He has gotten away with entirely too many secrets in 4 years.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"2780842687_2018-06-04T14:45:31.000Z","text":"The Supremes agreed a Colorado baker didn’t have to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple. Hello dark ages. We knew you weren’t far away. This is what happens when you don’t vote and allow Congress to hijack a Supreme Court nomination.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"947822706992537602_2018-06-07T12:07:19.000Z","text":"Homer Plessy was the plaintiff in the Supreme Court decision Plessy v. Ferguson. On this date in 1892, the Citizens' Committee asked Plessy to agree to violate Louisiana's Separate Car law that required the segregation of passenger trains by race. He was arrested. #BlackHistory","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"3449849532_2018-06-04T16:31:26.000Z","text":"#SCOTUS this is a great opportunity for LGBTQ+ Friendly entrepreneurs to start businesses.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"24928470_2020-07-09T14:30:26.000Z","text":"So supreme court sends both cases down to the lower court,Trump is not immune to the law. So trump will delay.7-2.Of course trump will say he won,he didn't","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"55080186_2018-06-04T15:08:01.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court ruling was narrow, not the vote. There's a difference.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"147634420_2018-06-04T17:01:28.000Z","text":"Ok, if a Jewish Baker refuses service to a Muslim or Christian or if a Christian Baker refuses service to a Muslim or Hindu, just because of their beliefs, #SCOTUS Supreme Court are they justified in their discrimination. Aren't we all just people? Are you starting something?","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"61639680_2018-06-04T14:25:57.000Z","text":"Am I the only person annoyed by SCOTUS narrowly deciding free exercise/establishment clause cases?","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"494394593_2018-06-04T14:26:55.000Z","text":"#BREAKING: The @AP is reporting that the Supreme Court has ruled narrowly for a Denver baker who wouldn't make a same-sex couple a wedding cake.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"311276757_2020-07-09T14:26:04.000Z","text":"Justice for The People 7\r\nTrump 2\r\nGood Job #SCOTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"3493563087_2020-07-09T14:46:45.000Z","text":"Son of a bitch...SCOTUS did it?!!\r\nAnd Trump's 2 hand picked Justices ruled against him?\r\nThe world just shifted on it's axis...\r\nWow\r\n#TrumpTaxes","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"1001835050889957376_2020-07-14T23:38:59.000Z","text":"Scotus’ new nickname: The Orange Dick.🤣🌊♐️","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"227930084_2020-07-09T20:49:53.000Z","text":"Congratulations to the indigenous people of Oklahoma on this monumental decision by SCOTUS!","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"1550884686_2018-06-05T04:20:33.000Z","text":"I refuse to call this Masterpiece Cakeshop wedding cake mess a victory. No matter how you spin this, the bottom line is that our highest court failed to resolve this matter once and for all. #MasterpieceCakeshop #wedding #marriage #LGBT #Gay #Queer #LGBTQ #SCOTUS #civilrights","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1023199332_2020-07-09T14:09:22.000Z","text":"Refreshing twitter for the #scotus trump tax decision like I’m trying to get Beyoncé tickets","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"26913750_2020-07-09T14:13:07.000Z","text":"Incoming ruling! #SCOTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"1190041766390566914_2020-07-09T18:59:41.000Z","text":"Supreme Court gives back half of Oklahoma, what a good day for SC","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"2796121842_2018-06-05T12:01:03.000Z","text":"Make no mistake. The Supreme Court cake case has more to do with race than it does who you love. They just paved the way to refusing service to anyone. Good luck, everyone. It's 1965. #lunchcounter","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"785576338740523010_2020-07-09T12:23:44.000Z","text":"Good morning, some stories to follow:\r\n\r\n-Search for ‘Glee’ actress @NayaRivera in CA lake, presumed dead.\r\n-#SCOTUS expected to make ruling on @realDonaldTrump’s tax records.\r\n-Heath officials in #Tulsa say Trump rally likely led to #coronavirus spike.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"896002384056340481_2020-07-11T15:27:03.000Z","text":"Supreme Court: No one is above the law.\r\nTrump: Hold my beer.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"751371362_2020-07-09T14:16:13.000Z","text":"Ready for the rage tweets to begin about how the SCOTUS has been overtaken by far left radicals and the US is in danger. 😆","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"14253400_2018-06-04T20:53:57.000Z","text":"daily reminder:\r\n\r\n- only illegal if Dems do it\r\n- only a dictatorship if the president's brown\r\n- only an activist judge if you disagree\r\n- only a SCOTUS pick if @FDRLST says so\r\n\r\nonly VOTING will change this paradigm. #midterms","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"720835462022037504_2020-07-20T05:09:31.000Z","text":"With Eastern Oklahoma now being a reservation as declared by the U.S. Supreme Court in McGirt, that means that Oklahoma’s medical marijuana laws are now illegal under federal law in the Muscogee (Creek) Nation - the eastern half of #Oklahoma \r\n\r\nChanges could happen.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"43727212_2020-07-09T14:20:20.000Z","text":"Thank you Supreme Court for upholding the rule of law. @SCOTUSblog","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"757742231251845120_2020-07-09T20:56:19.000Z","text":"What SCOTUS did is dangerous. They did not allow the people of Oklahoma to vote for what SCOTUS ruled. What they should have done, is put it on a ballot and allow the people to vote for it.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"70426799_2020-07-09T14:57:07.000Z","text":"Make no mistake, we’ve had monumental SCOTUS wins this year. But unless we want to spend a lifetime being governed by CJ Roberts’ mood, we have to elect leaders to codify our progress into law.\r\n\r\nThat means holding the House, retaking the Senate, and putting Joe Biden in the WH.","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"95814465_2018-06-04T21:20:33.000Z","text":"Leave it to SCOTUS to put off a definitive ruling on religious freedom v same sex rights by ruling that Colorado Civil Rights Commission did not give Masterpeice CakeShop a fair hearing. Government Agencies are not exactly known for fair hearings, <cough> @NLRB <cough>.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"3322601280_2020-07-09T15:26:09.000Z","text":"BREAKING: Trump appeals Supreme Court ruling to his Russian handler, Vova. 😂🤣","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"366916672_2020-07-09T18:44:54.000Z","text":"So @realDonaldTrump is not a happy camper with the latest verdicts from #SCOTUS Well cry me a river.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"339275675_2020-07-09T12:14:51.000Z","text":"1. What I expect from the SCOTUS on ruling on trumps financial records: if they don’t rule in his favor of breaking our tax laws they will give him a year to produce them. Someway they will give him the advantage the way they did postponing it for a year which is an utter d’grace","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"35963209_2018-06-04T15:05:08.000Z","text":"the supreme court........sucks","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"25034807_2020-07-09T14:37:23.000Z","text":"On the congressional subpoenas, SCOTUS seems to mainly have thrown up their hands “you might be able to get them, we can’t tell.” The state prosecutor case was much more clear cut.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"14171334_2018-06-04T15:47:29.000Z","text":"Fucking Supreme Court.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"31524049_2020-07-09T15:02:46.000Z","text":"SCOTUS from the top rope","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"54143577_2020-07-09T17:01:35.000Z","text":"SCOTUS handed Pres. Trump a partial, ruling that he isn't \"categorically immune\" from having his pre-presidential financial records released to a NY grand jury. But in a 2nd ruling on the House's request for similar info., it appeared to question breadth of congress authority.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"745741896895471616_2018-06-05T01:24:28.000Z","text":"Marsha Coyle explains on NPR today’s ruling. It is narrow but how can this not discrimination? #SCOTUS #CakeEquality #LGBQT #Pride","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"759779641_2020-07-09T12:39:54.000Z","text":"SCOTUS to rule McGirt v Oklahoma and if the Muscogee Creek reservation (which is most of eastern OK and Tulsa) is still intact. Reservations can only be disestablished by an act of Congress, which did not happen here. Case has Tribal sovereignty and jurisdictional implications.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"329433192_2018-06-04T14:56:19.000Z","text":"Imagine thinking “narrow” means number of #SCOTUS (for or against) but not knowing it actually means the scope of the ruling/argument. Smh 🙄","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"3222012967_2018-06-04T17:08:45.000Z","text":"Between Trump's \"I am the Law\" tweets and the SCOTUS cake decision today, suddenly there thousands more legal experts. It's going to be a long day.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"4685818704_2020-07-14T13:38:09.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court overturned a district courts ruling on a stay for a death row inmate at 2 am and the trump administration executed someone for the first time in 17 years this morning. We’re in hell.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"756034_2020-07-09T14:27:30.000Z","text":"Also: SCOTUS rules the President MUST turn his tax returns over to SCNY *unless* he can make a legal argument to prove he can’t. \r\nAlso also: POTUS can not ignore Congressional subpoena for tax returns just because he’s POTUS.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"153494113_2020-07-09T16:59:19.000Z","text":"I’ll be joining @NicolleDWallace at the top of the 4 pm hour on MSNBC to discuss the latest SCOTUS decisions re Trump financial records. Let’s just pretend quarantine hair and highlights aren’t an issue, shall we? See you soon!","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"385928589_2020-07-09T17:39:35.000Z","text":"Is Trump beginning to realize that he can't fire Supreme Court justices?","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"59940901_2018-06-04T16:29:47.000Z","text":"When Marie Antoinette said Let Them Eat Cake did she mean everybody but Gay Couples who want to get married. Thats what the Supreme Court said","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"926768370_2020-07-17T16:44:01.000Z","text":"If RBG leaves the court before the election (assuming a Biden win) and Trump/McConnell move to quickly replace her, the House must immediately expand the Supreme Court to 11 justices. Such blatant partisan hypocrisy should not be accepted.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"995328311713714176_2018-06-04T16:20:58.000Z","text":"Likewise, when we have a bully president, can he influence the Supreme Court to give him ultimate power under the law? He should hold no sway over the courts nor the American people.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"330119492_2020-07-18T18:37:38.000Z","text":"Supreme Court justices should not have lifetime appointments.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"21931325_2018-06-04T14:33:55.000Z","text":"So I’m assuming the baker, based on his religion, would also refuse serving heterosexual couples who have intercourse and shack up before marriage? #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"741335948022194176_2020-07-09T15:01:48.000Z","text":"Was CLARENCE THOMAS even awake during the SCOTUS deliberations re; #TrumpTaxReturns decision","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"471677770_2020-07-09T22:29:13.000Z","text":"What the heck does the Oklahoma SCOTUS ruling actually mean like people living in that state ?","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"3322601280_2020-07-17T14:33:30.000Z","text":"I'm skeptical that Nov 3 will be anything near a free and fair election.\r\nThe US Supreme Court has already disenfranchised hundreds of thousands of people. That number will likely rise into the millions or tens of millions. I'll be happy to be proven wrong.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"15220069_2018-06-04T14:40:17.000Z","text":"Rejoice, Jews! With today's Supreme Court ruling, we can finally resume baking the blood of Christian babies into our matzoh!","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"231908962_2020-07-09T21:27:13.000Z","text":"I wonder what @realDonaldTrump's reaction was when he heard not only that he lost @scotus, but that his 2 appointments went against him.\r\n\r\nInsert Adderall and Big Macs.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"162204416_2020-07-09T20:50:06.000Z","text":"Today's SCOTUS ruling was a Win for Trump in one case, the Congress waste of time case, due to Separation of Powers. Duh!\r\nThe other case was a Delay & sent back to District Court to make the correct argument.\r\nA more refined, tailored one that the case is a joke & political.🇺🇸","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1945129729_2018-06-06T04:24:01.000Z","text":"Listening to that baker from the SCOTUS case explain how he also wouldn’t serve Halloween cakes tells me all I need to know about him. (Which, obvs the difference there is that nobody gets the cake, whereas the wedding cake is discriminating against a specific group) but lol.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"21026943_2020-07-17T18:41:39.000Z","text":"Not to be morbid but with Ruth bader Ginsburg having cancer again at her age it's extremely important to make sure Trump does not get back in office. Because if so we are giving the wackos and opportunity to possibly appoint another supreme Court Justice","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"601121636_2018-06-08T05:29:01.000Z","text":"a hardware store in Tennessee has a sign in their window that says “NO GAYS ALLOWED” and states that the recent SCOTUS decision was a “ray of sunshine for christians across the country”. \r\n\r\nit was never about the cake","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"20105978_2020-07-15T00:03:09.000Z","text":"If Trump gets to put in another Supreme Court judge, I’m going to blow a gasket.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"29262732_2018-06-04T15:21:43.000Z","text":"#SCOTUS taking us backwards in history #Regressives","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"183056130_2018-06-04T18:54:29.000Z","text":"#MasterpieceCakeshop ruling by #SCOTUS would’ve been unnecessary if Christians had insisted, decades ago, that government stay out of that business of defining marriage.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"24072992_2018-06-04T19:48:29.000Z","text":"Glad to know that I won't be forced by #SCOTUS to make a gay wedding cake if I didn't want to.\r\n\r\nThe only real question is what the hell kind of horrible person would I have to be to not want to?","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"275378900_2020-07-09T22:07:33.000Z","text":"Good news is #SCOTUS ruled that sitting presidents don't have absolute immunity the bad news is they refuse to allow Congress or the public to see Trumps tax returns before the election,for him to go to such great lengths to keep them a secret means it's incriminating","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"468904472_2018-06-04T20:14:44.000Z","text":"Show some love and just bake the cake #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"1278734179384152064_2020-07-10T03:11:34.000Z","text":"Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts, is a sellout Just another political Democrat Hack and he's now obviously influencing the new appointed judges saying the President is not above the law to withhold information in a criminal investigation. Harassment continues.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"39775484_2020-07-09T17:52:33.000Z","text":"Hey donald! #trump read my lips. Show us your taxes. Supreme court 7-2. #TraitorTrump #TrumpTaxReturns #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"890791012724948995_2020-07-09T18:37:32.000Z","text":"Today's SCOTUS decision is not an outright win, though some are trying to spin it that way. They will not release the financial documents now. My guess is they will wait til after the election. And Congress has to go back to court to fight for their right to subpoena records.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"1130149501_2018-06-05T13:52:49.000Z","text":"Dragging a baker all the way to the Supreme Court because he won't decorate your damn cake seems like a very gay thing to do.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"216075583_2018-06-04T18:57:14.000Z","text":"It still astonishes me that so-called Christians are basically fighting for the \"religious freedom\" to be the bad Samaritan. 🙄\r\n\r\n#SCOTUS #Masterpiece \r\n#MasterpieceCakeshop","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"303512493_2020-07-09T14:24:59.000Z","text":"7-2 TRUMP RECORDS WILL REMAIN SEALED FROM CONGRESS UNTIL AFTER ELECTION #SCOTUS @WUSA9","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"37491686_2018-06-05T22:21:04.000Z","text":"Reading this trash ass Supreme Court opinion 😒","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"16018760_2020-07-09T14:26:27.000Z","text":"Supreme Court punts.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"3252141494_2020-07-09T15:14:51.000Z","text":"Trump is not above the law says Supreme Court. He is not immune from NY grand jury process regarding his taxes.","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"69986816_2020-07-09T19:16:43.000Z","text":"SCOTUS has been on a roll with these decisions","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"42106976_2020-07-18T16:16:52.000Z","text":"If we lose a SCOTUS justice soon, what percentage of politicians will go full hypocrite?","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1465982610_2020-07-09T14:38:58.000Z","text":"Very interesting ruling by #SCOTUS re 1830s treaty covering eastern portion of #Oklahoma. What are the practical implications to criminal justice, real estate transactions, oil royalties, etc? #ThursdayThoughts","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"1210217358_2020-07-09T21:28:09.000Z","text":"LMAOO Supreme Court decision just said “we running through your shit mr president.” the NY way.","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"377556370_2020-07-09T15:01:36.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court actually ruled that trumps financial records won’t be released “for now” or whatever the fuck that means.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"934951051_2018-06-04T14:35:35.000Z","text":"So the Supreme Court just ruled you can refuse to serve anyone based on your religious beliefs.. welcome to the new America!","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"980604690_2018-06-04T18:49:48.000Z","text":"#Breaking :\r\n@realDonaldTrump has a right to pardon everyone, even his penis-pump (his penis-pump is an official executive consultant - no security clearance though).\r\n\r\n#TrumpsPenisPump\r\n#MondayMotivation \r\n#SCOTUS \r\n#TrumpPardons\r\n#TrumpRussia \r\n#TrumpCrimeFamily\r\n@Wonkette","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1278734179384152064_2020-07-09T17:59:02.000Z","text":"The media and the Supreme Court make it very clear that no one is Above The Law including the President.But Democrats continue to violate the law year after year and it is politically obvious that they are definitely above the law. Break the law and never, ever held accountable","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"910124566231621632_2020-07-10T02:17:05.000Z","text":"Dk why the spin that trump suffered a resounding loss today with scotus. I dont think he is too worried. No info will emerge 2 harm him before the election and he cant be prosecuted if vladdy comes thru again in about 8 states. As he will sit as potus past statute expiration.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"82266118_2020-07-09T14:17:49.000Z","text":"#SCOTUS tells @realDonaldTrump to turn his taxes over to @ManhattanDA \r\n\r\nThe #PerpWalk is coming.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"310963993_2020-07-09T15:07:04.000Z","text":"Jay Sekulow: “We are pleased that in the decisions issued today, the Supreme Court has temporarily blocked both Congress & NY prosecutors from obtaining the President’s tax records. We will now proceed to raise additional Constitutional and legal issues in the lower courts.”","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"2850559886_2020-07-10T00:28:40.000Z","text":"Let’s see employers bind together and change their stance when it comes to birth control. Just to give a big fuck you to The Supreme Court. #birthcontrol #SCOTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"23941831_2018-06-04T16:56:39.000Z","text":"Trump can't pardon himself. in the Nixon case over the tapes Nixon argued for the right to self-pardoning./ SCOTUS said no. Nixon resigned 4 days later. Republicans have selective memory.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"2712015096_2018-06-04T14:37:46.000Z","text":"I love my family, but being in my hometown is complex. The Supreme Court decision has guaranteed I’m going to be in at least 3+ arguments today. #HappyPRIDE #ReligiousFreedomForWho?","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"3092209045_2018-06-05T13:18:40.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court has made the assertion of “sincere religious beliefs” a valid excuse for breaking the law. #MasterpieceCakeshop #SupremeCourt #religion","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"275378900_2020-07-10T17:05:43.000Z","text":"The 1st amendment prohibits the government from having any authority in matters of religion but that doesn't seem to apply to #SCOTUS who believes peoples religious beliefs justify discrimination & persecution","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"42719022_2018-06-04T16:10:14.000Z","text":"Ouch. #SCOTUS #LGBTPROUD #resist","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"23833641_2018-06-04T15:31:19.000Z","text":"🚨 BREAKING: SCOTUS ruled narrowly for Masterpiece Cakeshop while also reaffirming the core principle that businesses *cannot* turn away people based on who they are. State and local anti-discrimination laws that protect LGBT New Yorkers remain in full effect.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"105588131_2020-07-17T17:42:18.000Z","text":"All this panic about the RBG news is maybe a good reminder that the Supreme Court might be TOO much of a partisan tool and is in desperate need of reform.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"3156576075_2018-06-04T14:58:48.000Z","text":"FYI: a ruling can be narrow in its scope even though it was a 7-2 opinion #scotus #themoreyouknow #MasterpieceCakeshop","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"134932737_2020-07-09T20:00:47.000Z","text":"Patiently waiting for new episodes of the podcasts @TrumpConLaw & Can He do that (@AllisonMichs) so that they can explain these new Supreme court decisions....","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"23722195_2020-07-09T14:54:20.000Z","text":"Hey @rebeccanagle - I’m looking so forward to hearing your update on the Sharpe v Murphy Supreme Court ruling on the This Land pod! Hope it’s soon 😊","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"10165452_2020-07-09T15:41:45.000Z","text":"SCOTUS kicked the can down to road!","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"912926138_2020-07-09T00:38:21.000Z","text":"It is utterly unconscionable that the Supreme Court has allowed the Trump administration’s reckless attacks on birth control access to go into effect. @NARALVirginia @PPADMV","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1236796326853201920_2020-07-10T16:32:01.000Z","text":"Lou sobs don’t get mad the Supreme Court justices are doing everybody don’t lick Donald trump ass like you,and wyproof do you have?","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"170735298_2018-06-04T14:26:11.000Z","text":"Discrimination may win at SCOTUS today but love will ultimately win!","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"21922309_2020-07-15T00:32:52.000Z","text":"Anyone who says it's freedom of speech for keep their business open or defy governor shutdown orders needs to read Jacobson v Massachusetts \r\n\r\nYou will not win. SCOTUS ruled on mandatory Public health orders 120 years ago. \r\n\r\nGrow up","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"89583894_2018-06-04T14:47:47.000Z","text":"Supreme Court is unaware its Pride week. Don’t let them fool you bigotry is unacceptable, and I know plenty of Bakers that would be honored to bake cakes for such an amazing event as a same sex marriage.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"762923744_2018-06-08T03:10:43.000Z","text":"In DC, but not for the Washington Capitols Stanley Cup win. A little appointment at the Supreme Court. All Good! @ffmikea","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"52470900_2020-07-09T16:00:16.000Z","text":"But where were you @Scotus on Kansas v Glover 🤔","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"869589094048776192_2018-06-04T16:54:39.000Z","text":"Wow. The Supreme Court just ruled FOR the discrimination of a business against a same-sex couple who wanted a cake made for their wedding. Maybe we are screwed. Only 2 dissenting. Can you guess which two ? #wtf #discriminationIsAGAINlegalintheUSofA Also, it’s #Pride month. 🌈💔","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"73513195_2020-07-09T16:15:48.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court has been a wild roller coaster lately. You can’t discriminate against sexuality in the work place? Great! But they still can deny birth control? Uh what? But now you can take a look at trump’s tax returns! Uh.. cool, thanks?","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"18030304_2020-07-09T06:28:51.000Z","text":"This is a first for me. I can’t sleep because I’m worked up about today’s upcoming #SCOTUS rulings in Mazars and Vance. The fact that they even heard these cases is a bad sign.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"3974389338_2018-06-05T01:10:17.000Z","text":"Reminder that the Masterpiece Cake Shop V. Colorado SCOTUS decision does not take the cake shop’s side for first amendment rights, it just found that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission messed up and let the cake shop go because of it. Discrimination is still fucked","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"2777092093_2020-07-17T13:10:31.000Z","text":"Woke up to the Supreme Court upholding voter suppression law in Florida, secret police snatching protesters in Portland, and the CDC not making public data available...I am genuinely very nervous about November","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"4471843394_2020-07-15T20:49:49.000Z","text":"The reason why it’s completely legal to mandate masks and vaccines is because of Jacobson vs Massachusetts, it’s a Supreme Court ruling. You and the president do not know the history of this country and it shows.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"4739677485_2020-07-10T00:18:04.000Z","text":"I haven’t heard this much discussion of the Burr case since my dissertation defense. #SCOTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"249051050_2018-06-04T14:43:36.000Z","text":"I’m sure the news media will provide sober, nuanced analysis of Masterpiece Cake Shop. #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"16188864_2020-07-09T14:01:47.000Z","text":"Waiting for this #SCOTUS decision is just not the kind of suspense we need right now, especially since the Court is not legitimately constituted.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"18781212_2020-07-17T16:23:39.000Z","text":"BREAKING: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg says she is receiving chemotherapy for a recurrence of cancer, but has no plans to retire from the Supreme Court. @wcbs880 #RBG #SCOTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"432087739_2020-07-15T20:29:58.000Z","text":"Every time get a news alert that starts with “Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg,” my heart sinks to the bottom of my stomach...","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"132029493_2018-06-04T16:49:12.000Z","text":"Funniest part about tweeting re SCOTUS cases is people unfollowing me in droves 😂 Like, what were they following me for in the first place??","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"910124566231621632_2020-07-09T23:59:46.000Z","text":"Mary Trump is supposedly in possession of some proof that donald along with his siblings has committed tax fraud. Poetic justice if she can bring him down, when scotus wouldnt","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"1265527658_2018-06-04T17:00:33.000Z","text":"#SCOTUS And the civilized world laughs at the backward mentality of the US.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"21146102_2018-06-04T14:54:28.000Z","text":"Someone please tweet me if you have the actual #SCOTUS opinion.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"301205128_2020-07-09T22:01:55.000Z","text":"hey remember when the president* promised to release his tax returns four years ago and now he’s crying like a little bitch about “presidential harassment” because the supreme court said he doesn’t have any legal immunity? \r\n\r\npepperidge farms remembers.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"321740906_2020-07-09T02:04:22.000Z","text":"This is a terrible day for women in America.\r\nThe #SCOTUS ruling is IMO, the systemic oppression of women.\r\n Why should an employer have any say on something so emotionally private and personal? With this ruling, an employer may claim that it goes against their religious beliefs.-","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"788358762167926784_2018-06-04T23:31:45.000Z","text":"“Our message is clear: in NY you are still protected and NY’s orgs will resist any attempts to change that.” Our chair @gabrielblau will be on @fox5ny tonight at 10pm talking about today’s #SCOTUS #MasterpieceCakeshop decision along w/ @HetrickMartin CEO Thomas Krever. #LGBTPROUD","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"34020952_2020-07-15T14:51:21.000Z","text":"I used to really enjoy Joe Biden. Maybe I was just young and naive, but if he could just go back to the memes as Barry’s bestie, that would be great. \r\n\r\nI’ll vote for him, because our next president will hold the next SCOTUS appointment, but I’m not happy about it.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"127781541_2020-07-09T17:58:45.000Z","text":"These slow court cases like Trump v. Mazars remind me of another thing that should go in @patrickc’s “Fast” compendium:\r\n\r\nUS v. Nixon reached SCOTUS less than 3 months after the contested subpoena was issued and was decided in 16 days.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"17088715_2018-06-04T16:29:33.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court decided to condemn for “disrespecting religion.” In honor of Pride Month, we need to disrespect religion every single day. #religionispoison","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"378289965_2018-06-04T21:49:02.000Z","text":"Also, the Supreme Court likes to punt in crucial situations more than an LSU offense does.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"32117789_2018-06-05T02:29:09.000Z","text":"Take note, these small cracks in the Civil Rights Movement's legacy are part of a larger agenda to restore #JimCrow segregation (at least on an individualized basis, now recognized on \"moral\" grounds) as the law of the land. Stay woke peeps. 🌈✊🏾⚖️#SCOTUS #CakeshopVColorado","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"4865895736_2018-06-04T19:01:50.000Z","text":"In the United States of America, in the year 2018, we *still* to need to clarify that a decision by the Supreme Court did not, in fact, reinstate open-season on legal discrimination. \r\n\r\n#MasterpieceCakeshop","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"1354274557_2018-06-04T19:27:18.000Z","text":"Just remembering bible thumping hypocrites called Christians... what comes around goes around.. you might of won this battle.. but not the war... #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"294128045_2018-06-05T14:04:03.000Z","text":"Did anyone else think that people are so fucking dumb for thinking a Supreme Court decision 7-2 was “narrow”? Finally learned this morning they all meant the scope of the decision is narrow, not the vote 🤦‍♀️","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"382367498_2018-06-04T14:29:05.000Z","text":"Justice Kennedy pens the opinion for a 7-2 #SCOTUS in No 16-111 Masterpiece Cakeshop v Colo Civil Rights Comm’n. Colo Ct App is reversed #MasterpieceCakeshop #LGBTQ","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"723375120_2020-07-10T16:21:47.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court has decided. @realDonaldTrump is #NotAboveLaw. The American people deserve to see Trump's tax returns and we demand their release now!","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"3401061634_2018-06-04T16:13:24.000Z","text":"This is disgusting to allow discrimination of a preron gender, disabilities,or sexual orientation. If the Republican party hadn't cheated Obama out of a supreme court Supreme Court rules in favor of baker who would not make wedding cake for gay couple","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"2784748272_2018-06-04T16:40:57.000Z","text":"Masterpiece Cakeshop out #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"134671493_2018-06-04T14:34:44.000Z","text":"Supreme Court sides with Colorado baker who refused to make a wedding cake for same-sex couple!!! Common sense is making a comeback. Recommend you don’t stand too close to a liberal as heads will explode in 3...2...1...🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"852280036216516612_2018-06-06T04:51:00.000Z","text":"“Do not be so open minded that your brains fall out.”- G.K. Chesterton #SCOTUS #GayCake","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"105965228_2018-06-04T15:07:29.000Z","text":"If you’re feeling confused about any SCOTUS related decisions head over to @Hegemommy and @AngryBlackLady for incredible information, thoughtful discourse + insight on all things SCOTUS related.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"799452120_2020-07-09T15:04:20.000Z","text":"With Mazars and Vance, the Supreme Court dealt a harsh blow to the legacy of Trumpism on the Constitution. Now it is up to us to vote Trump out (and then a NY grand jury to consider indicting him).","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"860644584447148033_2020-07-09T18:52:03.000Z","text":"The next impeachment should be most of the Supreme Court!!! Talk about traitors to America!!!","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"3296039808_2020-07-09T15:43:12.000Z","text":"I can’t wait to hear Mark Levin’s take on the SCOTUS decision. @marklevinshow","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"1002617783652438022_2020-07-09T15:58:31.000Z","text":"BREAKING - Supreme Court just ruled to allow AG Cyrus Vance BUT NOT CONGRESS to review Trump’s tax records. Details developing will hit MSM shortly.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"384105778_2018-06-04T23:20:45.000Z","text":"Today’s Supreme Court announcement makes me even prouder to march in @Central_ALPride this weekend. Until today I was dreading the drive. Now IDGAF. I’d walk there & back if I had to.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"2465090298_2020-07-16T21:08:22.000Z","text":"#WesleyPurkey #DanielLee why is @Scotus working in the dark of night?","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"17423115_2020-07-09T23:52:13.000Z","text":"“In our judicial system, the public has a right to every man’s evidence. Since the earliest days of the Republic ‘every man’ has included the President of the United States.”\r\n\r\nThank you SCOTUS Chief Justice John Roberts for reminding @realDonaldTrump that he isn’t a king.","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"995328311713714176_2018-06-04T17:22:44.000Z","text":"I want the sitting president physically removed if need be. All of his criminals need to be removed from lying. We need to March on the White House, Congress and Supreme Court. The backers of the law greatly outnumber the Baker the butcher (Trump) and the candle stick maker","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"25635248_2020-07-09T14:29:59.000Z","text":"Woo hoo SCOTUS says old #trumplethinskin isn’t above the law!! @realDonaldTrump will be mad tweeting today!! Hahaha let the fun begin! #TrumpTaxes","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"142507472_2020-07-09T17:45:24.000Z","text":"Based on today’s SCOTUS ruling I am guessing that the criminality that will be witnessed from Trump&his personal govt funded thugs will be wrkg over ⏱to stay in office. Cheating will go hyper speed","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"255800342_2018-06-04T17:18:09.000Z","text":"If the president of the United States has the very real possibility of pardoning himself why do we have the judicial system you might as well do away with the Supreme Court and gave all the power to the president @POTUS @realDonaldTrump @USSupremeCourt @USSupremeCourt1","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"361662517_2018-06-04T23:06:57.000Z","text":"#BreakingNews In a 5-4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled why we still have Pride Month.\r\n\r\n#StuNews","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"30427648_2020-07-12T13:42:24.000Z","text":"OTR @VirginiaBuckin1 @Adrian_Walker slice/dice ads for @EdMarkey, against @RepRichardNeal+SCOTUS decision on @realDonaldTrump $$ records, that quarrel with Maine&is bad behavior 3 decades ago still bad behavior? Join @EdWCVB & me @ 11AM @WCVB #mapoli","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"9267412_2020-07-09T03:05:39.000Z","text":"I have PCOS and need birth control to regulate my periods. What the Supreme Court decided today was wrong. Birth control has many health benefits & to base a decision on one aspect of the medication is careless. #birthcontrolishealthcare","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"30362747_2020-07-09T18:27:54.000Z","text":"Today the #SCOTUS told us that they're ok with #DonaldTrump going to jail. \r\nThat's all.\r\nCarry on.\r\n#TrumpTaxReturns","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"19621464_2018-06-04T14:33:35.000Z","text":"Congratulations to the bakery in its rights to protect itself and its religious beliefs!!!! Supreme Court just ruled in the bakers' favor!!!! I will support gay rights all day long but what the bakery did was well within its constitutional rights! #MAGA","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"1354274557_2018-06-04T17:43:44.000Z","text":"#SCOTUS the religious right might of won this case! We see your true colors! Burn your bibles .. would Jesus celebrate such a thing! Oh wait.. you only believe he came for the saved and not the sinner!! Shame on you bigots!","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"523509739_2020-07-15T20:07:07.000Z","text":"RBG UPDATE: The public information office at the Supreme Court reports that Justice Ginsburg has been discharged from the hospital. She is “at home and doing well“.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"108183400_2018-06-04T17:50:47.000Z","text":"In today's episode of America or No: 1. Supreme Court declined to set precedent allowing undocumented teens access termination of a pregnancy; 2. Supreme Court ruled that a baker COULD refuse to provide service to a same sex couple based solely on their being gay... and...","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"1010927182368030720_2020-07-09T17:54:27.000Z","text":"How does the Supreme Court not know plenty of people take the pill called birth control for body function reasons. Petition to rename birth control pills","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"1244559626_2018-06-04T15:03:16.000Z","text":"If bakers shouldn’t have to make cakes for gays, Hollywood shouldn’t have to make literally anything for middle America. #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"21043851_2018-06-05T00:24:28.000Z","text":"\"Faith and hate do not go together. Faith and oppression do not go together. Faith and homophobia do not go together.\" - Dr. Nita Mosby-Tyler #copolitics #nohate #masterpiece #scotus","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"4531540034_2020-07-17T17:02:28.000Z","text":"Shouldn't there be a point where someone steps in and says.... \" enough, your too old and your health is more important to continue on the Supreme Court\"? I mean come on the women is 90 something.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"594730822_2020-07-14T13:16:30.000Z","text":"How do y’all feel about the Supreme Court’s decision to resume executions for those people sentenced to the death penalty?","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"811333705_2020-07-09T03:32:05.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court will show it's ass tomorrow and protect Trump's tax returns...\r\n\r\nOur country is compromised.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"24298999_2018-06-05T23:24:07.000Z","text":"It is so amazing to me everytime I hear @SenateMajLdr talk about obstruction when he blatantly obstructed @POTUS44 @SCOTUS pick...I can't with his false outrage.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"19291698_2020-07-15T17:01:49.000Z","text":"If the Democrats don’t retake the Senate with the Presidency, not a single Supreme Court vacancy will be filled with Mitch McConnell in charge. I’m telling you people.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"2312176994_2018-06-04T19:19:15.000Z","text":"Religious convictions matter but if Masterpiece Cakeshop won't bake me a cake becuz they disapprove of my lifestyle, I say keep your frickin' cake #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"27725436_2018-06-05T13:36:38.000Z","text":"Here is what I think regarding #scotus decision. If a business does not want to serve me for any reason, I will gladly take my business elsewhere, because they probably are a better business anyway. #customerservice, #competition How can you afford to refuse a legitimate sale.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"26531418_2020-07-09T14:34:46.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court rules that the President isn't categorically immune from Congressional or grand jury process. Our independent institutions at work. 👏🏻","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"280823423_2020-07-10T12:15:53.000Z","text":"Crazy Trump tried to get the Supreme Court to rule in his favor that he was above the law...nobody knows about that though bc y’all too busy doing Tik tok conspiracies with fake news and going back to Disney World grand opening and painting BLM on the roads","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"488579472_2018-06-05T03:16:12.000Z","text":"Way to go Supreme Court! Good decision making today! @MikeyWhitBits @jillwyman","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"279815253_2020-07-09T13:15:11.000Z","text":"In 45 mins, I hope that #SCOTUS upholds the notion that no American is above the law.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"573930788_2018-06-04T16:53:30.000Z","text":"Way to go SCOTUS! You really celebrated PRIDE Month.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"230515578_2018-06-04T14:39:44.000Z","text":"Whoops, I was mistaken. The Supreme Court’s rulings today make it obvious we don’t live in a monarchy, we live in a theocratic monarchy. My apologies!","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"12211422_2020-07-09T15:28:48.000Z","text":"Wish SCOTUS had term limits.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"5402662_2020-07-09T14:25:35.000Z","text":"#SCOTUS declares the president is not unique or special.\r\n\r\nThe rest of us have always known that.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"743526071681703936_2018-06-04T16:58:09.000Z","text":"Literally any 1L can tell you what a narrow ruling means in the context of a Supreme Court Decision. Stop manipulating words @tedcruz","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"155598923_2018-06-04T17:09:57.000Z","text":"All people should have the rights they deserve, no matter their sexual orientation or gender identity. Period. Tell Congress to pass the Equality Act so that nobody is subjected to discrimination. #scotus #MasterpieceCakeshop","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"2893017337_2020-07-09T15:05:00.000Z","text":"MCGIRT V. OKLAHOMA: A LARGE CHUNCK OF EASTERN OKLAHOMA IS RULED BY THE @Scotus AS AN AMERICAN INDIAN RESERVATION. #IndianCountry","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"235373000_2018-06-05T01:57:42.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court’s ruling is an unfortunate start to LGBTQ #PrideMonth and a reminder that we have a lot of work ahead of us. Every person is free to be exactly who they are and to love who they love.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"3449849532_2018-06-04T18:12:34.000Z","text":"The #SCOTUS ruling in #masterpiececake is interesting. People should read it before commenting publically. I know 7-2 is not narrow numerically, but the explanations in the ruling is very close.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"826655697496584192_2018-06-07T19:40:29.000Z","text":"Remember when the supreme Court said that you can deny service to gay people? The Supreme court is literally so shitty. They've fucked up so many times throughout history. Plessy v Ferguson, Fred Scott vs Sanford, and Korematsu vs United States.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"20449221_2020-07-09T15:04:42.000Z","text":"Trump is losing his mind on Twitter about the SCOTUS ruling on his taxes. There’s nothing he fears more than being found out he doesn’t have as much money as he claims. He’s a fraud and a loser.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"839784595_2020-07-09T15:17:44.000Z","text":".@neal_katyal, the DOJ looks pretty silly after these SCOTUS tax decisions, eh?","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"14229664_2020-07-09T22:01:58.000Z","text":"Apparently the crazy bubble stops at SCOTUS. Who’d a thunk it. #25thAmendmentNow #TrumpMeltdown #SCOTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"931473620_2020-07-14T13:30:33.000Z","text":"SCOTUS lets Feds Kill “Last-minute stays” like that issued this morning “should be the extreme exception, not the norm.” Bucklew, 587 U. S., at ___ (slip op., at 30).","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"19300685_2020-07-17T03:36:34.000Z","text":"Here’s a comprehensive list of things the US federal government is doing well right now:\r\n\r\n•A couple of SCOTUS rulings.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"945103519320768512_2020-07-19T14:20:55.000Z","text":"If u TRULY want to save the CHILDREN especially the UNBORN CHILD then u must VOTE PRES.TRUMP back n OFFICE n 2020 because hopefully SCJ Ruth Bader Ginsburg will have passed away & PRES.TRUMP can them put a new Supreme Court Justice n OFFICE A (GOD)FEARING and CONSERVATIVE JUSTICE","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"858123043150983169_2020-07-09T20:42:18.000Z","text":"46 years ago this month, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled against Richard Nixon's attempt to block subpoenas for records held by the President. 3 of the Justices on the Court were appointed by Nixon,but all ruled against him. At 10, SCOTUS is expected to decide a similar Q...","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"139758483_2020-07-09T14:37:33.000Z","text":"7-2 on both scotus cases is heartening. Puts the cases back in a lower court for review. That’s the way it’s supposed to work. The executive branch isn’t immune from scrutiny. \r\nWe have 1 decision to make. \r\nVote 4 Blue on November 3rd. It’s one decision that we all can control.","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"44812635_2018-06-04T17:16:05.000Z","text":"Sooooo...... #SCOTUS turtled?","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"756962989_2020-07-09T08:33:50.000Z","text":"Happy Stable Genious Day. I have a feeling about SCOTUS. I want my country back.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"17025692_2020-07-18T03:21:24.000Z","text":"And dead Supreme Court Justices. RT @davidhogg111: It seems like the only dead Americans the GOP cares about at this point are dead slaveowners.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"64823073_2020-07-14T23:30:44.000Z","text":"I was today years old when i wrote my first piece of fan mail—sent to RBG of SCOTUS, who was hospitalized today with an undisclosed infection.","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"120541962_2020-07-09T14:23:29.000Z","text":"Smh I don’t like this safe ruling by the Supreme Court.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"36753604_2020-07-10T02:19:47.000Z","text":"The SUPREME COURT today PROVED that PRAYERS WORK. @CNN @MSNBC @washingtonpost @nytimes @WSJ @AARP \r\n🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"1155836192807669760_2020-07-17T16:33:27.000Z","text":"Blessing and prayers for supreme court judge Ruth Bader Ginsberg","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"162028638_2020-07-09T11:14:40.000Z","text":"Today is the day. Supreme Court rules. #trump must release his taxes. The truth always rises to the top.","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"275378900_2020-07-09T08:30:52.000Z","text":"At this point it isn't really about Trumps tax returns it's about whether #SCOTUS has any neutrality or integrity left at all,will conservative justices want to give Trump so much power that they won't be able to deny any Democrat ?","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"101626880_2018-06-05T17:09:47.000Z","text":"Mr. President, you swore an oath to the constitution - a document which limits your power and puts you under the rule of law. You can not pardon yourself for any reason. #RuleOfLaw #pardon #500DaysOfCorruption #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"246970180_2018-06-04T18:37:02.000Z","text":"News Cap: Not everyone is welcome to the cross or to Jesus’s table. #SCOTUS votes in favor of Colorado ‘Christian’ baker 7-2. #CakeEquality","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"2187438631_2020-07-09T11:38:06.000Z","text":"Predicting a punt by Roberts today. Push it down the road so as not to “influence the election.”\r\n#SCOTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1084491638519549954_2020-07-12T15:23:36.000Z","text":"“Upon the principle of self-defense, of paramount necessity, a community has the right to protect itself against an epidemic of disease which threatens the safety of its members.”\r\n\r\n#SCOTUS in 1905 during smallpox outbreak (still law). Stop calling La.’s mandate unconstitutional.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"261469386_2018-06-04T16:42:33.000Z","text":"The SCOTUS ruling in favor of the Colorado baker is a horrible decision","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"316859038_2020-07-19T13:11:13.000Z","text":"Soooo another SCOTUS pick before November or we just going to act like RBG at 87 with cancer has better capacity than another to make sound rulings?","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"910124566231621632_2020-07-09T15:29:04.000Z","text":"Trump crying ( as usual) about scotus delaying and seculo, his attorney, is happy that they dont have to show public taxes before election.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"95954693_2020-07-09T16:00:28.000Z","text":"Today's 5-4 #SCOTUS decision upholding the United States’ treaty obligations to the Creek Nation of Oklahoma and treaty Tribes across the country is a landmark victory for Indian Country, affirming that treaties between the United States and Tribes are the law of the land.","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"397586307_2020-07-09T16:35:08.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court is really throwing us for a loop lately","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"12762142_2018-06-04T15:56:58.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court strikes major blows to LGBT rights, and reproductive rights, while Trump declares he can pardon himself. We are one “terrorist” incident away from teetering over into Gilead territory.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"27082147_2020-07-09T18:16:15.000Z","text":"I don’t follow @realDonaldTrump bc I need my blood pressure to not rise, but watching him cry like a baby bc SCOTUS checked his power (it’s there for a reason) is kind of hilarious. Like he sounds like my 2 yr old sister who used to throw a tantrum when she couldn’t get ice cream","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"848578244_2018-06-04T19:14:17.000Z","text":"I’m having a hard time understanding the fact that the Supreme Court ruled on narrow grounds for the baker who refused to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple. It’s blatant discrimination, argument irrefutable.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"44229281_2018-06-04T17:45:43.000Z","text":"Me texting my friends in 2009: omg did you see what *Disney channel star* said/did/etc I luv him/her\r\n\r\nMe texting my friends now: omg did you see that supreme court decision I still need to read the whole thing","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"4825469830_2020-07-10T01:25:36.000Z","text":"Is Michael Cohen considered a political prisoner. With the Supreme Court ruling against Trump on the case Cohen is convicted on he gets picked up and taken back to jail. A coincidence? What do you think it appears like to the rest of the world?","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"35646496_2018-06-04T14:35:02.000Z","text":"So the baker won the Supreme Court case, but the SCOTUS didn't answer the broader question of will this apply for everyone else ... I am confusion.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"73766994_2018-06-05T10:29:24.000Z","text":"Whelp. I’m glad we, as a country, had such a productive discussion about what it means to describe a SCOTUS decision as “narrow.”\r\n🙄\r\nHint: It has nothing to do with the actual vote.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"68666872_2020-07-10T01:40:15.000Z","text":"The two Supreme Court rulings on Trumps taxes reaffirm that the President is not above the law. Look for these cases to go back to the lower court and get decided quickly. Trump will lose.","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"470476269_2020-07-09T14:43:20.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court ruling is designed to create maximum headline and minimum effect. Almost like the justices were seeking a way to keep trump in office long enough for his attorney general to come up with an alternate strategy","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"79033737_2018-06-05T01:47:54.000Z","text":"regarding the #SCOTUS ruling on the colorado cake case. Narrow refers to the scope of the ruling not the number of justices. Any claims to the contrary are #fakenews. The ruling is more complicated than people think","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"24161771_2018-06-06T17:15:02.000Z","text":"The same justice (Kennedy) who legalized gay marriage, sided with the cake baker #justsayin #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"73409332_2020-07-09T14:19:23.000Z","text":"Adam Schitt @RepAdamSchiff and Nadler @RepJerryNadler Are probably having a circle jerk waiting for the Supreme Court decision. \r\n@realDonaldTrump @dbongino @seanhannity @PeteHegseth @greggutfeld","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"935314503302107136_2020-07-17T16:25:29.000Z","text":"#BREAKING: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg confirms that the cancer she previously fought off, has returned. In the same announcement, she said that she plans to remain on the Supreme Court as she’s fully able.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"843935711724097536_2020-07-09T15:07:01.000Z","text":"Mad respect to the founders for establishing the Supreme Court. Even in the midst of perhaps the most corrupt President in American History, the checks and balances persist.","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"42519739_2020-07-09T15:35:56.000Z","text":"Wow! @realDonaldTrump is seriously melting down on twitter today. #SCOTUS is really getting under his skin. It is the 1/100th best thing ever.","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"422104815_2020-07-18T00:24:07.000Z","text":"Supreme Court Justice #RuthBaderGinsburg should be spending time healing and enjoying her family, but at the age of 87, there she is, putting her small, frail badass self on the line .... for us 😔that’s a hero🌻","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"879147821915615233_2020-07-09T15:27:21.000Z","text":"Many are hailing the Supreme Court for not ruling the president is above the law...But they have successfully shielded his tax returns till after the election. A deft move to corruptly protect Trump without doing it blatantly #TrumpTaxReturns #Trumptaxes Justice Gorsuch","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"3182042640_2020-07-09T17:59:20.000Z","text":"Has anyone considered the possibility that now Trump can use the Manhattan case as leverage for a resignation and a pardon before the election? \r\n\r\n(In his eyes a political settlement case) #TrumpTaxes #SCOTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"11948262_2020-07-17T17:52:52.000Z","text":"Hang in there #RBG. Remember that your vote will likely determine who nominates the next Supreme Court justice. Vote @JoeBiden","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"1517813090_2018-06-04T15:06:07.000Z","text":"That bakery case made it all the way to the Supreme Court?","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"284320157_2018-06-04T14:38:10.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court ruled 7 to 2 in favor of the baker who refused service to gay individuals. Just in time for pride month. A big Fuck You In the Eye to the whole country, because refusing service is apparently not discrimination; it’s defending the “religious freedom” to bake. 🖕","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"879973050_2018-06-04T15:08:13.000Z","text":"In today’s news the “president” declared himself above the law, US ambassador to Germany voices support for actual Nazis and the Supreme Court both ok’d discrimination and ruled a woman in detention doesn’t have agency over her body. And Twitter liberals are dragging Bill Clinton","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"55740461_2020-07-09T05:54:33.000Z","text":"Fuck the Supreme Court","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"107314373_2020-07-09T14:40:53.000Z","text":"Today we found out why tRump has been loading the Supreme Court with right wing leaning conservative justices. He has a lot to hide concerning his financial records. Facts speak louder than BULLSHIT. With the current Supreme Court decision tRumps has the ability to hide his","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"14976636_2018-06-04T17:41:31.000Z","text":"So does this Supreme Court decision mean that gay businesses can refuse to service right wing nut jobs?","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"105965228_2018-06-04T15:02:52.000Z","text":"Thank you @BrianLehrer and @WNYC for covering todays SCOTUS decisions","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"1354274557_2018-06-04T19:37:29.000Z","text":"It’s now time to give the Christian Right a big spoon full of fuck you return the favor... #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"3310874352_2018-06-05T22:07:23.000Z","text":"U.S. Supreme Court backs Christian baker who rebuffed gay couple. Open L.egal Mess >AmerMarket Place What does>Reality OPEN TO PUBLIC APPLY TO. Southern State used the ground of Religion for Segregation Court Ruling right of 1over Majority in OPEN MARKETCherry Picking Rights","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"17109542_2020-07-10T12:34:38.000Z","text":"!mong the other thingsnthis.@POTUS doesn't understand is that @Justices on @SCOTUS owe their allegiance to the @USConstitution, not a mere person.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"247558842_2018-06-05T13:14:12.000Z","text":"I just saw someone compare the Supreme Court decision to abortion.\r\n\r\n“If you don’t have to bake a cake for someone then let women choose abortion since it’s their body..”\r\n\r\nMaybe the worst analogy I’ve ever seen on twitter..\r\n\r\n@mass_shakiba","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"143920929_2020-07-14T14:57:39.000Z","text":"We’re in the middle of a massive pandemic where all hell is breaking loose but the Supreme Court has time to approve an execution? Man this country is off the rails","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"411797825_2018-06-06T18:03:56.000Z","text":"“My favorite Supreme Court Justice is” \r\nI had to cut the kid off right there.\r\nWhat 13 year old has a favorite Supreme Court Justice?","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"473016359_2020-07-09T19:24:46.000Z","text":"Someone is unraveling! Between the SCOTUS ruling on his taxes, and the mural of Black Lives Matter being painted by Trump Tower in NYC, and his raging at Lindsey Graham, it's not a good day for him. Sad.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"14596185_2018-06-06T00:25:44.000Z","text":".@nflcommish Are you aware that your penalty for kneeling during the national anthem, however genuflective to @realdonaldtrump, is illegal, according to a previous #SCOTUS ruling? @nfl","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"49747296_2018-06-04T14:54:17.000Z","text":"1). I am very disappointed by the court’s decision. While I realize the court was balancing religious liberty with the rights of gay people to be free from discrimination in the public sphere, the court got this one wrong. #coleg #scotus #lgbtq @colo_politics @VictoryInst","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"473370521_2018-06-04T21:08:51.000Z","text":"The press is really dropping the ball on the #SCOTUS decision. This decision has nothing to do with a businesses right to descriminate against a legally protected class, only about if the baker got a fair hearing at the civil Rights commission. Please report correctly.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"243926330_2020-07-09T14:44:58.000Z","text":"Unlike Ivy League colleges, Electoral College is playing this fall. #SCOTUS decisions affirm important constitutional law principles but do not themselves provide voters new tax/financial information before November. I agree with those that say to Biden: no debates if no release.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"158784656_2020-07-09T01:57:17.000Z","text":"Trump would have been given a heads up from someone in SCOTUS on if his taxes were going to get released tomorrow and he's not losing his shit tonight which makes me think the fix is in","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"444806694_2020-07-09T18:55:15.000Z","text":"Clarence Thomas replaced Thurgood Marshall on The Supreme Court. A true American tragedy.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"15559400_2020-07-09T13:25:03.000Z","text":"I’m guessing lots of people are hitting refresh on the scotus opinions webpage this am.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"891939020116303872_2020-07-13T21:25:57.000Z","text":"Look I’m not voting for Biden because I’m particularly excited by him. He’s wasn’t my 1st, 2nd or 3rd choice. I’m voting for him this November because, I’m thinking long game. The Supreme Court, other federal judgeships, housing, the environment, education, healthcare etc.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"16356488_2018-06-06T20:40:02.000Z","text":"If your religious belief says that private property is wrong, you've got a free shoplifting pass from #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"2480723510_2018-06-04T21:24:02.000Z","text":"People are allowed to discriminate if they own a business. It might not be morally correct but it's a right hey have. #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"188533027_2020-07-09T15:13:33.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court today ruled that the president, at least donald trump is above the law. Now mr trump can act like a king/tyrant. trump has taken America back to the times before Republic was built fighting a despot/king. \r\nI truly wonder if same ruling would go in Obama's favor?","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1084638889_2018-06-04T14:37:48.000Z","text":"#SCOTUS Supremes come down on side of bigotry.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"21802242_2018-06-04T12:56:49.000Z","text":"Happy Monday! Lots happening today. @TexasBaseball keeps playing postseason games, #SCOTUS has new rulings coming down, and @steve_vladeck is on @CNNnewsroom at 8am CT talking about #POTUS & the law!","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"12773112_2018-06-04T16:17:58.000Z","text":"🤔 is divorce against someone's deeply held religious beliefs? \r\nHow about those who disrespect their parents? That made the Top 10. As a Christian, I believe this is discrimination. Don't be in business bc the Bible says \"we all sin and fall short\" #SCOTUS\r\n#nocakeforyou","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"961305445_2020-07-09T14:19:50.000Z","text":"From SCOTUS ruling: The court holds “the President is neither absolutely immune from state criminal subpoenas seeking his private papers nor entitled to a heightened standard of need”, per Bill Mears and @ShannonBream. #Trump #Trumptaxes #ManhattanDA #CyVance #Mazars","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"593055173_2018-06-04T15:11:29.000Z","text":"In case you missed it, The Supreme Court is now allowing discrimination.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"22008787_2018-06-05T11:46:40.000Z","text":"Clinton back in the news raging he doesn’t owe Monica and apology. Trump cancelling the Eagles visit to the WH. SCOTUS ruling 7-2 for religious liberty. No question there’s a culture war, and it’s not going the way liberals thought it would.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"575693884_2020-07-09T14:27:52.000Z","text":"BREAKING: U.S. Supreme Court rules the #Manhattan district attorney can subpoena #PresidentTrump’s tax returns.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"926391302_2018-06-06T11:27:38.000Z","text":"I once asked my teacher, if the Supreme Court has no power to enforce what’s the consequence of a #president who’s ruled out of office? @realDonaldTrump you’ll be the first and only president removed with #military force if the #SupremeCourt rules against your powers to obstruct","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"257245280_2018-06-04T15:35:12.000Z","text":"THEY MADE THE SUPREME COURT RULING BLATANTLY ALLOWING DISCRIMINATION OF GAY PEOPLE DURING FUCKING PRIDE MONTH. \r\n\r\nIF YOU DO NOT THINK THIS WAS ON PURPOSE WAKE UP","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1621391989_2020-07-09T16:51:56.000Z","text":"The fact that two tr*mp appointed justices said he wasn’t above the law has me... realizing we still can’t put our trust in Brett and Neil no matter how badly we want to #SCOTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"275378900_2020-07-09T06:23:25.000Z","text":"Something conservatives in #SCOTUS must consider before ruling in Trumps favor is that any president after him including a/ Democrats would also be subject to the same ruling,if Congress can't subpoena Trump the GOP wouldn't be able to subpoena Biden either","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"351242041_2020-07-09T15:14:10.000Z","text":"Even the Supreme Court is feeling Hamilton lately, it appears.","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"41570227_2020-07-10T17:27:21.000Z","text":"If 2 SCOTUS appointed by Trump from a list by the Federalist are xeep ataters, then the GOP shpuld just call it a day and get relegated to a student council in some snall town.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"19173102_2020-07-09T01:35:49.000Z","text":"Like, what time is the Supreme Court making their #TrumpTaxReturns decision so I can set an alarm??? Ha","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"25785311_2018-06-04T17:52:33.000Z","text":"I'm starting a new religion called \"Don't Be A Feckless Cunt\".... Trump supporters will get no rights #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"35350274_2020-07-18T06:51:37.000Z","text":"But if RBG can’t keep on, McConnell would never consider a president’s SCOTUS nominee so close to an election? Right?!! Right???!! Right?!?!?!!!!!!!!","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"1164613860504014848_2020-07-09T16:16:02.000Z","text":"Did the Supreme Court see his finances?","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"2777117474_2018-06-04T15:34:19.000Z","text":"WTF. No media bias?? Why are so many MSM outlets reporting the SCOTUS bakery 7-2 (77%!) decision as a NARROW decision?? Don’t care what side you’re on, that’s way misrepresenting the ruling and NOT journalism.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"220492842_2020-07-09T14:26:00.000Z","text":"Upon hearing that the Supreme Court's decision to allow N.Y. grand jury subpoena potus tax shit made me smile as wide as the grand canyon. Bigly! Covfefe!!","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"1613222576_2020-07-16T00:00:45.000Z","text":"It is now 8pm in Terre Haute. The execution of #WesleyIraPurkey remains on hold as #SCOTUS deliberates two appeals. There is also a line of sever storms about to arrive at the prison. @840WHAS","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"97050675_2018-06-04T17:01:29.000Z","text":"In case people haven't been paying attention, SCOTUS did not rule that the Constitution grants the right to discriminate based on religious beliefs (Gay Wedding Cake Trial). They ruled on something else entirely. People need to stop freaking out and read.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"102803388_2020-07-11T04:17:56.000Z","text":"Its time to drain the Supreme Court Swamp!","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"595597075_2020-07-19T15:46:41.000Z","text":"It upheld slavery in Dred Scott v Sandford, 60 US 393; 15 L Ed 691 (1857). There the Supreme Court included fabricating, i.e., lying words, pursuant to organic reasons, hatred-of-the-North, and/or combination thereof. @splcenter. @PoliceForReform","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"101113596_2018-06-04T15:58:13.000Z","text":"RE Supreme Court on the cake discrimination case - a terrible outcome in the short term, sure, but Kagan and Breyer and Kennedy are no fools, and their presence in the majority of this narrowly tailored decision should be noted #SupremeCourt","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"267875881_2020-07-18T05:13:32.000Z","text":"Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a true patriot. She’s willing to give her last drop of strength in order to guarantee we have a fair #SCOTUS. She knows the Republican senators are up to no good and she’s fighting for future generations! Good health, #RBG!","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"868321622490349568_2020-07-09T16:38:09.000Z","text":"When you naturalize, you have to take a test on the civics of the United States. One of the questions on it is what is the “rule of law”? \r\nThe answer is NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW.\r\n👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 to the Supreme Court!","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"587970163_2018-06-05T03:42:14.000Z","text":"Shorter #MasterpieceCakeshop decision: \"If your state government wants to persecute Christians, you need to be professional and polite and don't insult the victims when you do it.\" #tcot #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"31656600_2018-06-04T18:29:32.000Z","text":"The supreme court ruling today is very limited to the case and even got Justice Kagan on board so both sides declaring it a disaster/victory aren't accurate","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"523509739_2018-06-05T02:34:25.000Z","text":"Two men/women could walk into Masterpiece Cakeshop tomorrow, ask for a wedding cake, and we'd be back at square one. As long as the commissioners keep their cool & showed no animus toward Phillips, nothing SCOTUS said today prevents them from compelling baker to create the cake.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"839784595_2020-07-09T15:10:56.000Z","text":"Imagine a world where every single Supreme Court justice looked at things the way Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito looked at things. Democracy would not exist.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"444652453_2020-07-09T15:16:41.000Z","text":"The NYS Supreme Court should hold their calendar and get Trump before Nov. That will make America great again. #TrumpTaxReturns \r\n#TrumpIsANationalDisgrace \r\n#TrumpMeltdown","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"395609926_2020-07-10T02:58:03.000Z","text":"Also fuck the state of Oklahoma for their efforts in the Supreme Court cases of McGirt v. Oklahoma and Sharp v. Murphy, to argue that the Indians don’t have full rights over the lands on which they live. Typical","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"929481492836835328_2018-06-04T15:02:44.000Z","text":"THANK YOU SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"1618503343_2020-07-09T14:27:25.000Z","text":"Just getting ready for POTUS retweets to start filling up my twitter feed since I don’t follow and the Supreme Court decisions are out.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"773282830898044929_2020-07-09T20:35:55.000Z","text":"I didn't know we all won the lottery?!? Supreme Court rules that Trump has to turn over his tax documents to the Po-Po, at sdny, which means when he loses in November, he'll go directly to jail! Do not collect $200, you loser sack of 💩!","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"783486579847245824_2018-06-04T14:51:17.000Z","text":"Why are all the usual suspects from #MSM using the same word \"narrowly\" to describe the 7-2 SCOTUS ruling? 😂🤦‍♂️😂\r\n\r\nYou people are fucking stupid!!!","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"910124566231621632_2020-07-10T01:53:04.000Z","text":"This scotus can kiss my ass..they just bought pos time so that we cant see his apparently damning taxes before election date. They r as enabling as the gop senate","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"296435971_2020-07-09T14:32:05.000Z","text":"Both SCOTUS decisions are good for Trump. He can now run out the clock on the tax issue and claim to be a victim of a Democrat hack prosecutor and a malicious House investigation.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"30790075_2018-06-04T14:36:08.000Z","text":"Wow @Scotus just sided w/baker who refused to make the same sex marriage cake. I'm a real follower of Christ. I would have happily made your cake. Evangelicals are haters. #RealChristian #Love #God #Jesus #NoHate","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"20924379_2018-06-04T14:47:35.000Z","text":"My very short summary of Cakeshop decision: The Colorado Commission acted biased toward the biased baker, denying him unprejudiced opportunity to justify his prejudice, so he wins. #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"859134194_2020-07-09T14:27:42.000Z","text":"No one is above the law.\r\n\r\n#TrumpTaxReturns\r\n#SCOTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"48235389_2018-06-04T16:45:13.000Z","text":"What the fuck is wrong with the Supreme Court its really full of asshole bigoted senior citizens who don’t give a shit about me or my rights.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"888470651232821248_2020-07-13T20:37:13.000Z","text":"Although congress’s power has been limited by a hamstrung senate, the true damage to our country has been done by Barr’s total corruption of the department of justice. Thank god for the Supreme Court.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"21775167_2020-07-19T19:01:03.000Z","text":"Trump just said the quiet bit out loud...if I read the runes right in the next 2 weeks tRump will overturn DACA and the ACA by following the road map laid out by SCOTUS in their decision the other day. Yikes\r\n#daca #ACA #Biden2020","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"127016972_2020-07-14T22:17:59.000Z","text":"every time i get a fucking news alert that starts out with “US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg” my entire stomach drops to my toes","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"1078786288420077568_2020-07-09T08:43:51.000Z","text":"Supreme Court MUST IMMEDIATELY FIRE TRUMP ADMIN, ALL his STAFF, Appointed subjugates + remove Mitch McConnell for beatdown of @GOP ... \r\nfor clear and obvious abuse of Powers as \"BREACH OF THEIR OATH AND GOOD FAITH CONTRACT to protect and defend WE THE PEOPLE, Owners of USA\".","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"632641127_2018-06-04T16:25:03.000Z","text":"Question: Why would you want to support a business that hates your existence anyway? #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"237089251_2020-07-09T15:56:52.000Z","text":"republicans when scotus didn’t favor obama: hell yeah! their job isn’t to answer to the president.\r\n\r\nrepublicans when scotus doesn’t favor trump: 👁👄👁","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1078933148_2018-06-04T17:16:57.000Z","text":"Tolerant libs triggeredyet again #SCOTUS ruling was 7-2! Two justices that usually side with the democrats, sided with the 👨‍🍳. #libintolerance","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"187374900_2020-07-09T14:45:47.000Z","text":"People are out here dying over no knock warrants and we had to go all the way to the Supreme Court just to get some fucking tax returns.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"423890530_2020-07-09T14:16:29.000Z","text":"“The Supreme Court ruling is a hoax” in 3....2....1....","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"130852019_2020-07-09T14:19:37.000Z","text":"SUPREME COURT HARASSMENT!","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"32617425_2020-07-19T12:34:24.000Z","text":".@RepMaryIsaacson The U.S. Supreme Court has affirmed that #LGBTQ Americans are protected from employment discrimination! Now, it's time for our state lawmakers to finish the job and fully protect LGBTQ people from discrimination in every area of life. @freedom4allusa","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"1218279361_2018-06-04T22:38:56.000Z","text":"Great Supreme Court decision to support the Baker. No one should be forced to do something against their beliefs! Go find a gay friendly baker!","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"824920081423540225_2020-07-09T22:24:58.000Z","text":"Even the Supreme Court is hedging their bets on Donald Trump's impending loss. \r\n\r\nThey don't want to imply to the next president that it's okay to be a piece of shit loser.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"255486471_2020-07-09T14:41:41.000Z","text":"Bad SCOTUS day for “Barump” — the sycophantic AG and crooked as a dog’s hind leg illegitimate President on their assertion of the divine right of kings","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"303512493_2020-07-09T14:12:44.000Z","text":"7-2 PRESIDENT IS NOT IMMUNE FROM CRIMINAL PROCESS - TRUMP LOSES VANCE CASE #SCOTUS @WUSA9","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"959877857890783232_2020-07-09T14:27:43.000Z","text":"Well, it’s over. Nothing’s resolved before the election and Trump just won what he wanted: time. #SCOTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"49811809_2018-06-04T14:38:26.000Z","text":"Remember, the Supreme Court justices only serve for life.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"253355926_2018-06-04T14:16:01.000Z","text":"SCOTUS, per Kennedy, reverses in Masterpiece Cake Shop- Colorado violated the First Amendment rights of the baker.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"806651307025014784_2020-07-09T14:34:44.000Z","text":"Turn’s out, even Spanky’s SCOTUS agreed that he’s NOT above the law. BIG loss for Cheetoman. Show your taxes, big boy.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"82185070_2018-06-04T21:38:14.000Z","text":"Imagine being so opposed to a loving couple getting married that you go all the way to the Supreme Court to not make them a cake. It's just crazy.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"2217037688_2020-07-09T12:51:49.000Z","text":"I hope the Supreme Court does the right thing and release his financials ! Fingers crossed. 💙","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"912979125651959808_2018-06-04T15:08:29.000Z","text":"Wondering if that same sex couple would have gone all the way to the Supreme Court to protest a Muslim baker who refused to bake a same sex wedding cake on the same grounds. Somehow I doubt it, and a Muslim baker would rather see them dead to even ask.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1099499273270583297_2020-07-19T20:58:26.000Z","text":"If I was a Supreme Court justice I promise everybody goin home","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"69770888_2018-06-04T15:21:15.000Z","text":"Wow, the Supreme Court is homophobic af 😡😡😡","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1472427643_2018-06-05T00:03:56.000Z","text":"#Blessed wasn’t on Twitter all day. Missed all the SCOTUS hot takes 🙏🏽","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"82257426_2018-06-04T14:36:41.000Z","text":"7-2 Supreme Court rules for baker who refused to bake cake. #tcot @realDonaldTrump","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"470476269_2020-07-10T04:17:26.000Z","text":"Question for those of you celebrating the Supreme Court rulings: Does the district attorney of NY actually have the tax returns? Or, as Kavanaugh said, will this simply open up another avenue for appeals?","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"1613222576_2020-07-16T04:00:15.000Z","text":"It is now midnight in Terre Haute, 5 hours past the scheduled execution of #WesleyIraPurkey. #SCOTUS still has both of the appeals and a ruling could come at any time. BOP staff wrangled up some more snacks and caffeine for the press room. @840WHAS","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"381328598_2018-06-05T04:44:58.000Z","text":"Today's SCOTUS decision makes me sad. If your religion teaches you to hate gay people, you're doing religion wrong.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"972243180_2020-07-14T22:08:42.000Z","text":"RBG ain’t making another 4 years on the bench. This election is in part, her seat on the Supreme Court and the fate of future progressive policies","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"14993209_2018-06-04T17:06:11.000Z","text":"We have a President insisting on his right to pardon himself, a Supreme Court that is letting religious beliefs cover for discrimination, and a Congress that wants to make poor single moms without childcare work to feed their kids. Had enough yet?","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"284760236_2018-06-08T11:41:08.000Z","text":"#morningjoe hey #maga ladies 53 years after Supreme Court’s ruling in #GriswoldvCT, access to birth control is under attack from Republicans. All women have a right to quality, affordable reproductive health care, and Dems won’t stop fighting for u. GOP wants 2 control u !","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"39363233_2018-06-04T17:13:51.000Z","text":"I guess if you don’t want to make a cake for somebody then you don’t have to. I’m just glad we know whose bakery to avoid. #loveislove #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"288638696_2018-06-04T15:11:52.000Z","text":"#SCOTUS just gave everyone the right to refuse service to anyone in a MAGA hat ! #TwoWayStreet","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"16315743_2018-06-05T12:46:31.000Z","text":"Sen. Ryan Paul says prosecuting attorneys have too much power, that whether the President can pardon himself is an unknown... The SCOTUS ruled in Nixon vs The People that the President has no such power! Nixon resigned three days later!\r\n\r\nRepublicans have selected memories!","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"409271624_2018-06-04T15:00:20.000Z","text":"Yea that’s a bad decision this morning by scotus","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"339219640_2018-06-04T19:22:20.000Z","text":"Religion that is free to hate is not religion at all. #cakefail #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"61349804_2018-06-04T16:19:26.000Z","text":"Today's #SCOTUS decision in #MasterpieceCakeshop put me in the mood for #awesomegayweddingcakes. Tweet me some gorgeous pics, people! Can't wait to RT them! #PrideMonth","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"972862322111901696_2020-07-09T23:42:27.000Z","text":"Now some GOP governors want to speak up. Smh, now that almost 133,000+ Americans are dead from COVID. But when the orange dictator said for y’all to open, all the GOP governors followed him like an imbecile. Now that he lost a case with SCOTUS... now it’s a flip? 😂 🤦🏼‍♂️","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"17018594_2020-07-09T16:11:07.000Z","text":"SCOTUS! Score one for democracy. #NovemberIsComing","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"1210677194617491456_2020-07-09T01:58:30.000Z","text":"IF THE AFFORDABLE CARE IS TAKEN A WAY BY THE SUPREME COURT WE HAVE NO COVERAGE FOR PRE CONDITIINS ,YOUR PARENTS ON ARR ,UNITED HEALTH WITH IS D WILL NEED YOU TO GO GET INSURANCE FOR THEN.THERE CHILDREN, AND 90 MILLION AMERICANS WILL NOT HAVE INSURANCE .","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"27242914_2020-07-09T14:39:27.000Z","text":"That's like the 1/100th SCOTUS decision to go against him this year!","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"459876432_2018-06-04T14:21:13.000Z","text":"CNN: Bakeries can discriminate against LGBT couples. - Supreme Court. \r\n\r\nWhat’s next? Landlords against unmarried couples? Employers against Latinos?","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"533641860_2020-07-14T13:26:58.000Z","text":"Another Pres Trump pledge is kept, the return of capital punishment. The United States Supreme Court in a 5-4 vote overruled a lower courts order to delay all four executions scheduled for July and August. Californians @SenKamalaHarris and @XavierBecerra are likely very upset!","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"851491630422949888_2018-06-05T03:23:25.000Z","text":"Today’s SCOTUS decision changes nothing in SLC. We’ve always been respectful of faith. We’ve also been a leader for inclusion of LGBTQ Utahns. We will continue to enforce protections against non-discrimination while also respecting religious freedom. #slc #gayslc #lgbtq #lovewins","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"995328311713714176_2018-06-04T16:14:14.000Z","text":"When we base everything on a supreme court decision we run the danger of loosing our identities, these are not quantifiable in terms of religion or the law","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"36753604_2020-07-10T01:37:51.000Z","text":"Thank you SUPREME COURT!\r\n🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸\r\n @CNN @MSNBC @WASHINGTONPOST @NYTIMES @WSJ @AARP","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"1278734179384152064_2020-07-09T22:33:47.000Z","text":"Congress needs Trump's prior tax returns to make legislative decisions.The President is signaled out and they are all attacking the office of the President. He is a Target and this decision is criminal. Supreme Court in high end cases always favors Socialist Democrats. Obamacare?","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"16155472_2020-07-17T22:53:34.000Z","text":"Come on people. You did not swallow the woof tickets about Merrick Garland. McConnell already said he would fill any #SCOTUS opening. Federalist Society likely already has a name.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"22958913_2020-07-10T02:10:24.000Z","text":"Hannity didn’t take a breath in the first 10 minutes of bashing Biden ....\r\nNo mention of US Pandemic growing so beyond the rest of world n SCOTUS ruling","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"35210948_2018-06-04T15:11:52.000Z","text":"I 💙 #RBG and Sotomayor! #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"72945247_2018-06-06T10:16:24.000Z","text":"The media spin of Jack Phillips Supreme Court ruling is nauseating. Christian cake guy, who for conscience sake, graciously defers customers to a competitor is made to look intolerant while Hamas, Iran and PLO are celebrated for promoting genocide. PTL for sound court decision.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"826245522545635332_2020-07-09T23:48:59.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court's decision on birth control is a perfect example of why insurance shouldn't be tied to employment. Open insurance up to the free market, take away the state to state restriction to allow smaller companies the ability to compete.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"21922309_2020-07-09T06:39:35.000Z","text":"The way 2020 is going, I'm really fearing the #SCOTUS ruling tomorrow morning","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"211016708_2020-07-09T14:15:34.000Z","text":"BREAKING: Supreme Court rules Manhattan district attorney can obtain Trump’s tax returns, per @AP. @KOLDNews","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"243926330_2020-07-09T16:57:02.000Z","text":"Watched the news that Brett Kavanaugh joined the SCOTUS majority today from Rehoboth Beach. Irony is alive and well. #ILikeBeer","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"20094409_2020-07-09T14:30:11.000Z","text":"#SCOTUS essentially punts on Mazars. While congressional subpoenas “may” be enforceable, courts below did not adequately consider separation of powers concerns. Back to the lower court for further consideration. \r\n\r\nI say hogwash. The subpoena was to a private entity.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"131198173_2018-06-04T19:52:46.000Z","text":"Ok so this is easy. Masterpiece Cakeshop is the name of the place the Supreme Court upheld can refuse to serve cake for a gay wedding. So if you ever are in CO and want cake and love equality and other humans unconditionally (you know, like Jesus would) NEVER go to this place!","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"229926841_2020-07-17T14:27:59.000Z","text":"If a person really didn’t have anything to hide, they wouldn’t keep refusing to cough up their tax returns when the fucking supreme court asked them to. They certainly wouldn’t keep trying to get around it.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"20094409_2020-07-09T14:32:23.000Z","text":"With #SCOTUS decisions simply teeing up further court proceedings, Trump once again uses the courts to delay accountability. He will run the clock past the election. Trump makes a mockery of our court system by counting on it to be too slow to be relevant.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1166141047891746816_2020-07-10T02:40:45.000Z","text":"Does this morning's Supreme Court decisions cause you to change your mind about voting for President Trump?","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"470476269_2020-07-09T14:39:12.000Z","text":"Supreme Court: “we are completely unanimous in this 7-2 ruling against trump while we ensure that the rulings effects will be delayed forever”","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"935107884089860096_2020-07-18T21:25:35.000Z","text":"The reason why Mitch McConnell is the Senate Majority Leader is the same reason why restoring the Voting Rights Act has not happened yet and Merrick Garland isn’t on the Supreme Court... people didn’t vote in 2014\r\n\r\nDon’t dishonor John Lewis and make the same mistake in 2020","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"809787152947146753_2018-06-04T16:01:39.000Z","text":"THANK YOU SUPREME COURT JUSTICES THAT FOLLOWED OUR CONSTITUTION AND NOT YOUR OWN WANTS! THANK YOU ITS TIME TO STAND WITH CONSTITUTION!","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"69460004_2018-06-05T19:56:26.000Z","text":"In a stunning reversal, Miss America will now be decided by 9 supreme court judges, taking into account all types of baking.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"824656470465716225_2018-06-05T02:00:26.000Z","text":"We shall not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, age, height, weight, physical or mental ability, veteran status, military obligations, and marital status. Supreme Court missed memo","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"346297823_2018-06-04T16:48:46.000Z","text":"Thus Supreme Court ruling is so dangerous, so backwards. Why are we moving back towards intolerance. This decision will open the Pandora' s box of ignorance and hate that this administration stands for. Are we to follow things made up by unknown authors? I'm sad. #SupremeCourt","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"89817506_2020-07-18T15:09:29.000Z","text":"If you’re not into Biden, fine. \r\n\r\nYou’re also voting for:\r\n1. 2x Supreme Court justices (abortion/voting/LGBTQ rights on the line)\r\n2. Head of the EPA \r\n(environment on the line)\r\n3. What happens to young immigrants (DACA)\r\n4. Head of the Treasury Dept\r\n\r\n-via @YoonjKim \r\n #IfNotBiden","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"622704649_2020-07-09T14:39:08.000Z","text":"both #KAVANAUGH and #GORSUCH agree that New York can obtain Trump's taxes.\r\n\r\n#Trump's two handpicked justices just ruled against him. \r\n \r\nWe can only assume what sour mood he is in today \r\n#SCOTUS #TrumpTaxes","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"55782718_2018-06-04T14:27:13.000Z","text":"#SCOTUS if I can’t be sure I will get service at a business, I want to know that before I walk in. Any business that won’t serve me, should put a sign outside saying “straights only”","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"13168412_2020-07-09T12:44:22.000Z","text":"SCOTUS dread is the worst kind of dread.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"940344632_2018-06-04T21:11:53.000Z","text":"Thank you Supreme Court standing behind small Christian baker 🇺🇸🙏","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"2827414968_2018-06-04T15:39:13.000Z","text":"So with the wedding cake case and the teen who had an abortion at the border, the SCOTUS is getting pretty Handmaid's Taley.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"403072299_2018-06-04T21:37:22.000Z","text":"Today’s Supreme Court decision is a unfortunate decision and a set back for the LGBT community. Discrimination is never ok.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1251763045_2018-06-04T13:53:30.000Z","text":"#SCOTUS In Azar v Garcia.. access to abortion for unaccopmpanied minor .. per curiam decision to vacate and dismiss as moot. 17-654","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"1251763045_2018-06-04T18:44:26.000Z","text":"#SCOTUS opinion assignment watch: Roberts to write Carpenter: only December case remaining; only justice w/o majority opinion from December.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"218765003_2020-07-09T17:46:06.000Z","text":"“When I'm sometimes asked when will there be enough [women on the Supreme Court] and I say, 'When there are nine,' people are shocked. But there'd been nine men, and nobody's ever raised a question about that.”\r\n\r\n-Ruth Bader Ginsburg","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"27113553_2018-06-04T18:12:52.000Z","text":"The #SCOTUS ruling on the #JusticeforJane case does NOT affect the @ACLU’s ongoing efforts to ensure that young immigrant women in federal custody can get an abortion if they need one.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"1710581491_2020-07-09T14:50:55.000Z","text":"SCOTUS is making me happy today.","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"3282504500_2018-06-04T14:57:42.000Z","text":"What a nice Supreme Court decision to lead off pride month. So excited to see all this legal discrimination about to happen. Want to thank two of my heroines RBG and Sotomayor for dissenting.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"189985569_2020-07-09T13:13:45.000Z","text":"Don’t get too excited about today. You gotta know that SCOTUS will give #IMPOTUS a pass.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"902347353696362496_2018-06-04T19:30:30.000Z","text":"Sherman’s Locker wins landmark Supreme Court case against K-Bar-K in stunning victory for sausage makers everywhere.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"1251763045_2018-06-04T13:45:41.000Z","text":"#SCOTUS no new grants as such; in TX #deathpenalty case, Ginsburg+Sotomayor would hear Carlos Trevino plea on CA5 'indefensible' failure to consider new mitigating evidence.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"46230797_2018-06-06T03:09:47.000Z","text":"I'm pretty shocked about the Supreme Court ruling with the Bakers winning because having a Shop centered around baked goods is kinda gay.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"87462634_2018-06-04T20:14:49.000Z","text":"It is not discrimination when you have infringed on someone’s deeply held religious beliefs \r\n\r\nHowever, it’s not a religious right if you are using it as an excuse to discriminate. \r\n\r\nLet us all look within ourselves and know the difference before we act. \r\n\r\n #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1411391310_2018-06-04T16:51:23.000Z","text":"US Supreme Court with a vote of 7-2 rules in favor of a Colorado baker who owns Masterpiece Cakeshop, who refused, for religious purposes, to make a wedding cake for a same-sex marriage - This sets back gay-life & gay marriage to a degree","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"43121222_2020-07-09T14:54:28.000Z","text":"BREAKING: Supreme Court adjourns until October. Unclear whether court will resume in person arguments or continue teleconference when it reconvenes.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"25000779_2020-07-09T15:05:23.000Z","text":"Imagine believing that a man/woman who never allows his wife/husband to see or touch his phone is being 100% faithful, this is like believing trump has done nothing guilty despite taking his case to the Supreme Court to prevent the release of his tax returns.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"717080949377351681_2018-06-05T20:22:47.000Z","text":"If the Supreme Court can decide a Baker has a 1st amendment right not 2 bake a cake 4 a hay couple, why is does @realDonaldTrump think taking a knee is not covered by the 1st #racebater @nytimes @washingtonpost @robreiner @JoeNBC @morningmika @nypost","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"30938962_2018-06-04T17:27:03.000Z","text":"“...without undue disrespect to sincere religious beliefs, and without subjecting gay persons to indignities when they seek goods and services in an open market,” - Justice Kennedy Lets remember this ruling is abt procedure ONLY. #SCOTUS #KeepFightingForLGBTQRights #LGBTPROUD","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"4900058284_2020-07-17T17:50:13.000Z","text":"Serious question.\r\n\r\nWhat is the last possible date that this Senate, of the 116th Congress which expires on January 3, 2021, could plausibly hold confirmation hearings and schedule a final vote on a potential #SCOTUS vacancy?","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"884581225339518976_2020-07-14T23:41:54.000Z","text":"From major decisions on immigration & LGBTQ protections to virtual oral arguments & impeachment, the SCOTUS term that ended last week was one for the history books. On @NewsHour tonite: @neal_katyal, Paul Clement & @MarciaCoyle join @IAmAmnaNawaz to discuss the blockbuster term.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"757723295235973120_2020-07-09T19:07:29.000Z","text":"Hope Bob Mueller noticed the SCOTUS ruling the president isn’t above the law and the DOJ guidelines you cited a President can’t be indicted while in office just went out the window. #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1353274717_2020-07-09T17:18:51.000Z","text":"Gorsuch is my fave SCOTUS Justice. Wbu","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"3241915819_2018-06-06T00:16:00.000Z","text":"Hey @PARISDENNARD - The @SCOTUS ruling was about free speech… get your facts straight…","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"326243560_2020-07-11T02:16:40.000Z","text":"Justice Thomas wrote: “A subpoena imposes both demands on the president’s limited time and a mental burden...” That’s hilarious! Trump spends most of his time playing golf and watching TV! #SCOTUS #TrumpTaxReturns","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"186869816_2020-07-09T14:47:59.000Z","text":"The SCOTUS ruling on the OK Muscogee/Creek Indian reservation is HUGE!!!!","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"248443308_2020-07-09T16:25:39.000Z","text":"I dreamt that Biden wins big, huge wave of dems get elected, gets into office, RBG retires & Obama is named to the Supreme Court.\r\n\r\nVery detailed dream. Usually I dream about giant donuts and stuff.","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"928036965320032256_2018-06-04T15:02:59.000Z","text":"I’m not saying I necessarily disagree with the Supreme Court’s cake ruling, but now all you Christians out there can’t get upset of a Muslim refuses you service because your wife doesn’t wear a hijab.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"10796562_2020-07-16T18:19:24.000Z","text":"According to the US Supreme Court, the moral arc of history bends towards poll taxes","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"384688985_2018-06-04T18:56:59.000Z","text":"I wrote a paper predicting today’s Supreme Court ruling on the Masterpiece Bakery case. There are subtleties in the case that most have not investigated or acknowledged. The ruling follows Constitution.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"1254488749628518400_2020-07-09T14:55:04.000Z","text":"Supreme Court..Also needs K Kushners taxes to..Released","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"418196712_2018-06-04T14:57:56.000Z","text":"Happy pride month everyone, the Supreme Court just told evangelicals that they have a right to discriminate against me! If you provide a service, provide it for everyone or get a different fucking job.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"16353659_2018-06-04T14:57:48.000Z","text":"Presidump Trump proclaiming himself above the law... Supreme Court siding with religious fundamentalists over people’s civil rights... and it ain’t even 8am yet... this is going to be a rough week.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"21989125_2020-07-09T16:34:36.000Z","text":"I feel for the White House staff. They must be having a REALLY shitty day. #EveryonesLaughingAtYouDonald #SCOTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"200917081_2020-07-15T14:31:52.000Z","text":"I just cannot help but to he CONTINUOUSLY happy about the SCOTUS decision to recognize indigenous sovereignty in Oklahoma. To uphold boundary rights is to recognize the continued existence of Native American people and their cultural ancestry which predates the founding of theUSA","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"809948192_2020-07-09T18:50:07.000Z","text":"Well... the Supreme Court decision today kind of destroys my hope of getting trump out of the WH b4 November. That means he has 6 more months to cheat, steal, and kill with impunity. Meanwhile, the GOP \"can put lipstick on the pig, but he's still a pig\". His damage will continue!","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1006652004_2020-07-09T14:46:53.000Z","text":"We will not see Trump’s taxes in 2020. Supreme Court blocks Congress from getting his taxes. For now....","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"1245501540682604545_2020-07-09T22:58:33.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court @nusaSCOTUS it’s abvious to me that your group lacks the integrity and decency to do the right thing for the people of America.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"55937627_2018-06-05T05:06:52.000Z","text":"Re the “narrow ruling” by SCOTUS, it’s amazing how this whole issue could have been avoided if someone who claimed to be a Christian actually acted as one... that is, lived up to the ethos of its own creeds. Mt 5-7","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"2829229388_2018-06-04T17:06:16.000Z","text":"I can’t believe the Supreme Court sided with homophobic people. So messed up.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"21922309_2020-07-09T14:26:00.000Z","text":"🔥🔥🔥🚨🚨🚨\r\nBREAKING NEWS\r\n#SCOTUS HAS RULED THAT @realDonaldTrump MUST release his taxes and MUST answer Congressional subpoenas but they must be more specific \r\n\r\nThe ruling is 7-2! \r\n\r\nBoth Trump justices & Roberts agree with liberals.\r\n\r\nBack to court, but no absolute immunity","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"16636651_2020-07-17T21:15:27.000Z","text":"Where’s the meme that says: if RBG can work on the #SCOTUS during liver cancer chemotherapy, then you can wear a mask?\r\n#RGBFOREVER #dontbeamaskhole","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"16541214_2020-07-09T15:58:30.000Z","text":"FYI a shit ton of law suits and investigations will be expedited because of SCOTUS’ ruling against Trump today. \r\n\r\nHe’s been delaying and dodging for 3 1/2 years under the premise he’s POTUS and has ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY. \r\n\r\nSCOTUS says he doesn’t have that and is not above the law.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"96130637_2020-07-09T12:01:25.000Z","text":"I mean, is there ANYTHING that could be revealed in #TrumpTaxReturns that would change the way he's viewed? We know he's a con. He's killed 130k Americans, genuflects to Putin and Kim, and allowed bounties on our soldiers. Don't think it matters what #SCOTUS decides, really.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"100578111_2018-06-05T00:00:56.000Z","text":"I understand the need for supreme Court rulings and why they are important to a society of laws. I just can't shake the sad feeling that the highest court in the land had to sit around deliberating when it's cool to be a prick. Everyone in this story annoys me. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"391836258_2020-07-09T18:51:27.000Z","text":"A major victory for Native Americans today with Eastern Oklahoma remaining their land.\r\n\r\nAlso, Trump can’t block his taxes. \r\n\r\nTHANK YOU, SCOTUS!","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"40532762_2018-06-05T07:15:31.000Z","text":"I wish I had the time to read SCOTUS decisions and dissents from beginning to end.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"221370464_2020-07-20T10:31:50.000Z","text":"Thinking of how #MoscowMitchMcConnell delayed the SCOTUS spot by refusing to vote on Merrick Garland. I have no doubt he knew what the Russians were going to do with the 2016 election. No other reason to delay a nomination. #GOPTraitors","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"272835160_2020-07-15T12:11:38.000Z","text":"RBG gonna croke before November and then we ll all be fucked because you know mitch mccuckle will force a new Supreme Court justice down our throats.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"272301678_2020-07-09T13:51:05.000Z","text":"It’s Christmas for liberals, with SCOTUS set to announce in the 2 cases involving Trump’s tax returns. Of course, the only people who care about such things are suffering from mental illness. The rest of us simply don’t care.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"949734797924077569_2020-07-09T21:16:23.000Z","text":"70-126k women are expected to lose contraceptive coverage because the Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that businesses can refuse to provide due to their own religious or moral reasons ..........","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"84210850_2018-06-04T16:04:23.000Z","text":"Someone please do a piece, in simple, concise wording, about what the Supreme Court ruling actually means.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"1039346703760072704_2020-07-09T01:43:11.000Z","text":"Tomorrow is the Supreme Court decision as to whether trumps tax information can be gone over by investors.\r\n\r\nAre there any guesses as to how Kavanaugh will lean on this one?","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"20483872_2020-07-09T14:46:50.000Z","text":"So, shorter #scotus :”Let’s chainsaw the baby in half “","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"64887867_2020-07-09T15:06:00.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court is ACTIVE","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"336002320_2018-06-06T21:25:19.000Z","text":"#Resistance \r\n\r\nWe can pretty much the mess we're in on SCOTUS. By allowing Citizens United, they opened Pandora's Box for criminals & criminal activity to infiltrate an electoral system that needs to be revamped. WE NEED TO END CITIZEN'S UNITED!!","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"24622166_2020-07-17T17:47:50.000Z","text":"Y’all be pray for #RBG because that man in the White House can’t get another #SCOTUS pick","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"196464059_2020-07-09T14:33:01.000Z","text":"I could really use a @RandyRainbow song about the Roberts SCOTUS.","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"25238875_2020-07-17T20:50:10.000Z","text":"Y’all better pray for RGB if anything happens to her 🤡 face gets to put another kavanaugh on the Supreme Court stay woke ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"2270660737_2018-06-04T17:08:41.000Z","text":"No ques #SCOTUS decision is stinging-BUT calls 4 fortitude & resilience-AS WE HAVE SHOWN SUCCESSFULLY SO MANY TIMES BEFORE. #POTUS thinks this will keep #LGBT down - NEVER! We will preserver & succeed as we always have! The fight NEVER ENDS! #LGBTQSTRONG","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"3321865776_2020-07-11T23:51:51.000Z","text":"The only good SCOTUS justice was Thurgood Marshall all the rest I just assume worship the devil like their buddy Anton","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"2878482807_2020-07-09T15:34:20.000Z","text":"Thomas and Alito are a joke.\r\n#SCOTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"267322170_2018-06-05T10:17:25.000Z","text":"In a 6-2 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that police officers who prolong traffic stops without just cause are in violation of the Fourth Amendment. Knowing your rights is the best way to protect them! This is what the Baytown officers do.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"23031338_2020-07-09T15:19:15.000Z","text":"Not the first time Democrats have used political power or the IRS tax returns or filings to punish Conservatives. Take away: Supreme Court has questioned the Democrats Judiciary Committee's subpoena, as a broad search of @POTUS tax records10 years as political ammunition.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"503692875_2020-07-17T17:40:04.000Z","text":"It’s been almost a month since SCOTUS ruled that the Trump admin must continue to issue protection from deportation and work permits to young undocumented people. \r\n\r\nTHEY HAVE REFUSED. \r\n\r\nToday, yet another court in MD has told them to do so or be held in contempt of court.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"3742862842_2018-06-04T20:10:57.000Z","text":"Unfortunately, this Supreme Court decision was right.\r\n\r\nFortunately, it's not likely to be applicable to many cases in the US.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"303512493_2020-07-09T14:36:58.000Z","text":"CY VANCE TRUMP TAXES STATEMENT: Our investigation, which has been delayed by this litigation, WILL NOW RESUME... #SCOTUS @WUSA9","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"15620393_2020-07-09T14:13:10.000Z","text":"🆘🆘🆘7-2 #SCOTUS in favor of Cy Vance","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"29405939_2018-06-04T21:08:23.000Z","text":"SCOTUS: \"No one can be the judge in his own case\"\r\nCan one be the judge in a family member's case? It would be really weird if one could.\r\nIt should mean that @realDonaldTrump Senior can't pardon junior, Jared, Melania or Ivanka, right?","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"1950362468_2020-07-09T14:25:51.000Z","text":"The rule of law still exists. Thank you SCOTUS. @realDonaldTrump is not above the law. Show us those returns and give us confidence in the role of @POTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"826900165810335745_2018-06-07T21:09:45.000Z","text":"Former POTUS Obama did tell one truth HIS PROMISE TO FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA.\r\nThe Supreme Court made same sex marriage legal against God's Law of one man & one woman!!!","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"321511381_2018-06-04T18:06:33.000Z","text":"Alright y’all, we are definitely in trouble with this crooked, conservative leaning Supreme Court. They chose to side with the baker who denied a gay couple a cake, discrimination is now above the law in the eyes of our highest courts.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"104701177_2018-06-04T15:45:14.000Z","text":"Seeing people’s SCOTUS takes really exposes how I’m one of those fringy “folks probably shouldn’t be jailed or killed for bigoted opinions” types of people.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"27264306_2018-06-04T14:31:14.000Z","text":"Abolish the Supreme Court, create a new, more Democratic judiciary.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"19563984_2020-07-10T00:26:29.000Z","text":"If a name were to be given for this term of #SCOTUS it would have be #EraOfGentleReproofAndRebuke. #ChiefJusticeRoberts steered a course that hews to his more conservative jurisprudence while attempting to elide the stink of politics; all the while hinting at missteps by #Trump","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"374878150_2020-07-11T03:49:50.000Z","text":"Watching The Pelican Brief tonight I realized the plot would change in 2020. The President has 2 SCOTUS judges killed, then has the AG & head of FBI over to celebrate while Fox News blames it on BLM movement. Nobody does a single day in jail. Ivaka & Jared become supremes.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"15502608_2020-07-09T14:30:19.000Z","text":"SCOTUS with a Heisman-level punt there.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"732974415718158336_2020-07-09T21:02:46.000Z","text":"I’m still annoyed that if a Supreme Court decision favors a corporation or an old white dudes beliefs, the narrative is often “it was justice” but if a woman, minority, or in this case a sovereign nation wins, it’s cast as “sympathy & charity” like we got a handout from SCOTUS.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"508006873_2020-07-10T12:54:04.000Z","text":"I know for a fact that if I had nothing to hide, I'd go all the way to the Supreme Court to keep it hidden. #TrumpLogic\r\n\r\n@realDonaldTrump #NotaBillionaire #MoneyLaundererinChief #TrumpTaxReturns","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1410894296_2018-06-06T03:52:21.000Z","text":"Responsibilities of The Supreme Court the highest court in the country need to do their job. And that job is to uphold our constitution and morals. They have the power to stop the lunacy in D.C. Its time for them to protect all of us","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"725433456_2020-07-09T12:58:14.000Z","text":"NEW:\r\n\r\n@WNDU will have a special report just after 10 a.m. if the Supreme Court issues a major decision by that time, as expected this morning.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"1074780816864149505_2020-07-09T18:30:57.000Z","text":"If a murderer was given the death penalty, but the Judge said it couldn’t be enforced until the murderer died of natural causes, would that be justice? Thanks for nothing SCOTUS!!😡😡😡😡","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"514510608_2018-06-04T21:08:23.000Z","text":"Extremely disappointed in the Supreme Court today. Ginsburg hit it on the head with her dissent.”What matters is that Phillips would not provide a good or service to a same-sex couple that he would provide to a heterosexual couple.”","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"28459706_2020-07-09T18:53:42.000Z","text":"But can it also be our “religious freedom” to deny coverage to or deny employment for anyone who doesn’t wear a mask? #SCOTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"26008135_2020-07-14T22:33:32.000Z","text":"Pray for #RBG #SCOTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"20657163_2018-06-05T14:23:02.000Z","text":"Delaware Gov. John Carney is expected to put a bet down @DoverDowns this afternoon as his state becomes the first to offer sports betting following last month’s SCOTUS ruling that overturned PASPA.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"910124566231621632_2020-07-09T14:58:10.000Z","text":"Scotus blocked congress from getting this pos taxes as well as nysc. He will cheat for sure now and run out the clock. Statute of limitations only 3 yrs so 4.more yrs important to him","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"40726645_2020-07-15T06:58:28.000Z","text":"God bless we need your voice in the Supreme Court.🙏👍😷🙋‍♀️❤","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"1057492430_2018-06-05T01:32:39.000Z","text":"So did the Supreme Court give me permission to not have white rich Christian teenagers in my store because I’m afraid they will shoot me? Being shot is against my religious beliefs.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"34970027_2018-06-04T16:53:41.000Z","text":"Fuck religion. #SCOTUS #MasterpieceCakeshop #IndictTrumpAndPenceNow","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"960339009179353090_2020-07-09T13:21:37.000Z","text":"Guess Donny didn't get to much sleep last night. I prayed last night that Scotus makes the right decision.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"33267359_2018-06-04T22:53:56.000Z","text":"I hope that all of the politicians applauding today’s #SCOTUS decision remember that religious freedom includes ALL religions. This is NOT a license to discriminate. Next step is to identify those who hide behind religion as a form of discrimination and not patronize them.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"14719614_2018-06-04T23:14:53.000Z","text":"I notice that the usual suspects aren't screaming about judicial activism today... #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"23522451_2020-07-09T14:37:02.000Z","text":"SCOTUS kicks cans until after the election. He may still go to jail.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"20912571_2020-07-09T15:44:15.000Z","text":"#SCOTUS has been 🔥 lately. Almost better than sports. So good-","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"2460710438_2020-07-09T17:34:57.000Z","text":"Some days when big things happen in the news - i.e. Supreme Court Rulings this morning - I think to look at President Trump’s twitter and then I want to just implode and cry forever because this is where we are 😭","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"891939020116303872_2020-07-13T21:29:16.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court has a 5-4 conservative majority. Ruth Bader Gingsburg has had several health issues. She’s likely to retire within the next four years if Tr*mp wins he gets to pick her replacement making the court 6-3 conservative majority.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"25370185_2020-07-09T11:11:46.000Z","text":"So who is expecting the worst today because, hey, why not?\r\n\r\nI’ll be happy if nobody left-leaning on the Supreme Court announces they’re retiring. That’s about all I got.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"25902392_2020-07-09T13:58:00.000Z","text":"I dont understand how SCOTUS is claiming \"religious freedom \" to deny (or provide coverage) for the employer and NOT the employee.. the individual should he allowed to practice the religious freedom.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"562504067_2018-06-04T15:42:16.000Z","text":"#Supreme Court upholds my right to continue being a complete asshole #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"63194232_2018-06-04T18:35:19.000Z","text":"A whole lot of racists are going to be doing crash courses on the \"Curse of Ham\" in the Old Testament to justify not selling to blacks right about ... now. #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"21025910_2020-07-09T15:58:44.000Z","text":"Relieved that the Supreme Court has finally made it clear that Trump’s taxes can cannot can’t not be subpoenaed.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"956694332_2020-07-09T14:56:39.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court on Thursday cleared the way for prosecutors in New York to see President Trump’s financial records, a stunning defeat for Mr. Trump but a decision that probably means the records will be shielded from public scrutiny under grand jury secrecy rules","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"314985459_2018-06-04T14:39:07.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court’s ruling today is why we must keep vigilant. We are still being hunted.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"43809211_2020-07-09T14:20:17.000Z","text":"BREAKING SCOTUS NEWS\r\nTRUMP FINANCIAL CASE\r\n\r\nManhattan DA case / tax returns\r\nHush money payments\r\n\r\n7-2 opinion\r\nNot absolutely immunity for POTUS\r\nSending back to lower court\r\nWon't see before election\r\n#ONEV1","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"588703942_2020-07-09T14:20:03.000Z","text":"So a “Grand Jury” is investigating @realDonaldTrump for TAX FRAUD and #SCOTUS just alllowed this case to CONTINUE by ordering Trumps taxes RELEASED!! If he’s indicted....god help us all. #2020 #PresidentPence?","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"41387325_2018-06-04T17:00:38.000Z","text":"#conservatives shouldn't depend on the Supreme Court to rule against state government officials who want to take away freedom. Get involved in #GOPprimary elections and kick out #RINOs in state/local offices.\r\n\r\n@JanMorgan_ @ConduitNews #MondayMotivation #Bakery #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"133088131_2020-07-09T14:07:14.000Z","text":"SCOTUS confirms Creek Territory IS Creek Territory. Gorsuch for majority.","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"25082293_2018-06-04T14:27:54.000Z","text":"Supreme Court just decided for the baker in Colorado that didn’t want to bake a cake for a gay couple.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"1053367449628872705_2020-07-11T01:24:18.000Z","text":"Coachers. I have been informed that a decision has been made by the Supreme Court that #vegasgate information cannot be released today. I believe it will be released tomorrow. Some investigations are still ongoing.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"492171892_2018-06-04T20:23:51.000Z","text":"Every time anyone claims Christians in the US are “persecuted” for having to bake a cake for a gay couple - let us remember Aisha Bibi on Pakistani death row since 2010 for a fake blasphemy charge #Scotus @unitedchurch @DouthatNYT @flemingrut @ChristianCent @FatherTim @rfloyd7","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"253355926_2020-07-09T10:34:57.000Z","text":"At 10:00 am EDT today: Is Oklahoma really Oklahoma? Are Trump's taxes immune from subpoena. Tune in to the exciting season finale of #JulyMadness and find out (maybe). #SCOTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"48650395_2020-07-09T15:14:41.000Z","text":"Thurgood Marshall’s successor on the Supreme Court was Clarence Thomas. I’ll never get over that.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"36717939_2018-06-04T15:25:18.000Z","text":"Since when was 7-2 a “narrow” decision? #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"1271121942574256131_2020-07-09T02:06:15.000Z","text":"Does any of y’all know if SCOTUS is leaning towards shielding trump finances or not? Asking for a friend ...","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"2170514804_2018-06-05T05:25:39.000Z","text":"If someone for ANY reason doesn't want to bake u a cake or make the flowers for your wedding.\r\n\r\nGO ACROSS THE STREET TO A DIFFERENT VENDOR! Give your $$ to people that want it.\r\n\r\nDon't go to the supreme court! #LGBT Community you are making gays seemed oppressed! We are not! #cake","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"20799705_2018-06-04T19:07:45.000Z","text":"Twitter raging with misinformation about the #SCOTUS decision. Slow down everyone and go read a news report actually detailing the decision","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"169609704_2018-06-04T15:11:05.000Z","text":"Supreme court ruling today is in no way a discrimination against our LGBT community. They will continue to live their live in dignity and love in this country of our where freedom is for everyone.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"867490007216381954_2020-07-09T21:57:08.000Z","text":"In light of today’s SCOTUS ruling regarding tribal sovereignty in Oklahoma. An important reminder is that congress still has plenary power over tribes and can nullify treaties and terminate tribes if they so choose. A second term for Trump will likely include these policies.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"910124566231621632_2020-07-10T03:28:07.000Z","text":"A pundit is agreeing with me that in all actuality the scotus did not deal trump losses today and that the spin that he DID lose is overstated. I am as mad at scotus as I have been the gop senate. We have an oligarchy, people.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"213826418_2018-06-04T14:54:06.000Z","text":"With a 7-2 decision SCOTUS honors religious liberty. Big win. #JusticeForJack","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"172829115_2020-07-09T14:57:49.000Z","text":"The 45 and SCOTUS info is cool and all, but unless you're a lawyer, I'm taking your hot takes with a few margaritas worth of salt.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"16188864_2020-07-09T15:12:49.000Z","text":"Trump’s Tweet storm against the #SCOTUS decisions shows he is too stupid to realize this is the best the right-wing Justices could do for him.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"17202417_2018-06-05T03:36:16.000Z","text":"Heavy day. Pride month and both institutions (supreme court) and friends (erasing a narrative) seem content in pushing others to feel shame for who they are. 🤦🏽‍♀️","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"18465772_2020-07-09T14:20:08.000Z","text":"SCOTUS going historical today mentioning Burr and Hamilton","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"910124566231621632_2020-07-09T23:01:34.000Z","text":"On behalf of DT, I wanna thank scotus for insuring that all the corruption he has been hiding in his taxes by the \" endless audit\" wont be seen by the voters ahead of the 2020 election!!!! I dont care about some SYMBOLIC defeat he got today.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"40025771_2020-07-10T14:31:04.000Z","text":"Lots of angst about SCOTUS’s rulings from people who don’t know what’s like to have to continually fight for what they believe in. Fight to be heard. Fight to ensure laws are followed. Every. Day. Is a fight but you pick yourself up and ...you fight.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"40253343_2018-06-06T15:44:00.000Z","text":"While I am saddened by the SCOTUS decision in #MasterpieceCakeshop this had been going on for decades in women's healthcare. Doctors have denied women bc methods and sterilization because it goes against their beliefs. \r\nBut this time it made the news because they were dudes.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"502418385_2020-07-09T16:43:04.000Z","text":"If the Supreme Court has never had to decide if your race should have the same rights as others, you have privilege. Fact. #thursdayvibes","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"344651731_2018-06-06T14:01:01.000Z","text":"Who were the two SCOTUS who voted against the Colorado baker?","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"114589939_2018-06-05T12:15:44.000Z","text":"#LOL at the Colorado baker who won a SCOTUS case against a same-sex couple. Fine, have your religious liberty, I’m sure other bakers would rather have the cash than to be self-righteous. #allmoneyspends","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"767869023057014784_2018-06-04T14:53:59.000Z","text":"welp, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of \"religious freedom,\" in that a bakery can refuse to make wedding cakes for gay couples. bakeries that follow suit should have to announce their stance, in advertising & on front door, so we all know who to boycott","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1199154271444332545_2020-07-11T14:53:52.000Z","text":"Why is trump so casual about this election he knows something we don’t the fix is in it will be hacked and he will be elected and the Supreme Court will OK it where in the fucking world of trouble this one’s great country which is now shit fuck you Donnie","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"4740760336_2018-06-05T12:09:32.000Z","text":"The cake maker that refused to make a wedding cake won his supreme Court case. Gay and straight aside that's a huge win for freedom of speech!","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"1629035310_2018-06-04T15:49:00.000Z","text":"This Supreme Court ruling should not be a surprise to anyone. It is very clear that the OWNER of a business has the right to serve or not serve who they please, especially in reguards to religious belief. #SCOTUS made the right decision here 100%\r\n\r\nAlso 7-2 is not narrow.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"18963183_2018-06-04T14:52:50.000Z","text":"I remember when CNN was somewhat neutral. They now are not. For fun, after the SCOTUS Masterpiece Cakeshop ruling was announced, I turned to CNN to see their response. They praised the 2 dissenting justices, and tried to explain what happened while flustered. No thank you.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1236415806419935232_2020-07-17T21:29:50.000Z","text":"Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg admitted to once again having Cancer.\r\nIt's time for preperations to be made for picking the next Supreme court justice who will Succeed Justice Bader Ginsburg.\r\n\r\nPray for Ms Bader Ginsburg in her time of Need.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"58770508_2020-07-18T00:30:17.000Z","text":"Let’s be clear: If Trump gets another SCOTUS pick between now and when his ass is summarily kicked out of the White House, @JoeBiden needs to nominate Merrick Garland as the tenth justice. Garland’s confirmation vote was unconstitutionally stolen by McConnell.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"2664727143_2018-06-07T02:16:26.000Z","text":"Well, it's done. The toilet has been flushed and we're a going down. Corporations now have religious freedom. It wasn't bad enough the supreme court made corporations people, too, which is what started us on this slippery slope. Is there no one left with a brain?","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"19047701_2020-07-09T14:23:17.000Z","text":"FYI....THE PRESIDENT IS NOT ABOVE THE LAW!!!\r\nThank you SCOTUS!!!\r\n#trumpstaxes","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"11953892_2020-07-10T12:23:38.000Z","text":"I’ve been thinking about the supreme court decision on Trump. Wondering how the vote would have gone if it was against another president in office. Reagan, Clinton, Obama? Which president would have gotten a unanimous vote against absolute power?","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"43362603_2020-07-09T23:56:43.000Z","text":"Celebrating the @Scotus ruling on @realDonaldTrump’s #TaxReturns by making @chrissyteigen’s #bananabread. 🙌","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"43809211_2020-07-09T14:28:04.000Z","text":"BREAKING SCOTUS NEWS\r\nTRUMP FINANCIAL CASE\r\n\r\nCongressional committees\r\n\r\n7-2 opinion\r\nFinancial records blocked for now\r\nBack to lower courts\r\n#ONEV1","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"322279925_2020-07-10T00:42:18.000Z","text":"What nobody has ever seen before is when your ass is in court in New York for tax fraud. Also a president (who was impeached), dressed in an orange jumpsuit. That is what nobody has even seen. Also for your information, the Supreme Court doesn’t indulge in witch hunts. Idiot","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"3050192445_2018-06-04T20:29:37.000Z","text":"The fact that Jack’s case had to go to #SCOTUS proves how far we’ve come from the Constitution. Upholding the 1A & protecting religious freedom shouldn’t be big news in America! But I’m thankful that today was a big step toward Constitutional values! #JusticeForJack 🇺🇸","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"779297885259042816_2018-06-05T10:18:49.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court is starting to do what Trump has promised and what the Republicans want. We can't let Trump get another judicial appointment. Obama was cheated out of his appointment and McConnell will rot in hell for that. TAKE THE HILL!","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"8758962_2018-06-04T17:34:05.000Z","text":"Seriously though,\r\nHow many Christian bakeries refuse to make cakes for second marriages or marriages where the bride isn't a virgin?\r\n\r\nI'm guessing not many. It's not about religious convictions it's about discrimination and it's fucking gross that our Supreme Court is allowing it","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1001835050889957376_2020-07-16T04:40:00.000Z","text":"Scotus is High AF, clearly medicated.⚰️🦠☠️","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"16472606_2018-06-07T12:39:34.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court essentially allowed Christian baker a get out of discontinuation free card. They decided the case on the issue of the Colorado commission being mean to the baker. That’s the basic justification.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"970172411214626816_2020-07-09T17:35:47.000Z","text":"Excited and astounded the SCOTUS did the right thing. I had grave concerns.","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"128960677_2018-06-04T14:38:11.000Z","text":"Well, then. 😡🤬🤯 Cakes are too many empty calories anyway. #SCOTUS #PrideMonth2018 #secondclasscitizens","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"591928513_2020-07-15T17:32:01.000Z","text":"PSA: Stop saying that “stay at home orders” & “mask mandates” are “unconstitutional”. The United States Supreme Court has already issued a precedent during the Smallpox epidemic that Constitutional rights can be curtailed during a public health emergency. It's currently the law.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"89475133_2018-06-04T19:03:57.000Z","text":"U.S. Supreme Court ruled 7 to 2 in favor of Colorado cake artist Jack Phillips in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. The ruling reversed the state’s decision to punish Phillips for living and working consistent with his religious beliefs about marriage.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"1101280225353220096_2020-07-09T14:15:33.000Z","text":"🗣 Let me see them taxes Trump!!! #SCOTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"23155584_2020-07-09T14:18:11.000Z","text":"Lord have mercy this journey with the SCOTUS in 2020 has been a RIDE!!","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"2211476448_2020-07-14T17:18:52.000Z","text":"Why aren’t Supreme Court judges, federal and state, elected by the people? Shouldn’t we have a choice in which bias we want to lead the courts? #vote4judges","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"2183348927_2020-07-09T15:05:41.000Z","text":"So I’m happy SCOTUS agreed that the President is not above the law, but the decision does seem like it was a punt to the lower courts in regards to releasing the actual tax returns, so.... yeah. Don’t think those will be released for a while","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"701606101_2020-07-09T14:24:25.000Z","text":"Nice. #SCOTUS rules 7-2 (Thomas & Alito dissenting) in Trump v. Vance that Manhattan DA can subpoena @realDonaldTrump's income tax returns.","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"49468412_2018-06-04T14:27:52.000Z","text":"#BREAKING: Supreme Court rules narrowly for baker who refused to create same-sex couple's wedding cake","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"70124848_2020-07-09T15:30:31.000Z","text":"And Donald Trump announces he is suing the Supreme Court in 3..2..1..","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"185681063_2018-06-04T14:21:52.000Z","text":"Boy the Supreme Court sure is acting an ass today. But then again why should I expect the very people who made corporations people to do the right thing. #ThisIsAmerica","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"249051050_2018-06-08T02:18:24.000Z","text":"Assuming the newest ACA case makes it to #SCOTUS, doesn’t the Texas/DOJ non-severability argument/assumption run into a problem? Thomas’s concurrence in the PASPA case suggests he won’t buy it, right? #AppellateTwitter #LawTwitter","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"60188319_2018-06-04T16:31:20.000Z","text":"#SCOTUS love to see gay couple take on hijab wearing cake baker","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"3543692838_2018-06-05T01:56:27.000Z","text":"# admissionvsinterst. Trump has admitted he was guilty of obstruction and is banking on his “Imperial Presidency “ defense and Republicans on SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1147054299035394048_2020-07-09T14:11:53.000Z","text":"WOW! I WAS ABOUT TO LOSE MY BELIEFS & CONFIDENCE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. I AM BIG ON LAW & ORDER. LAW & ORDER EQUAL FOR ALL! MY DEFINITION OF SUPREME LIVES HIGH IN ESTEEM. UNVARNISHED & UNWAVERING EQUALITY FOR EVERY man woman child public private or government.","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"388321372_2018-06-04T14:43:30.000Z","text":"It’s against my religion to pay taxes. So I get a free pass, right? #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"713403672785330178_2020-07-09T14:41:00.000Z","text":"If the Manhattan district attorney is now able to get all of @realDonaldTrump’s tax records, then I want to see all of the tax records for each #SCOTUS justice.\r\n\r\nFair is fair, right?","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1014246149967024134_2020-07-10T20:07:45.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court is putting Trump crime family on a fast track to an indictment","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"763168634977947649_2020-07-17T17:52:02.000Z","text":"RBG’s health conditions should again cause us to consider the stupid life appointments we give to SCOTUS. A set term with a justice nominated and rotating in/term ending every 2 years would eliminate a lot of the toxicity in our politics.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"376388082_2018-06-04T22:12:38.000Z","text":"One thing is for sure. If the SCOTUS decision went against the baker, the lede would not be the technically accurate \"narrowly.\" The 7-2 would be emphasized as \"Overwhelming, clear victory for gay rights.\"","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1641062696_2018-06-04T14:51:50.000Z","text":"Thank you SCOTUS for affirming my right to refuse service to anyone who has seen 100% of Marvel movies. I finally feel safe in America.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"574030924_2018-06-04T15:45:18.000Z","text":"I’m sorry that SCOTUS decision siding w/baker in gay wedding cake case is being criticized by @Judgenap on @Varneyco Free markets allow a gay couple 2 go 2 a baker who’d be GLAD 2 bake their cake. As a photographer I’d be glad 2 shoot their wed but respect religious freedom","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"54143577_2020-07-09T15:12:31.000Z","text":"The SCOTUS handed President Trump a partial loss Thursday, ruling that he isn't \"categorically immune\" from having his pre-presidential financial records released to a NY grand jury. But in a second decision, the court pushed back against the breadth of congressional authority.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"15462552_2020-07-13T02:51:11.000Z","text":"The 2020 election in addition to the question of Trump vs. America is also a question of Amy Coney Barrett vs Ketanji Brown-Jackson for the next SCOTUS appointment.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"28869632_2020-07-09T14:32:56.000Z","text":"Again, practically speaking today’s SCOTUS rulings mean no Trump tax returns or other financial records will be going public before election. #7News","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"223355760_2020-07-09T14:25:42.000Z","text":"The ruling of SCOTUS should result in some hefty narcissistic rage from @realDonaldTrump","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"209487286_2018-06-04T16:30:38.000Z","text":"Remember: freedom is fragile and justice is a marathon not a sprint. Today’s #SCOTUS decision reminds us of that. Please remember the decision starts with you and your #VOTE, so make sure your voice is heard tomorrow! 🗳","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":0,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"50663506_2020-07-09T14:15:54.000Z","text":"Today’s scotus decision on trump’s taxes comes down to a George W Bush appointee being the decider 🥴\r\n\r\n #TrumpTaxes","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"454851514_2018-06-04T16:41:09.000Z","text":"I see everyone is a SCOTUS expert. In the end: This decision today is already being warped by many to justify homophobia & hate.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"29993833_2020-07-09T14:42:15.000Z","text":"The fact that Trump’s two appointees ruled against him will keep me smiling for at least the next week. #scotus #TrumpTaxReturns","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"24354046_2018-06-04T14:28:00.000Z","text":"The court indicates that courts should recognize that \"these disputes must be resolved with tolerance, without undue disrespect to sincere religious beliefs and without subjecting gay persons to indignities when they seek goods and services in an open market.\" #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"29011874_2020-07-09T14:15:23.000Z","text":"SCOTUS rules against Trump on tax records! The Tweetstorm will be even more intense today!","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"16862150_2018-06-04T18:58:43.000Z","text":"In what fantasy land is 7-2 a \"narrow margin\"? I swear the media can't report ANYTHING without a bias. #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"20094409_2020-07-09T14:16:20.000Z","text":"Rule of law lives! In Trump v Vance, #SCOTUS rules 7-2 that Manhattan DA gets Trump’s tax returns. Thomas and Alito dissent.","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"116229679_2020-07-09T00:16:05.000Z","text":"SCOTUS is allegedly ruling tomorrow and I've seen a few (very smart people) tweet that they're gonna rule against drumpf. I am much less optimistic. It is 2020, so...","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"722632307232874496_2018-06-06T01:15:58.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court ruled this week that business owners cannot be forced to celebrate events and express views that violate their conscience, while the President demands that NFL players stand for the anthem. #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"23508742_2020-07-09T13:16:30.000Z","text":"Today we find out if SCOTUS will follow the law and make Donny the clown release his taxes or if he lined their pockets well enough to side with his narcissistic corruption. The world is watching @Scotus ! Tik Tok.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"629670081_2018-06-04T14:44:00.000Z","text":"So the Supreme Court #scotus ruled in favor of getting to deny #queer #LGBTQ people wedding cakes from Christian bakers. I SAY GOOD. Why? Because if you’re that pathetic that you’re willing to marginalize a group of people you don’t deserve our business. #pride #LGBTPROUD","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"24354046_2018-06-04T14:25:36.000Z","text":"Short answer is that the baker wins for now, because the order against him was set aside because he didn't get a \"neutral decisionmaker who would give full and fair consideration to his religious objection.\" #MasterpieceCakeshop #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"95793002_2020-07-09T05:55:25.000Z","text":"Tax Return Thursday\r\n#SCOTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"23276332_2018-06-05T00:09:41.000Z","text":"\"We must elect a pro-equality legislature. We must elect a pro-equality Governor. Our civil rights depend on it.\" - Daniel Ramos of @One_Colorado #copolitics #SCOTUS #prolgbt","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"32885835_2020-07-09T14:22:37.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court\r\nrules against Trump\r\nWhat a fcking wonderful day for a change.!\r\nBUT....YOU KNOW HE IS ABOUT TO DO SOMETHING VERY CRUEL TO ALL OF US, OR A SPECIFIC \r\nGROUP OF US AS RETALIATION FOR HIS RAGE!\r\nGET READY!","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"3852517877_2020-07-09T16:17:14.000Z","text":"#SCOTUS reaffirms @realDonaldTrump is not above the law!","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"230029679_2020-07-13T10:32:26.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court was corrupt in 1937","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"879486182706393088_2020-07-16T23:59:46.000Z","text":"Florida: Your Poll Tax Will Purge A Million Voters?? The Supreme Court Just Upheld This Suppression Tactic? Your Governor Is As Evil, Devious, Slimy And Mean As Trump??????Remove Him As Soon As Possible Even If It Means A Recall Effort!!!! Be Very Afraid? Elimanate Him Quickly!!","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"68423127_2020-07-09T14:25:17.000Z","text":"Let’s go Supreme Court!!!! #smallwins","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"3059814891_2018-06-05T00:25:07.000Z","text":"#MasterpieceCakeshop case has shown the failure and bias of CO Civil Rights Commission. It can and probably will be heard again, but the Commission will know to hide its blatant bias against religion. #SCOTUS #CoPolitics @gopelpaso","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"17919393_2018-06-04T14:25:04.000Z","text":"#SCOTUS throws out lower court decision that allowed undocumented teen from Central America to obtain an abortion.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"22297879_2018-06-04T17:46:47.000Z","text":"I disagree with SCOTUS’ ruling. I’m gay and basically irreligious. But in my opinion, the court has favored the right of a belief over the right of a reality.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"202676583_2020-07-11T02:20:39.000Z","text":"Is it coincident that Trump lost SCOTUS cases yesterday and commuted Stone today?","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"22155584_2018-06-04T17:03:00.000Z","text":"#SCOTUS decision does not surprise me but honestly I don’t want it from you if that’s your stance. I don’t want the bad energy! Nothing! I ain’t begging you to take my money.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"716381817746563072_2018-06-04T17:36:42.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court ruled that a Colorado baker's constitutional rights were violated after he refused to serve a same-sex couple's wedding. #TruthWins #JesusIsLord","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"256063557_2018-06-04T15:10:43.000Z","text":"SCOTUS decision this morning is awful. Creates more confusion and slippery slope to discriminate based on one’s religious “beliefs”. Only dissenters were Ginsburg and Sotomayor. Kagan, Breyer, and Kennedy should have stepped up.\r\nIt should have been an easy 5/4 decision.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"744367064224239617_2020-07-11T00:16:38.000Z","text":"It's not enough for our #Republican brothers and sisters to condemn Trump.\r\n\r\nYou MUST vote for @JoeBiden. It's OK. We have a #USHouse and a #USSenate.\r\n\r\nWe have a #SCOTUS!\r\n\r\nWe need a normal citizen as @POTUS.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"16005814_2020-07-09T14:16:17.000Z","text":"Not to be a Debbie Downer, but what if the @deutchebank records have already been destroyed?\r\n\r\n#SCOTUS #TrumpTaxes","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"470476269_2020-07-09T14:37:25.000Z","text":"Why is everyone celebrating about this decision? The waffling in the ruling means that by the time the lower court stuff is resolved, trump will invent a new phony reason to prevent the tax returns from being released and there will be a second appeal to the Supreme Court","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"49053573_2018-06-04T21:22:45.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court, in a 7-2 decision, says baker can refuse cake for gay wedding.\r\n\r\nWhat next? Catholic pharmacist refuses birth control prescription? Muslim band refuses to play at wedding if alcohol served? Jewish caterer refuses bride's request for pork ribs at reception?","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"4127948117_2020-07-09T14:57:01.000Z","text":"Ooo! I’m having so much fun retweeting replies to @realDonaldTrump tweets whining about SCOTUS being so mean. Life is unfair, Don the Con. 1) you inherit millions, 2) you cheat and scam your way through a life of luxury, 3) SCOTUS says you have to show your taxes. Meanies!","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"249640299_2020-07-09T14:17:49.000Z","text":"Pretty crazy day when the Supreme Court makes two announcements, and “the eastern half of Oklahoma is actually Native American land now”\r\nIsn’t even the most surprising one.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"2440485955_2020-07-17T17:28:34.000Z","text":"RBG is everything the Supreme Court needs to be. God Speed. We Love her and she is an American Icon. Prayers for health, light and wisdom.","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"15395340_2020-07-09T16:15:22.000Z","text":"Waiting for Trump to appeal to the Supreme Court of the Milky Way.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"266960307_2020-07-09T16:23:14.000Z","text":"Everyone talking about SCOTUS decision regarding POTUS taxes, but Indian Country is celebrating the long and anxiously awaited #McGirt decision. Aho!","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"2179501080_2018-06-04T16:47:34.000Z","text":"Way to reinforce the fact that if your straight and white you can do whatever you want #SCOTUS heaven forbid someone filled with hatred gets their feelings hurt. I bet he’s made cake for an LGBTQA+ wedding planner 😱 #MasterpieceCakeshop","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"15883600_2020-07-09T14:34:51.000Z","text":"Supreme Court is 1/100% behind the president*.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"56123908_2018-06-04T16:04:48.000Z","text":"to the Supreme Court - You’re going backwards shameful","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"60680258_2018-06-04T16:35:33.000Z","text":"What I like about the Masterpiece Cakeshop decision is that SCOTUS only addressed the case/controversy before them. The Court fulfilled its duty and did not overstep its boundaries. If the opinion were more broad it could have been detrimental for the larger communities involved.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"10292132_2018-06-04T14:31:07.000Z","text":"You can have your cake and eat it too, but you can’t make someone else bake it. #Scotus #MasterpieceCakeshop #ReligiousFreedom","case":"masterpiece","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"25000779_2020-07-09T14:40:25.000Z","text":"Lol imagine thinking something is a “witch hunt” when the guy saying “I’ve done nothing wrong” has taken his case to the Supreme Court to avoid the release of his taxes. Lol I don’t think people know what “witch hunt” means","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"322279925_2020-07-10T02:16:17.000Z","text":"White House aides say Trump in very deep funk all day, cursing the Supreme Court, saying I appointed them, without me they would be nothing. Trump embarrassed by Stormy Daniels & $130,000 dollars. Look for Trump to golf all weekend.When advisors gave him poll numbers, he blew up.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"21057550_2018-06-04T19:35:17.000Z","text":"“All pride parades should be protest marches this summer”. I agree. #Pride2018 #SCOTUS","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"607310975_2020-07-09T12:06:32.000Z","text":"I’m not waiting on a lady/\r\nI’m just waiting on the SCOTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"2573208707_2018-06-04T22:35:13.000Z","text":"While the media is concerned about a consensual blow job from 20 years ago, Trump and #SCOTUS are burning our country down TODAY.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"497947909_2018-06-04T15:14:10.000Z","text":"So the Supreme Court makes it so nobody in America that owns a public business can discriminate against anyone for any reason except gay people? Wtf?","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"167499481_2018-06-04T21:11:00.000Z","text":"America is a country that has throughout its history stated that some people have rights & others don't. Native Americans, black Americans, Irish, Jews, women, LGBTQ. Today's #SCOTUS decision was a step in the wrong direction. One day we might have equality today is not that day.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"39141437_2020-07-09T14:46:31.000Z","text":"Will Donald Trump threaten to cut funding for the Supreme Court?","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"935648190_2020-07-10T15:30:20.000Z","text":"Now that I've had a chance to reflect on the recent scotus rulings regarding Trump's taxes I'm starting to come around to the idea that Trump could shoot someone on 5th avenue and Michael Cohen would go to jail.","case":"mazars","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"54143577_2020-07-09T19:23:31.000Z","text":"Politically speaking,Thursday was a good day for Trump because the public isn't going to get a look at his tax returns before the Nov. election. SCOTUS rejected the House's attempt to get a look at Trump taxes and in the case of the NY grand jury, it sent it back to a lower court","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"24381999_2020-07-09T13:52:03.000Z","text":"We're expecting #SCOTUS to announce their rulings on the bank records and eastern Oklahoma cases at ten, right?","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"317444651_2020-07-09T14:26:29.000Z","text":"The separation of powers is alive and well! #SCOTUS","case":"mazars","expert1":1,"expert2":1,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"16330841_2020-07-17T17:00:40.000Z","text":"If anyone thought the upcoming elections were not important to young voters I leave you with a single hashtag #RBG. If we can’t balance SCOTUS, your future rights will be affected for a generation and perhaps your children’s.","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"142608483_2018-06-04T14:38:09.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court Ruling for the Colorado baker; how will that work? If a mother buys a wedding cake for her gay son’s wedding & doesn’t mention that it is for said son - is she breaking the law? How can a baker control which wedding their cakes end up in? The laws an ass!","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"470621760_2018-06-05T06:38:39.000Z","text":"Is there a service that reads #SCOTUS decisions like an audiobook? Asking for a friend. #lawschool #commuterproblems","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"34385750_2018-06-05T19:38:27.000Z","text":"Mueller is going after Manafort for witness tampering. Wants him imprisoned until trial. Two points. One: Mueller & team have reputation for strong arming as well as putting innocent people in prison to rot only to be released when the Supreme Court overruled and threw case out.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"110630284_2020-07-15T00:18:41.000Z","text":"Honest debate question: would the GOP push through a Supreme Court nominee if they had the opportunity?","case":"mazars","expert1":0,"expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"19821831_2018-06-04T21:34:36.000Z","text":"1/ I’ve received a few messages, texts, and emails asking for my thoughts on the Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission #SCOTUS ruling. Here’s a thread of my abbreviated thoughts on the matter. Love y’all.","case":"masterpiece","expert2":0,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"210096189_2018-06-04T19:11:44.000Z","text":"SCOTUS be wilding","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"354674290_2018-06-04T14:31:05.000Z","text":"If you want civil change you gotta start sueing and win cases and appeal to federal courts - scotus","case":"masterpiece","expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"129067238_2018-06-04T14:49:25.000Z","text":"Basically, the Supreme Court found that some Colorado commissioners are jerks.","case":"masterpiece","expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"935107884089860096_2020-07-09T16:28:02.000Z","text":"The Supreme Court easily could have said the lower courts got it wrong. It didn’t meaning the rulings will more than likely stand and the House will eventually see them with the support of even Gorsuch and Kavanaugh\r\n\r\nTrump is having the worst day of both his presidency and life","case":"mazars","expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"30785195_2018-06-04T21:45:30.000Z","text":"Hey there, let’s all read about the SCOTUS wedding cake decision before freaking out. It only affects the individuals in that specific case. Nothing was decided regarding society at large.","case":"masterpiece","expert2":1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"3401061634_2018-06-04T16:20:47.000Z","text":"2. If Obama had been allowed to choose a different supreme court justice then we wouldn't have this abhorrent piece of legislation. Gay pride. #PrideMonth Republicans cheat because they know that is the only way they'd win. #VoteThemOut","case":"masterpiece","expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"934899049580425216_2018-06-04T22:44:22.000Z","text":"Juan Smith From the Five on Fox is\r\na close friend of Supreme court \r\nJustice Clarence Thomas and they\r\nhave one thing in common they both\r\nare married to white woman if they\r\nboth would have had a basketball \r\nthey would have lost interest in white\r\nWomen","case":"masterpiece","expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"1126128318_2020-07-17T18:18:37.000Z","text":"Here in America, we believe in SENSIBLE and FAIR term limits!\r\n\r\nHouse: Elected, 2-year term\r\n\r\nPOTUS: Elected, 4-year term\r\n\r\nSenate: Elected, 6-year term\r\n\r\nSCOTUS: 9 appointed wizards who make generational rulings for the remainder of their mortal existence","case":"mazars","expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"215340947_2018-06-07T20:31:43.000Z","text":"Dear supreme Court Justice I want the FBI boss vs me in front of the judges to hear our case","case":"masterpiece","expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"3171093349_2018-06-04T14:50:26.000Z","text":"1) When can government force a private citizen to act against his religious beliefs?\r\n2) What is the limit of \"because my religion\" as an excuse to discriminate?\r\nTough questions in direct conflict with each other. SCOTUS ducked them. America won't be able to.","case":"masterpiece","expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"26691059_2018-06-04T15:09:35.000Z","text":"I gotta be honest, waking up on a Monday morning to hear about all of the many ways that the Supreme Court is fucking things up, makes me SO HAPPY that I got my #TubesTied in March! Our bodies and lives are OUR OWN! ✊🏻","case":"masterpiece","expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"702881049936703488_2020-07-09T15:00:20.000Z","text":"Finally got through to @SenMikeLee office. TATE, super cute, inten, is ALL IN MIKE LEE, who disrespects SUPREME COURT PROCESS. Justices should put on political hats and vote CONSERVATIVE. Mike wants a FEDERAL BENCH POSITION.","case":"mazars","expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"910124566231621632_2020-07-09T22:51:32.000Z","text":"Why couldn't this scotus use that 1924 law that upon request .. yes shall hand the tax info over? Cited by house, ways, means , committee? They could have and should have hung their hats on THAT and forced this ass hand. I am very mad today. Dk why he is!!! Seems his way","case":"mazars","expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"854895607_2018-06-04T14:43:56.000Z","text":"The #SCOTUS ruling today exemplifies why we have Pride. We threw bricks at cops at Stonewall to fight against homophobia and an oppressive state, and we shouldn’t be afraid to use this kind of disobedience to demand equal rights.","case":"masterpiece","expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"175174041_2018-06-08T01:31:37.000Z","text":"Can't Cohen's Lawyer win \"Invasion Of Privacy before the Supreme Court?","case":"masterpiece","expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"878749387459088386_2020-07-18T12:09:40.000Z","text":"SCOTUS's RBG beats cancer 4x this past year at 87. John Lewis, congressman, dies of cancer at 80 overnight. I thought, nevermind...","case":"mazars","expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"39619956_2018-06-04T16:29:22.000Z","text":"Congratulations to all those Trump voters who you know have gay friends for talking away their ability to shop like a person do you think a pick by Hilary Clinton to the Supreme Court would have had the same outcome? #OpenToAll #MasterpieceCakeshop #GaysForTrump","case":"masterpiece","expert2":-1,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"123685982_2018-06-04T14:18:57.000Z","text":"Looks like today is going to be a big day for SCOTUS decisions.","case":"masterpiece","expert1":0,"expert2":0} {"tweet_id":"2259216147_2020-07-11T14:38:56.000Z","text":"I have some disjointed thoughts on the SCOTUS decision in McGirt this week (Creek Reservation Boundary Case):\r\n\r\n1. The opinion was very good, and I give Gorsuch credit for speaking with moral clarity. BUT...Sotomayor has been in the same place on Indian law since she got on Court","case":"mazars","expert2":0,"expert3":1} {"tweet_id":"179228035_2018-06-04T14:23:12.000Z","text":"Ok. Discrimination is not right, no matter what the GOP engineered Supreme Court says. #SupremeCourt #gayrights","case":"masterpiece","expert1":-1,"expert2":-1} {"tweet_id":"20706302_2018-06-05T04:16:47.000Z","text":"Another prediction/more thoughts: if/when another Masterpiece makes it back to SCOTUS, they may overrule Employment Division v. Smith in order to resolve this on free speech grounds. (1/2)","case":"masterpiece","expert2":0,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"244592512_2018-06-04T23:15:29.000Z","text":"Per the #SCOTUS decision, you legally have the right now to start every potential new purchase with a business by asking them if they’d serve an openly gay customer and then walk away if they say “No.”\r\n\r\nHappy #Pride everyone 🏳️‍🌈. Spend you dollars where they’re #OpenToAll","case":"masterpiece","expert2":0,"expert3":-1} {"tweet_id":"879486182706393088_2020-07-16T23:44:04.000Z","text":"And Remember My Fellow Democrats, Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Fragile Hold On Her Seat At The Supreme Court Hangs In The Balance??? Electing Joe Biden Is The Only Thing That Will Keep In Place Roe Vs. Wade For Another Generation!! Think About That Women Voters. Just Imagine No MoreRoe?","case":"mazars","expert2":-1,"expert3":0} {"tweet_id":"1040396104091688963_2020-07-17T18:32:54.000Z","text":"I’m Sure That TRUMP And McConnel Hope That RBG of The Supreme Court DIES So They Can Get Another Good Ol Boy On The Court!\r\nRuth You Go Girl, Wishing And Praying For Your Full Recovery, What A STRONG WOMAN!!","case":"mazars","expert2":1,"expert3":1}